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What do you miss from Paramount?


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The entrance "Paramount Gate Music."

The many excellent people who Kinzel & Co. let go, either affirmatively or through lack of empowerment (a mistake Mr. Ouimet is not making, by all accounts).

The carousel organ.

The magic of the movies meeting the thrills of a lifetime.

The standard gold pass being honored at all Paramount Parks, with warmth, courtesy and professionalism (as opposed to being accused of what would amount to theft and lying, and after 20 minutes still not being allowed in a park that had JUST opened for the day.

The competition with Cedar Fair, which benefitted both companies.

I do NOT miss CBS. Cedar Fair has greatly improved Kings Island, taking it away from the path to ruin CBS had miserly began trodding.

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  On 1/16/2013 at 10:52 PM, The Interpreter said:

The magic of the movies meeting the thrills of a lifetime.

Terp, you took the words right out of my mouth, as my signature for a while in the past year or so indicated.

  On 1/17/2013 at 12:52 AM, chugh43 said:

The theming of the early years.


I also miss the Characters roaming the park and I don't know if it is where I have just gotten older or not but I also miss the way the park used to feel like a different world to me when I was young. Cedar Fair has done a great job though, I give them props as well.

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  On 1/17/2013 at 8:47 AM, Tanna said:

and who doesn't mourn the loss of Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer shouting at each other at the top of their lungs while walking the mile to Top Gun?

Honestly, though, one thing I loved was the huge jet painting that was on the way to the ride.

Not to mention the huge letters that used to read 'Fightertown USA' across the roadway when you walked under it.
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I agree 110% with his post too!

Many forget that CBS actually had control of the park, and they were responsible for some very unwise moves. Remember when they decided not to open the metal detectors until park opening time? They had no interest in the parks, and tried to cut costs to maximize profits as much as possible.

Cedar Fair has made some good strides, and I think with Ouimet in charge, we have exciting things to look forward to in the future!

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I miss Rivertown. Diamondback really did a horrible job to the area. Don't get me wrong I think DB is a great ride, I would rather have the Rivertown that truly had the essence of the old west than the city street it is now. That place is one step from having a sports bar in Rivertown Junction.

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I wonder how much it would be to get the rights back for Backlot at least? I loved the name, the fog, fire, water spraying, even the doors that closed on the Mini Coopers to make it feel like a car and a movie style ride! It would probably make the ride decently more busy with just the name change back to Italian Job.

Control panels and clip boards still say Italian Job last I checked.

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  On 1/17/2013 at 9:39 PM, Sonofbeast2.0 said:

I wonder how much it would be to get the rights back for Backlot at least? I loved the name, the fog, fire, water spraying, even the doors that closed on the Mini Coopers to make it feel like a car and a movie style ride!.

Property rights are not restricting the various fog, fire, and water effects. However, my memory on the matter is a bit rusty.

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I'll tell you what I don't miss.

Top Gun: Sponsored by Gillette Mach 3

The Paramount name plastered everywhere, especially in front of the Kings Island name.

Unfriendly employees

Dirty parks

Their interpretation of ride rotation, which was essentially removing a historic ride and replacing it with an obnoxious basketball court or concrete. I still have a boo boo from those actions.

Son of Beast

Boomerang Bay

The slow degradation of theming throughout attractions' lives.

edit: that made me seem like I hated Paramount with a burning passion. I do like some of their decisions. After all, without them, our park we have today wouldn't be the same, for better or for worse. We might not have gotten rides such as Drop Tower, Delirium, Flight of Fear, and Tomb Raider: The Ride. So I guess they weren't the worst owners and operators, but they could have been far, far better.

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The one thing I really miss is Paramount's attention to detail, at least in the early days:

Ride effects and theming were well-maintained, even if the ride wasn't the park's signature attraction

Strictly-enforced dress codes (bikinis, bathing suits, etc. were absolutely not acceptable attire outside the water park)

Area-specific music (kiddy music in HB/Nick, country/bluegrass music in Rivertown)

Fourth of July festivities - patriotic decorations throughout the park, special entertainment, etc.

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