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Everything posted by KatieF

  1. I agree! It really made it look fresh! Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  2. I'm with Ken. Personally I think it's ticketed as one coaster, so I count it as one credit. Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  3. I think Saturday's may be the best! Everyone thought that I was going to be miserable last week because of the weather and it ended up being perfect! Sent from my LG-M150 using Tapatalk
  4. I was actually super impressed with the shed, but I knew what was going to be in it before I rode it. I had a little trouble seeing the first screen of you're towards the back of the car, so I truthfully can't tell you what was on it. I think the shed is cool because you can play with it over the years. If the screens start to get the Boocifer effect and not work, I think some old parlor tricks of something moving by itself or other ghostly activity would be super neat and would add to the creepy sawmill vibe. It wouldn't be monster themed, but it'd be neat.
  5. I heard it as the park was closing, and occasionally thrown in at Planet Snoopy.
  6. Sounds silly but I wasn't expecting to see him walking around the track by MT and it spooked me. The theming had me anxious!
  7. When I went to the park last Saturday, I was amazed at the difference of entering the park with the music change! Like I thought everyone was just exaggerating at how much better it is.
  8. I think I saw someone on the train still in a costume when I was in line for MT. He was wearing overalls?
  9. If we're going to go by Disney standards, themed uniforms could be pretty cool actually. I think they'd definitely hate it but could probably add to the themes of the lands. (But I'm seriously completely okay with their clothing!)
  10. I think a unique Bavarian themed shop would fit the space they have already and could be really easy to add that mood back to Oktoberfest. The majority of World Showcase in WDW is shops or eateries, and you really do feel like you're in a new world there!
  11. This was very interesting to read... personally, I think the Son of Beast line is completely professional. It's a reference to a former ride, and it's not something that the park doesn't talk about. If another guest doesn't get the joke, that's not that employees fault. I absolutely want to see ride ops' personalities some when I ride. When I've been standing in line and hearing them say the same script over and over again, I begin to feel sorry for them because I know it's got to be very monotonous. I know it's incredibly monotonous to hear "did you enjoy your ride? Have a good rest of the day at Kings Island". Wanna know what I did think was unprofessional? Hearing several ride ops complain that they've been working for five hours. I hate to say that I don't care, but I don't. Or the ones who look so miserable and tired of checking restraints. So yes, please joke, whistle, sing, dance. Please.
  12. Honestly I didn't know Adventure Express was apart of Octoberfest. I think a shop or bakery of Bavarian treats would be neat!
  13. I voted Woodstock Express as best woodie in the park because truthfully I haven't decided if MT has replaced The Beast as best in the park.
  14. I don't know enough about Carowinds, I think. But is there Coney section based off of the park that started it all? I hate to sound cheesy but I think losing Racer isn't worth a new coaster in XBase. While I love AE, I'd much rather see it go for an XBase Expansion. From what I could see in the shops last week, it's not like it's well advertised and was a walk on on Saturday. However, I'd rather see neither coaster disappear for an expansion! I hate XBase's theming as much as I do Oktoberfest, and I think some new theming in that area could really give it the facelift it needs. I actually think it'd be a great spot for a small motion simulator. The park doesn't really have one and it'd fit easy with the theme.
  15. It's interesting to me that the rumor of Racer being removed is brought up. If they removed Racer, honestly, what appeal would Coney Mall have? A bunch of flat rides and games?
  16. Thanks! I was rather relieved to see this too. Although I don't ride this when I'm there-- Vortex looked and sounded wonderful too. It still needs that fresh coat of paint, but it sounded like it had had some TLC over the break!
  17. Thanks!! So, part 2-- After MT, we hopped over to The Beast. Unfortunately, out of everything I got to ride, I thought this was in the worst shape. The ride itself was alright, the new signs on tops of the hills. The queue was what disappointed me the most! One of the "warning" signs fell down while we waited, the old water mill thing is falling apart, and overall it felt kind of in disrepair. I could see Haunt props in a little tiny storage room in the queue, and I saw the barrels from Phantom Theatre. I think the rides queue line could really use some TLC soon. (also I must have been in line with every teenager in the park so I was super cranky then) We also caught rides on The Bat, Racer, BLSC, and Adventure Express. Adventure Express was in pretty good shape! Although the big ending drummer guy wasn't moving, there were some new effects I had never noticed before that were neat! I always have issues with The Bat's queue line. I really, really hate seeing the buildings for Haunt attractions so clearly labeled and there's two things I can see in this line alone. I really feel like it sticks out like a sore thumb. The time that the park is open-- the majority of it isn't Haunt. I just wish they'd cover the signs so they'd blend in with the park more. It looks like they just didn't clean up, and it bugs me. We caught one last ride on MT at nighttime and truthfully-- it's giving Beast a run for its money. I only had to wait about 45 minutes, but the ride is just so mind blowing in the dark. I absolutely recommend it! We got The Bat ending, and the snakes!! Although we weren't there for long, I enjoyed looking for Easter eggs from the past in the park. Like as much as it annoys me that in the Bats line, I can still see the American flag and stars... I secretly like seeing that last touch from a past attraction.
  18. I went with my friend Stephanie despite the weather warnings-- and we ended up having perfect weather! We arrived at around 5oclock, and I always go counter clockwise around the park. We hit Planet Snoopy first, with a ride on Boo Blasters and Surf Dog. BB was in fairly good condition. The targets weren't very responsive, but the animatronics worked overall except for Sha--I mean the tourist. I didn't remember the 2nd Boocifer screen! We headed to MT next, and I was happy with our wait. We were in line for about an hour, but the theming helped pass the time quickly! I wish they'd turn off the FunTV's so you could suck up that environment more! The ride itself is magnificent. I had watched POV videos and was still surprised at some of the turns! Truthfully I was more impressed with the Shed than I expected to be. The screens used for the monsters were a great effect and we haven't seen something like this in the park for a long time! I'll finish up my report later! I'm on my lunch break!
  19. I went into the candy store on International Street for the first time yesterday and bought some candy bars with some of the roller coasters on the wrapper. I thought these were super cute and make great tiny gifts! Are these new this year?!
  20. I'm in the Alcatraz sweatshirt! I got in a day ride and a night ride and am in love with it. I highly doubted that I could love a ride more than Beast but I think it took the spot.
  21. I'm in line for Mystic Timbers!!! Can't wait!
  22. I don't THINK they will Saturday, especially just because it's rain,
  23. Since it's so rainy on Saturday, does the park ever close because of attendance or weather?
  24. What do you guys recommend for clothing on rainy days? It's supposed to be cool Saturday
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