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Everything posted by JubJester

  1. I like that idea. Something like that would fit in perfectly.
  2. You are absolutely correct! A must see. Saw it for the first time last night, and it was fantastic. Those three guys did a great job. I really hope they have the show next year.
  3. If that's the case, the party may look like this:
  4. That wouldn't make sense with fewer rides open. They would be better off with just one line.
  5. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have to do that. I also don't see a Sky Ride going to Soak City and back. Obviously the old location wouldn't work. But they can easily find a spot. I would like it to go behind the Eiffel Tower like the old one.
  6. They could name it "Floss Mode". Is that better for you?
  7. Keep in mind you want the two International Streets to be different. What would be the point in them being the same?
  8. I didn't know Invertigo replaced the antique cars.
  9. It is considered a coaster to KI. I dont think another one would come to KI. I would like to see them eventually put another coaster in Planet Snoopy.
  10. That's what I'm figuring. It's just out of the blue. Edit: I'm not trying to be rude or anything. Was just confused.
  11. I just want to know why this guy just signed up to ask this.
  12. I really didnt notice. International Street seems to have gotten more lights. The part next to Diamondback's splashdown no longer have the flashing lights.
  13. @harmony29 Facebook has tons of complaining in comment sections. Seems like the unhappiest of people are on there, and are the loudest. For that exact reason, I don't even bother reading comment sections anymore. People just complain to complain.
  14. Here you go. I knew it was a good idea to take a photo. I may have missed some flavors. There were a lot.
  15. I agree, it was. Looked amazing. It really lit up the street once the switch was flipped
  16. I'm sure someone did. (It had to be done) Are you talking about the one at 5:30? If so, yes I did.
  17. Got in line for Flight of Fear and it's currently in a delay. Hopefully Firehawk didn't pass breaking down to FoF. Also here are some photos of posters outside Flight of Fear's exit. Flight of Cheer!
  18. I saw that this thread was the latest and got excited. Darn.
  19. I really did enjoy the design you made. Very well done. I do like the fact it stays in the woods. Something I hope the do in the future.
  20. Use a completely new name that doesnt go off something in the park. Also change the colors to not look like Fury 325.
  21. I highly doubt this is from the park themselves when this is 380 feet tall but has a 410 drop, and clearly doesn't go underground. A mistake the park wouldn't make. I also don't think they would make this detailed of a teaser this early.
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