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Everything posted by LovinMeSomeBanshee

  1. When I was a kid, The Racer was the first "big" coaster I rode. It still has only a 48" requirement. Is that not a family coaster?
  2. Why does everyone forget Surf Dog? It IS technically a family "coaster"..
  3. Track pieces for a giga that's being installed and opened by next year would certainly be fabricating by now. Giga coasters by far require the most track pieces and supports. Does anyone here know how many total pieces of track Fury required?
  4. Would Kings Island really tease something as small as Antique Cars?
  5. I can't count on one hand the number of coasters that need a new coat of paint. It's a common theme.
  6. The neon green almost matches the color Firehawk was (in a previous life)
  7. Those definitely look like either hyper or giga track pieces. They almost match Fury's track.
  8. It has to be than just a queue line. That wouldn't explain all of the clearing by Diamondback's hammerhead or the markers near the train shed.
  9. Gigas are plentiful? There's not one within 6 hours of where I live. Kings Island getting one would put one within day-trip distance for a lot of people.
  10. So have any of you been past CSF the last couple of days? Any other sections of green track out there?
  11. Hmm...well then that doesn't sound like a steel coaster then.
  12. So if we assume it's a steel (and by extension, a B&M), the chances have to be good that it's a giga, right? I don't see them putting in a Dive Machine the year after CP gets Valravn. I guess it's possible it's a wing rider, but I don't see them spending Thunderbird-like money on one. Maybe this is just the optimist in me. #teamgiga
  13. So regarding these markers...how far apart were they spaced? We could easily tell whether it's a woodie vs something like a steel B&M, right?
  14. I thought that was what you were going to say. Most excellent, and much appreciated
  15. So for us that have no idea what that means - what does it mean?
  16. I don't understand the allure for it. To each their own, I guess.
  17. If you look closely with a magnifying glass, you can also see "Intamin" and "cowboy coaster". It's getting real.
  18. ^Yeah, I guess that completely slipped my mind. Nevermind.
  19. Not sure if Falling Trees is a tease towards the theme of the ride (like Banshee's tease was), or it's just a tease that there will be a development. When I think Falling Trees, I think wind. Perhaps tornado related. Something twisty with a tornado theme?
  20. So the new giga is going to cross over or under Diamondback. At what point in the ride was the marker?
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