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A Warning to the KIC Universe


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Just know that, whoever you are who trespassed, if the relationship between this site and park sours due to this event, it will have been entirely your fault. Every member on here would despise you, and you'd have to live in guilt knowing what you did was irresponsible and stupid. I hope that KIC continues to be a great site and that it will continue to have a solid relationship with the park, but I truly would be saddened and upset if this one persons ruined things for all of us.

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It is absolutely inappropriate what has occured. Enthusiast or not, someone broke a law, and to be quite honest, even if it's someone on these forums, I hope they get punished. IMO, every action needs a corresponding and equivalent reaction, whether it be positive or negative.

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That this even had to be posted here, is crazy. While Don may be playing up the "Wild Goose Hunt", (then again maybe he isn't) he isn't telling people to visit the park ASAP while it is closed.

Use your Brain people. Why on earth would someone sneak onto the property just to get a glimpse of something you will see anyways. It just isn't worth the consequences.

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I've wanted to refrain from posting on this but one can only bite his/her tongue for so long.

I am very disappointed that this has happened. Member or not, they broke the law. It just upsets me that it was a member. As a 16 year old who has done his fair share of rule breaking things (Nothing serious, chewing gum in class, etc.), I would never break a law.

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  On 7/24/2013 at 3:17 AM, Ride On_17 said:

Just know that, whoever you are who trespassed, if the relationship between this site and park sours due to this event, it will have been entirely your fault.

It certainly would be that person's fault.

Entirely, though? I think not. Many of us share blame for the attitude that may have contributed to today's unfortunate event. Luckily, we all can help fix it.

Perhaps we need to cool down the hysteria a bit. We certainly don't want to contribute to someone's bad decision because we're worked up about some new construction activity.

More explicitly, we need to communicate respect for the law and park rules at all times. In this specific example, if a member is suggesting that someone visit the park to take pictures of construction, we need to be explicitly clear that we're not suggesting any trespassing or rule violation.

As recent events have reminded us all, safety is the priority in this industry. If "enthusiasts" are compromising that in any way, parks would be smart to have nothing at all to do with them.

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Wow, I can't believe this needed to be posted. I'm very new to this site, and I'm very addicted to this site. I really hope it wasn't a member, or even a guest of this site. The game that's being played between Don Helbig and KIC members should be comical and enjoyable. I truly hope if it is indeed a member it doesn't ruin the relationship between the site and the park. Stay classy, it's not hard to follow the rules. Ps. To the idiot that couldn't follow simple instructions: Congratulations my 4yr old child is smarter than you.

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  On 7/24/2013 at 4:22 AM, malem said:
  On 7/24/2013 at 3:17 AM, Ride On_17 said:

Just know that, whoever you are who trespassed, if the relationship between this site and park sours due to this event, it will have been entirely your fault.

It certainly would be that person's fault.

Entirely, though? I think not. Many of us share blame for the attitude that may have contributed to today's unfortunate event. Luckily, we all can help fix it.

Perhaps we need to cool down the hysteria a bit. We certainly don't want to contribute to someone's bad decision because we're worked up about some new construction activity.

More explicitly, we need to communicate respect for the law and park rules at all times. In this specific example, if a member is suggesting that someone visit the park to take pictures of construction, we need to be explicitly clear that we're not suggesting any trespassing or rule violation.

As recent events have reminded us all, safety is the priority in this industry. If "enthusiasts" are compromising that in any way, parks would be smart to have nothing at all to do with them.

How is it anyone's fault other than their own? Sure, we are all excited, but I don't understand how anybody on here did anything to encourage illegal activity. Respect for the law and the park shouldn't have to be communicated. It should be common sense. And if somebody doesn't have that common sense, then it is nobody's fault but theirs.

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  On 7/24/2013 at 4:18 AM, HTCO said:

Just shows how idiotic and crazy some of you are..

I post one little thing and literally everyone poops themselves...

You told people to go to the park and take pictures ASAP. Pretty idiotic to assume that no one was stupid enough to do it.

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  On 7/24/2013 at 4:27 AM, coasterfanatic2012 said:

How is it anyone's fault other than their own? Sure, we are all excited, but I don't understand how anybody on here did anything to encourage illegal activity. Respect for the law and the park shouldn't have to be communicated. It should be common sense. And if somebody doesn't have that common sense, then it is nobody's fault but theirs.

You're correct. This respect shouldn't have to be communicated. Unfortunately, not everyone uses common sense.

As such, it's not enough to simply not encourage illegal and unsafe activity. We need to actively discourage it.

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Disco2000 is right, and I hope the clues don't stop either. As a probation officer I see a lot of trespassing cases, most are committed by teenagers, homeless, and criminals. I assure you the judge will not take it easier on you if curiosity is your motive. With all that being said, Don 99% of enthusiasts are not dumb enough to enter the construction sight, or dumb enough to visit after hours. 100% of us want this riddle to continue.

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  On 7/24/2013 at 4:49 AM, HTCO said:

Never said go to the park and get yourself arrested.

If I told everyone to go jump off a bridge. Would you do it?

There is a line. Y'all crossed it.

Apparently you crossed a line if a mod deleted your post.

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