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Everything posted by LovinMeSomeBanshee

  1. I witnessed an older lady (mid-60s?) absolutely giving the park employee hell when told that she couldn't take a purse in line. It was embarrassing and I felt bad for the young lady receiving it. People need to learn to go around these people instead of just standing there, waiting for the issue to be resolved.
  2. $22 million would be the most expensive dive coaster ever built. If that's what it is, it'll be massive.
  3. Day 62: "My hands tremble as I write. The crew whispers that we are hundreds of miles off course. Will we ever see the New World?" I have nothing for this one.
  4. That's two different segments of track, with the color change on just a small portion of each segment. Looks painted.
  5. Here's the bottomline...we all know that the no photos/no video rule exists because of safety, but if there are other reasons, it doesn't really matter. It's KI's property, and you are a guest subject to their rules. Either follow them or leave.
  6. ^ LOL at the guy who attempted to nonchalantly blame KK's troubles on the state and people of Kentucky. You can stay away as we'd prefer you to never grace us with your (lack of) class.
  7. Meh, another gimmick. People actually want to see video of themselves while riding?
  8. Does KK not have a proper Human Resources department? I mean, this is BASIC stuff they are screwing up..
  9. I think the footers all point to a steel coaster though, don't they? The photos I've seen look just like Banshee's footers.
  10. Day 66: "Where are the stars that have guided us for so long? Extinguished by this endless storm. I fear we have at last lost our way." Extinguished...water element. I'm starting to lean towards a dive coaster too.
  11. I'll be honest, I wouldn't pay anywhere near full price to go to KK. I'd much rather be at KI or HW instead.
  12. Holiday World is nice and so are the family skiing resorts (Perfect North, Paoli Peaks). Indiana is also known for some super-delusional college basketball fans. Irrelevant since the 80s
  13. ^Perhaps the bigger seats cost more? Weigh more? Allow more weight per train that what is recommended? I'm sure there's a legitimate explanation.
  14. Why should the consumer have to tell the merchant to call the front desk? Why can't the front desk tell everyone beforehand?
  15. They won't fill it with water again, for reasons already stated in this thread.
  16. I watched a cell phone fall out of someone's hand while on Firehawk and saw it plummet to the grass below. The guy then proceeded to get irate when the ride ops wouldn't retrieve it for him.
  17. BTW, I've been to Kings Island 4 times in the past 30 days, so it was likely sent out to all passholders.
  18. I just have this nagging feeling that Kentucky Kingdom is not going to survive.
  19. ^ The guy in our train had the camera mount already strapped to his chest, but did not attempt to attach the camera until we departed the station. I'm assuming they aren't allowed, as the ride op said "no cameras" while confiscating it.
  20. Woohoo my hometown! Go Big Blue
  21. It sounds like Lebron is on his way back to Cleveland. Too much smoke at this point.
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