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ERT Returning to Beast/Diamondback


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It is a struggle for me to make gold pass ERT at Kings Island so it makes little difference to me which rides are open for ERT. If Kings Island feels they need to switch back to DB and The Beast for ERT I am sure it was due to many others response of Gold Pass holders other than what is here or they decided due to consistency sake the switch back is good for customer service.

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  On 7/3/2011 at 5:27 PM, Avatar said:

It is a struggle for me to make gold pass ERT at Kings Island so it makes little difference to me which rides are open for ERT.

Tell me about it...when you're doing the "family thing" you just can't seem to get everyone ready that early. :lol:

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  On 7/3/2011 at 7:38 PM, skaterboy22101 said:

Personally, I feel like this is a bad decision. Just because some people don't like WindSeeker and Vortex ERT doesn't mean that other people don't. People are too whiney and will do whatever they can to get their way. Horrible move from the park, IMO.

There is no way that just a few people voicing their opinion would make the park change the ERT. I'd really be interested in knowing just how many people stopped by guest services over this issue. Especially after only one week of Vortex/WindSeeker.

On a side note, why is someone voicing their opinion considered whining on this site? Good thing the first amendment wasn't written by members of this site...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the right to whine, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
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  On 7/3/2011 at 8:47 PM, Rutgerskev said:

I didn't realize that being called a whiner means your breaking the law. Or that this website is Congess or a 'state actor' But thanks for the constitutional law lesson.

Try re-reading. I never said it was breaking the law by any means. I was one of those people who were upset over the decision to move from Beast/Diamondback to Vortex/WindSeeker, so trust me, I've been called a "whiner" by many on this site. I'm just sort of confused why skaterboy and others label people who simply state their opinion as "whiners". Yes, I know a few select members have taken it pretty far, but there are quite a few of us who have kept our opinion in one topic, and yet are seen as "whiners".

I don't understand where you see a "law lesson" here at all. It was a pretty simple, albeit lame, joke.

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  On 7/3/2011 at 9:36 PM, Rutgerskev said:

You quoted the first anendment which says 'Congress shall make no LAW'. So, your bringing up laws.

Just because the quote said "law" doesn't mean there was a law lesson. But, it's time to get back on topic.

As for CedarPointer, I'm torn to agree with you. As happy as I am for this change, this biggest reason I was upset at the change to WindSeeker/Vortex was because they originally advertised Beast/Diamondback. And now, they just did the same thing. Advertise one thing, then switch.

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The reason that the ERT was changed from WS/Vortex to DB/Beast had nothing to do with reliability of WindSeeker. You can only learn by trying - and that's the case here. They had assumed that WindSeeker would be a lower capacity, thus creating long lines and long wait times. Since the crew has been able to push upwards of 10 cycles per hour, the wait time is rarely over 30 minutes. The KI folks determined that it was a better benefit to the passholders that DB/Beast be the morning early access.

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Guest rcfreak339

I really do have to give props to the WindSeeker crew. They have done great this year on a ride I thought would have horrible capacity. The 3 times Iv'e waited for it the line has been well past the entrance and it was never more then 25min tops.

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  On 7/3/2011 at 11:13 PM, rcfreak339 said:

I really do have to give props to the WindSeeker crew. They have done great this year on a ride I thought would have horrible capacity. The 3 times Iv'e waited for it the line has been well past the entrance and it was never more then 25min tops.

I agree-those guys work their backsides off. There is nothing wrong with changing ERT back to DB. Vortex is too rough for me personally, so I won't be on it anymore. I sleep late and have never been to ERT unless working.

All opinions are important on here, and no one should accuse another of whining. Seriously. Don't be so judgmental.

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Also those who went to the park today would of noticed that Vortex was down all day. While riding WindSeeker I noticed that there was a lift hill chain next to Vortex's lift hill; now that might of been there forever and today was the first day I could see it. Just a thought.

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This is great news! (DB/Beast being reopened for ERT, not Vortex's lift chain breaking)

To everyone who called and or wrote KI, this is proof that positive advocacy works. KI does listen to its patrons, and personally they have deepened my respect for how our park is managed. I love KI, and deeply appreciate them making this logical decision. If you see a manager, thank them for this move. God knows they hear enough complaints, it's got to be a nice break to be told they did something positive.

See ya'll Saturday(and Sunday) !

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  On 7/3/2011 at 8:44 PM, Hendrick said:
On a side note, why is someone voicing their opinion considered whining on this site? Good thing the first amendment wasn't written by members of this site...

There is nothing wrong with voicing an opinion. This is a message board and voicing an opinion is what keeps it intresting.

However, regurgitating the same opinion, over, and over, and over, and over- in multiple threads- and then when the park does not make immediate changes to satisfy those with the opinion, and the same people keep voicing a negative opinion on the park's decisions by making threats (i.e.: I'm not going to the park anymore, I am not going to ride that ride because it's not fun or exciting enough for me, the park is being ruined because of Vortex & WS ERT etc.), over, and over, does not help the discussion(s).

I am in no way innocent of whining when it comes to certain park decisions: (Whining- To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint. 2. To complain or protest in a childish fashion. ...). The difference is I will not make threats like a small handful of people have done. I have enjoyed KI for over 3 decades now & something as minor as ERT rides will not change my overall opinion of the park.

Perhaps my perception of why members here voice an opinion (I was under the assumption they enjoyed the park as much or more than myself) is incorrect.

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Some of us are here as park enthusiasts and students of the industry. Kings Island may well be among our favorite parks, but perhaps more importantly, it is among the most significant parks, not just for what it is or has been, but also for its potential.. One of many reasons Mr. Kinzel wanted it so badly that arguably Cedar Fair way overpaid for the entire Paramount Parks acquisition.

Besides,and back on topic, what rides did Paramount open early for season passholders? Think about that...,

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Paramount offered the Gold Pass Speed Lane as their perk of choice in their later years. To answer you question directly Interpreter, Paramount did offer early opening for Boomerang Bay at least for the 2006 season and I believe for a few years before then for Gold Pass members. Not that they went overboard to make sure it was of great value to pass holders as I asked in a report clear back in 2006 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8031&st=0&p=129795&hl=+when%20+is%20+a%20+perk%20+not%20+a%20+perk&fromsearch=1entry129795

So yes Paramount did open areas early and even offered some ERT on some attractions.

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  On 7/4/2011 at 4:24 PM, Avatar said:

Paramount offered the Gold Pass Speed Lane as their perk of choice in their later years. To answer you question directly Interpreter, Paramount did offer early opening for Boomerang Bay at least for the 2006 season and I believe for a few years before then for Gold Pass members. Not that they went overboard to make sure it was of great value to pass holders as I asked in a report clear back in 2006 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8031&st=0&p=129795&hl=+when%20+is%20+a%20+perk%20+not%20+a%20+perk&fromsearch=1entry129795

So yes Paramount did open areas early and even offered some ERT on some attractions.

I remember that well. And most of the time, you could get as many Gold Pass speed tickets as you wanted depending upon availablity. ( I remember only one season when they limited you to one set.) And these were handed out on Saturdays-oh, how long lines of people would be green with envy-lol.)

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Yep and in all honesty the perk of the Speed Lane is what got us to become Season Pass holders versus just being a once a year or two visitors to Kings Island. Due to work we were forced to come on weekends only and we hated the lines so when we seen that perk we decided to take the plunge and go more often and we are glad we did. See before we did not see the value of the season pass living almost 2 hours away but now it is hard to vision not going more often to enjoy Kings Island over the Spring, Summer and Fall times of the year to include all the events during those seasons.

In my opinion perks are are suppose to entice Season Pass sales, to promote more visits to the park and to include specials to get season pass holders to spend more at the park. If Paramount did not offer the Speed Lane perk we would have not took the plunge and if the current perks were offered then I can say with almost 100% certainty that we would not have became season pass holders and seen the benefits of the park without the perks and that would have been a crying shame. I am not knocking the current perks but besides the parking the others are used seldom but do understand many guest love the current benefits. I know times change and so will the perks in time maybe they will be of more value to us or not but what ever they become or stay the same we see the value of Kings Island for our family time. An example of this is that many of you know we are huge Disney World fans and we took advantage of their off season special perks for over 5 years well they changed the terms and now we have no trip planned and probably will stay off site until the specials get better. Will we still go to Disney World over time?.... Yes but in a way that fits our style better.

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  On 7/4/2011 at 3:35 PM, The Interpreter said:

Besides,and back on topic, what rides did Paramount open early for season passholders? Think about that...,

What did Paramount advertise they would provide for ERT? It seems from Avatar, PKIVortex, and markr's posts there was something provided to Gold pass members, and I'm sure what they offered is what they provided. Which is what Kings Island is doing now, to their credit, providing what they advertised when we bought our passes.

I intend on spending much more time and money at KI as a result of this decision.

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