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Everything posted by LovinMeSomeBanshee

  1. Can’t wait to see this behemoth (whatever it is) grow up before our eyes.
  2. So we're down to what - Giga and Wing?
  3. Wasn’t the Happy Days Diner car blue?
  4. S could be a different type of coaster altogether, right? Does it have to be MCS, or could it also be DCS or any other type?
  5. Wait, there are new clearings being made? If anyone has photos that would like to show, please send them to me. I won't share to anyone else.
  6. They are testing Delirium on the Banshee cam. Getting excited!
  7. I would like to see any photos, if those that have them would like to share. Thanks.
  8. Then the park needs to adapt. Technology has permitted the human race to see everything that happens on this planet at any time - instantly. Kings Island does not own what a parcel of land looks like from above. If Kings Island doesn't want drones buzzing about (legally) and doesn't want planes flying overhead taking aerial photography, then they can stifle it by distributing their own, OFFICIAL photography. But the days of building structures outdoors and somehow surprising customers on opening day are gone. Kings Island needs to get with the times.
  9. I don't think anyone feels we are "owed" this information. We're not asking KI Central or Kings Island/Cedar Fair to provide any information whatsoever. But if a private member decides he wants to legally take aerial photos and post it here, what's the harm?
  10. You're the one misconstruing a disdain for inconsistency and censorship as disrespect for the admins. Don't put that on those of us that just want a fair application of the rules. This site is either fully independent, or directly managed by the park. There's no in-between.
  11. You are correct. They are fit to moderate how they want. But you know what ALWAYS kills a good thing? Inconsistency.
  12. So in other words, this IS NOT truly an "independent" site. As of now, if Kings Island says jump, you guys say "how high?" That's NOT what the average person here wants. The small bones the park throws to this site is not enough for the type of censorship we see here. It's ridiculous.
  13. When did the first teasers for Fury get released at Carowinds? Edit: I guess what I mean is, when did the public first get any indication that a major attraction was coming? Land clearing, footer work, park teasers, etc.
  14. I don’t know, the hanging upside down for half a minute seems worse to me.
  15. I'm assuming the filling of sand happens at CSF, right? I've never seen a substantial quantity of sand around the factory when driving past. Perhaps in the back? Maybe I'll check Google Earth images..
  16. It's funny that people want to give the drone guys/plane guys a hard time for taking photos of the park, and say Kings Island will keep up updated officially with progress pics, and then we see nothing. I'm on Team Drones/Airplanes, because the communication from KI staff is lacking.
  17. Have any photos been posted lately on the progress of this project?
  18. So the guy over Food and Beverages was previously over HR and Admissions? Hmm. Maybe I should apply for some of their IT positions. I don't know IT, but that doesn't seem to matter.
  19. Vortex is now what, 30 something years old? How much longer do we expect it to stay around?
  20. I don't understand the need for a processing fee for online orders. Just another way to make money. Online ordering, for the vast majority of industries, lowers overall cost. But I have a feeling someone will come to KI's/CF's rescue and defend it, as typical.
  21. I saw cement trucks a couple of days ago on the Banshee cam, but they continued on past AE, and not in the general area of the area being excavated.
  22. So this may already be posted somewhere on these forums, and I apologize in advance if that is the case, but: When can we expect to start seeing track at CSF if we're getting a giga? This spring/summer?
  23. For someone that has never attended CoasterStock (or any other behind-the-scenes events), how does one get ready/register for something like this? Are there prerequisites?
  24. Guys, I'm trying to be optimistic about this ride. I really am. But everything I've seen to this point just leaves me feeling quite disappointed. I guess you just have to have the tame coasters too, for the smaller kids. Ugh.
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