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Guests Say The Darnest Things


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Woman on seat behind me on DB today to her riding partner: " You mean we didn't go through a loop? " Of course she said her eyes were closed, so she may not have realized there were no inversions. At any rate, I thought it was cute.

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  On 5/10/2010 at 2:45 AM, footballfreak said:

On saturday I heard a kid say "Seahawk is the new name for Top Gun and Tomb Raider hasn't been changed at all". This happened while he was looking at a map.laugh.gif Thats not an exact quote but it is pretty close to what he said.

Maybe it's just me, but Seahawk sounds like a good name for 'ol Flight Deck for some odd reason. I can see the track painted a teal or aquamarine and have the naval aircraft theme come back.

Or if/when Flight Deck gets removed and the possibility of an Inverted Beemer takes its place, its name could be Seahawk with those same features added on.

(And before anyone gets on me about people getting Firehawk and Seahawk mixed up, remember that people were confused with The Beast and Son of Beast for the longest time.)

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  On 5/10/2010 at 2:34 AM, CoastersRZ said:

And today at Coney, I had a kid, probably seven or so years old who was riding the Ferris Wheel. After about thirty seconds, he reported that "This ride is stupid. Its so boring." Upon exiting the ride, the mother apologized to us for her son "being an a-hole" right in front of the kid!

And for some of us (like me) a ferris wheel is a scary ride. I'm fine on almost all amusement park rides, but don't like "unsupported heights" like tall ladders. Ferris wheels like the one at Coney fall into that category of unsupported heights. I have to sit absolutly still when I ride those... I don't like the feeling of it rocking at all... but I still ride it for the thrill! The big "caged" ferris wheels like at CP and Navy Pier in Chicago, and the ferris wheel-like Rock-o-Planes at Coney I'm fine with.

I really want to try a swinging car on Deno's Wonder Wheel in NY or Mickey's Fun Wheel at DCA!

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  On 5/10/2010 at 1:27 PM, PREMiERdrum said:
  On 5/10/2010 at 11:01 AM, CedarPointer said:

I overheard a guest say that they were going to ride Firefox and then go over to Rattlesnake. :huh:

I've heard that it's much faster and more reliable than "Internet Explorer: The Ride"

That ride's the worst Intamin in the world!:lol:

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  On 5/10/2010 at 8:57 PM, XGatorHead 8904 said:
  On 5/10/2010 at 2:34 AM, CoastersRZ said:

And today at Coney, I had a kid, probably seven or so years old who was riding the Ferris Wheel. After about thirty seconds, he reported that "This ride is stupid. Its so boring." Upon exiting the ride, the mother apologized to us for her son "being an a-hole" right in front of the kid!

And for some of us (like me) a ferris wheel is a scary ride. I'm fine on almost all amusement park rides, but don't like "unsupported heights" like tall ladders. Ferris wheels like the one at Coney fall into that category of unsupported heights. I have to sit absolutly still when I ride those... I don't like the feeling of it rocking at all... but I still ride it for the thrill! The big "caged" ferris wheels like at CP and Navy Pier in Chicago, and the ferris wheel-like Rock-o-Planes at Coney I'm fine with.

I really want to try a swinging car on Deno's Wonder Wheel in NY or Mickey's Fun Wheel at DCA!

I'd LOVE to be there when you do that.

Terpy, who is not afeared of heights, has done things that won't be appearing on this board, and STILL was skeered silly when the Wonder Wheel began its wondrous skeedaddles whence he rode it...

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couple standing behind me:

Girl looking at Vortex: "Which one is that?"

Guy: "Oh thats that new one, Diamondback."

Now keep in mind that this took place walking down the pathway in front of Backlot Stunt Coaster. So, tehey were staring RIGHT AT Diamondback'S HILL!

hahaha :lol:

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Maybe it was all the Gold Pass members trying to impress their $9.99 friends, but I heard a bunch of nonsense on Sunday. A few of my favorites:

- Mother to kid, "no, they switch the names every year - they'll go back to Sponge Bob and Dora next year"

- Upon being told by another guest that the Snoopy name change was because licensing had expired, "no, Cedar Point recently sold Kings Island and since Cedar Point owns Nickelodeon, we can't use them anymore and had to switch to Snoopy"

- While riding the train, "the scariest part of Diamondback is the tunnels"

A dis-honorable mention goes to the parents on Woodstock Express who were telling the ride-ops "it's fine, she'll be okay as soon as it starts moving" as their daughter is crying and screaming "NOOOOOOOOO, I WANT TO GET OUT, LET ME OUT" while unbuckling her seat belt and trying to climb out of the train with mom pulling her back in and trying to cover her mouth.

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  On 5/11/2010 at 1:00 AM, EssentiallyCoaster said:


This part specifically.

Son of Beast is getting torn down to make room for a b&m dive machine =[

^ No, that's what Diamondback is 'cause it has the splashdown element on it. Spiegel said it so it must be true...:lol:

EDIT: Dangit, Terpy beat me to it.

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As a ride op myself, it is always disheartening when see parents forcing their kids on rides, when it is very clear they do NOT want to ride. It also makes me be extra vigilant in watching them, for the reasons stated above. They will try and get out of their restraints to get off the ride.

And, I also had one lady attempt to ride the Ferris Wheel on Sunday. We had buckled her and her kid in, and I had locked the bar. No sooner had I gone down to shut the entrance gate but before my coworker started the ride, she proclaimed that she had to get off, as she couldn`t ride the ride. Not everyone is a fan of Ferris Wheels, particularly the Eli`s that do rock a little.

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This is somewhat off topic but I found it very funny! On November 1st 2008 me and my friends were in line for The Beast, of course I broke down so we waited awhile and these two stupid, I mean stupid teen girls came up to us and started conversing with us. Somehow we got talking about how tribes, i don't know how but they asked if we were from a tribe and one of my friends said yeah we are from the tribe Smack-A-Ho. they answered that is sooooo cool, we just laughed to our selves.

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  On 5/11/2010 at 1:26 AM, CoastersRZ said:

As a ride op myself, it is always disheartening when see parents forcing their kids on rides, when it is very clear they do NOT want to ride. It also makes me be extra vigilant in watching them, for the reasons stated above. They will try and get out of their restraints to get off the ride.

And, I also had one lady attempt to ride the Ferris Wheel on Sunday. We had buckled her and her kid in, and I had locked the bar. No sooner had I gone down to shut the entrance gate but before my coworker started the ride, she proclaimed that she had to get off, as she couldn`t ride the ride. Not everyone is a fan of Ferris Wheels, particularly the Eli`s that do rock a little.

Last Saturday when Tom and I went to Holiday World, we were in Voyage's station when we noticed that the kid next to us was bawling and telling his mom he didn't want to ride. She pretty much dragged him onto the train anyway, and he started crying even harder. The ride op came up and politely said, "Ma'am, I can't let him ride if he's going to be that scared." The mother reluctantly agreed, and the ride op let him out and opened the exit for him. I quietly told the ride op thank you. I can see trying to get your kid to ride Raven, but DRAGGING THEM ON VOYAGE?? Are you serious?

As someone that was dragged on Drop Tower long ago when I still had a paralyzing fear of heights, I absolutely do not believe in doing that to anyone. You guys have no idea what it took before I could finally get on Drop Tower and enjoy it. To this day, I rarely have a ride where my palms aren't sweating at the top.. I don't blame anyone for chickening out/not wanting to ride it.

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  On 5/11/2010 at 1:41 AM, FF EKU dawg 4 life said:

I was in line for Delirum and I do not know if this guy is a member here or not but he said "the greatest secret in the industry is what Cedar Point is doing next"

That is actually a far better Q than most would realize. The same for any FUN park momentarily...even if the conference calls are very anticlimactic and virtually drama-free...the future is murky. To say the least.

Terpy, who wishes a wood cyclone would revisit the beach at the point. And carry away the kinzelles while it is at it.

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  On 5/10/2010 at 9:24 PM, The Interpreter said:
  On 5/10/2010 at 8:57 PM, XGatorHead 8904 said:

And for some of us (like me) a ferris wheel is a scary ride. I'm fine on almost all amusement park rides, but don't like "unsupported heights" like tall ladders. Ferris wheels like the one at Coney fall into that category of unsupported heights. I have to sit absolutly still when I ride those... I don't like the feeling of it rocking at all... but I still ride it for the thrill! The big "caged" ferris wheels like at CP and Navy Pier in Chicago, and the ferris wheel-like Rock-o-Planes at Coney I'm fine with.

I really want to try a swinging car on Deno's Wonder Wheel in NY or Mickey's Fun Wheel at DCA!

I'd LOVE to be there when you do that.

Terpy, who is not afeared of heights, has done things that won't be appearing on this board, and STILL was skeered silly when the Wonder Wheel began its wondrous skeedaddles whence he rode it...

If/when I do that, I'll make sure to get a video (as long as it's allowed). I'm sure it'll be quite funny!

  On 5/11/2010 at 1:26 AM, CoastersRZ said:

As a ride op myself, it is always disheartening when see parents forcing their kids on rides, when it is very clear they do NOT want to ride. It also makes me be extra vigilant in watching them, for the reasons stated above. They will try and get out of their restraints to get off the ride.

I can't stand to see that. As a parent, I have a pretty good idea what GatorGirl will like and not like. If she's unsure, she'll usually try it... after we persuade her that it'll be alright. The latest example of this is BBoBH. She wanted me to try it first, which I did. She asked me if I thought if it was okay for her, I told her it was, but I let her know there are some parts she might find scary. During the ride I talked to her to make sure she was fine and reminded her that it was all fake. Then the ride stopped while we were in the skeleton room... and that was not okay with her. She said she wouldn't ride it again, it was too scary for her. But she said the same thing about SD&THC when she first rode that, but she eventually tried that again and loved it.

I'm sure she'll eventually try BBoBH again, but I'll let her do it on her own schedule... she needs to be the one to decide when it's time to ride again. I'm not going to traumatize my child by dragging her kicking and screaming on a ride, but luckily she's never gotten to that point anyway.

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Overheard yesterday at the park:

Guest: "Let's go ride Top Gun!"

Guest's friend: "They took out Top Gun"

Guest: "Oh"

And, overheard by my sister while I was in line for Slingshot:

Guest: "Let's go to the water park!"

Guest 2: "Yeah, that sounds like fun!"

I can understand maybe not realizing that the water park isn't open yet, but how can you not know that the ride formerly known as Top Gun is still there?

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