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Post your favorite pic of 2007


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  kjkjkj said:

this is the only good picture i took of an amusment park this year

Were you at a place with like a light house and stuff when you took this? Because that picture looks very simaler to a picture that I took a while back from when we took a trip to CP.

I was thinking that he could have been on the Jet Express going from Sandusky to Put-in-Bay.

Or it could be one heckava good camera with a fantastic zoom on it.

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  standbyme said:
There are some very nice pictures displayed here. I especially like Gordon Bombay's. It looks almost too good to be "real"! (Not that I am doubting that it is.) That is one problem I have with the new computer/digital era...it kind of takes away from someone who actually has the ability to take a good photo instead of just "creating it" with special effects and airbrushing out any imperfections.

-I know exactly what you mean. Being a photojournalism major in school I try to keep my photos as "real" as possible with little post processing, and in the case of my assignments and the majority of pictures here in the gallery....absolutely none. On that particular photo I just bumped up the contrast a bit and added my name. While I absolutely love my Digital SLR, I am very happy that I have fixed both of my 35mm SLR's and will get to be using those this upcoming summer at KI!

Anyway, here is my favorite photo I took at the park...at least one that doesn't have a family member in it. I had my camera accidentally on a wrong setting...and I still don't know which one! I just like how the colors ended up...and it has not been "touched up" at all.


-Thats awesome, is that of the bumper cars in Coney?

Edit: I didn't look at it long enough lol, those are the jimmy neutron ones.

And i'll hijack the thread a little. I visited California for the first time this year and one of the main things that I have wanted to see for years is "Ferris Bueller's" house. Even though the movie is set in the Chicago area and most of it was filmed there, his house is actually in Long Beach. The house still looked pretty much the same. There was a tire swing on a tree outside...so whoever lives there must have little kids. The house is not quite in the neighborhood you would expect...there is a pretty run-down house across the street.


Merry Christmas!

-Thats one of my favorite movies, I wonder if they'll be using that same house in the sequel?

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A Tribute to all the things lost and gained in 2007:


Geauga Lake was lost this year, and it deserves a tribute


Batman & Robin was a Steel SoB when it came to reliability, but it deserves respect

And now, new for 2007.


Renagade at Valleyfair! was new for 2007, and I love its first drop.


Firehawk, an origional ride with an unorigional name, was opened at KI this year.

5/29/07? That might be me in the front row!


Maverick is a legendary coaster, and it has only been open for 1 year!

Happy new years!

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I like seeing others photos of their park experiences Kings Islands or other Amusement/Theme parks, so I will give it a little bump. I don’t care if the pictures are slightly enhanced as that is also part of the artistic talent of the photographer too. I hope this thread continues. The Royal Fountain from the Eiffel Tower at Kings Island.


Side Note;

In some other popular Amusement/Theme park boards they have a section dedicated to photography and as popular as photography is with many members it would be nice to have a forum section in the community part of this board. Often a topic is started to ask questions on cameras or helpful hints on how to achieve certain shots. Also topics are started for members to post their favorite shot with certain rides, time of day, special events, photo game threads and photo contests.

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thanks, gordon. had a great holiday. got home on friday. going back after new years. slovakia is a wonderful country.

if you ever get a chance to go, do not turn it down. there are photo ops on every step. when i look out the window of my bedroom, i'm looking at

st. elizabeth's cathedral. it is 800 yrs. old this year. it's amazing to think that a lot of buildings there are 2-3 times older than the USA.

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