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Everything posted by LovinMeSomeBanshee

  1. Kings Island isn't getting an Intamin "cowboy" coaster. For good reason.
  2. So some have said that the contract for DA was renewed, but is there any confirmation for it? Would they shut DA down at the end of the month if the contract wasn't renewed?
  3. So do the dinos get tarped up or anything in the winter? I took a jaunt through there last season with my son for the first time in years, and they're looking ragged.
  4. This actually makes a ton more sense than trying to squeeze a Giga into Rivertown. KI, please make this happen.
  5. So in order for us to have a coaster in 2017, they would have to move Dinosaurs Alive to Rivertown AND start preparation for construction in Coney Mall. I don't know, seems like a lot of work to do, and not a lot of time to do it.
  6. Those cups said they expired December 31st last year, and the year before..
  7. ^ Ride Diamondback, then ride Fury. Totally different, at least to me.
  8. How late into the year did CSF start putting Fury track out in 2014?
  9. Has anyone drove past CSF recently? Any new track out and about?
  10. I guess you could say that a Giga is the crown jewel of coasters, and with the third highest-revenue-making park in the chain not having one, it's only a matter of time.
  11. There's really nothing going on construction-wise at the moment. No teasers, no trees going down (that we can see on cam). Without off-topic conversation, this place would be a ghost town right now. I just can't stand the childish bickering that fortunately rarely occurs.
  12. Is it too late to join one of these and also reserve a spot for CS?
  13. ^ I wish I was a member of a coaster club. Perhaps next year
  14. Anyone know what they're doing to the left of Diamondback this morning? I've seen a forklift dropping off pallets of something in the grass next to the road all morning. The road to the left of Diamondback is taped off.
  15. If all we get out of this is a boring flat, I'm going to be disappointed.
  16. Fury went up pretty darn fast. Of course that was in Charlotte, but still.
  17. Yes. Avalanche Run at Kings Dominion. ...Coast Rider at Knott's? It's as recent as 2013. Yep. According to Wiki, Sierra Sidewinder was next most recent in 2007.
  18. I'm down for Coaster McCoastface as long as it's a B&M Giga.
  19. I've been to Cedar Point twice in the past five years, and TTD was closed on both of my visits. Not exactly a glowing review from me.
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