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Everything posted by LovinMeSomeBanshee

  1. I steer clear of Louisville as a whole as much as possible. And oh yeah, Go Cats.
  2. Supports about to go up for anyone wanting to watch....this makes me as giddy as a little kid on Christmas.
  3. It looks like today is going to be a busy day at the construction site. There are six supports (I think) on the ground ready to be installed directly in front of the camera, and a crane ready to hoist them.
  4. Is there not a way to search for new trademark filings for a specific category, such as "Amusement Park Rides"? That just seems too easy.
  5. New supports going up closer to the camera. They're finally working on "this side" of the station.
  6. For those interested, it looks like they are about to lift a huge section of brake run track onto the supports.
  7. I'm going to be honest, I avoid Festhaus any time that show is going on. Yuck.
  8. It looks like Mason is going to miss all of the rain we're getting down here in central Kentucky. It's been raining all night and about to start raining for a few more hours.
  9. It looks like it's going to rain soon and for the rest of the evening.
  10. They definitely could have done a lot more with the Diamondback theming.
  11. How exactly did you determine which seat was the front? Since, you know, it's round..
  12. Universal owns the rights to Marvel for any theme park east of the Mississippi River.
  13. Most of us knew from the beginning this would be a failed venture. It's only a matter of time, sadly.
  14. Yeah, I want to get her a pass, but I just feel like after paying for two passes for three years, I should be able to renew those two passes regardless of who is on the card. I'll give them a call when Guest Services opens again.
  15. Does anyone ere know off the top of their head if they allow the transfer of a gold pass from one person to another for 2015? I've paid for two gold passes for several years now, and my baby brother has moved on to college. My wife would like to start going, but I'd like to get the benefits of renewing rather than becoming a new pass holder.
  16. More track being installed! This appears to be the brake run.
  17. The construction cam for Fury 325 is atrocious. Come on Carowinds, you can do much better.
  18. New supports are up this morning for the brake run behind the station. This thing is coming up quickly.
  19. I usually try to ride front if possible. Riding anything in Row 8 always gives me a headache that Tylenol/Advil/Aleve can't fix.
  20. Forgive me if this has already been posted, but the Today Show on NBC just reported that PETA is buying up stock in SeaWorld. This feels like a circus.
  21. I can't even imagine how much it has to cost for a company to rent the entire park for a day. Any guesses?
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