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Activity underneath Flight Deck?


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Is it even Action Zone anymore? I thought that the Action Zone was a Paramount trademark. They removed the sign before the park went up for sale...right now it's more like "that area" of the park. I think we may be surprised next year....or not...

How about Fear Zone theming. Fear of Heights, Fear of water, Fear of Swinging, Fear of Ghosts, Fear of falling backwards....

(Fear of concerts, Fear of empty restaurants, Fear of retail shopping, Fear of toilets and Fear of blue ice cream....LOL)

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  On 10/9/2013 at 1:13 AM, IndyGuy4KI said:
  On 10/8/2013 at 6:20 PM, ohiocolts said:

Whenever anybody spoke to Don about it, he said it was all placeholder material and it was not meant to persuade anybody.

To confirm, go to 3:13 in my interview with him on 8/12/13!

So it is quite possible for retheming to the area... he said something along the lines "We will let are guests come and see on opening day 2014", when asked if their will be any other improvements for the area. So FD improvements and possibly renaming AZ is possible!

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I see it now, Scare Zone. Inveritgo, Banshee and even Delirium would work well in that type of theme. Now for The Bat or FD whatever they will call it may not take much to modify. FD got painted Grey not too long ago so spruce up the cars a bit and we are a go. As for the donwstairs portion on the ride I think we will see increased and modified storage or even break area. I can see a more direct route from sidewalk to ride base with less stairs being done, and I am sure Banshee's lines will extend that direction like SOB.

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  On 10/9/2013 at 5:56 PM, Diamondbacker said:

If there is a new "spooky" theme for AZ, what would we call Drop Tower? Delirium? Invertigo?

Or would we just put Banshee and Flight Deck/The Bat into a new sub section named Spooky Hollow?

Lots of questions to be answered.

Anything would be better than Invertigo, Drop Tower, and Flight Deck. Those are the most awful ride names that require no thought at all. They're sticker names that for some reason got tattooed.

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Delirium as I've seen posted before, could easily be Pit and Pendulum.

Flight deck, as we've all seen, The Bat ( reborn, rises,etc...)

Invertigo, Hangman? The Noose? Open to suggestion.

Drop Tower, I see little hope here, without a large investment to theme it. In my opinion, you'd have to enclose the entire queue.

Concept: Entrance is a castle like spire

The inside of the queue, with animatronics of a mad scientist every few switchbacks, encouraging you that you must climb the tower to enact the lightning rod.

Enter the ride, which now enclosed at the base, appears as the lab. ( I know, it will have to be vented for the massive amount of air that the drop moves. Also that air could be used as storm gusts in queue. )

The ride lifts, when you reach the top, a bright light flashes, and down you go. As if you got struck by the lightning. Quite obviously it would be a better ride at night, but all I could think of.

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Good morning everyone! Long time follower, first time posting.

They need to do something with the complete area back to flight deck. There is so much unused land, let alone a giant eye sore (timberworlf theater) that needs to be utilized. I deffinently feel Banshee is a big addition for A.Z. I loved SOB, but when it was built Paramont gid locked them selves for further expansion. Looking at the lay out of things, they are diffentely will be able to possibly recover, allow themself's a larger area to grow and expand the park.


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2001 and 2002 saw the dismantling of Rivertown. This is when the Wildthornberries (dang that Jaguar and Elephant) took over the Kings Mill Log Flume along with other expansion from Nick Central in to Rivertown and The Box (TR:TR) was put in place of Kentons Cove Keelboat Canal. That is when Rivertown lost its charm and become a forgotten area of the park. That part of the park didn't receive any love until Diamondback was built with the new entry plaza, repurposing of the surrounding buildings (when was the last time the gem mining was open?) The dreadful Wings restaurant became the Reds Hall of Fame grill, why because of all the new traffic in Rivertown. Fencing, landscaping, pavers, and Vortex received a paint job because of Diamondback. Honestly you may think the area lost charm because of Diamondback, but it was dead before that because of Paramount.

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Welcome to KIC, superemt!

I agree with Railrider.

CF has brought it back as close to its former glory as it can after what was done to it by Paramount! Now CF did take out Swan lake, but would I rather have Swan lake or DB with a splashdown. I think most of us would pick DB.

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  On 10/8/2013 at 1:00 PM, Diamondbacker said:
  On 10/8/2013 at 9:56 AM, fanofFirehawk said:

^^No… It is no longer there.

Woah, really? That is strange, it's been there since the first days of the ride.

Actually, it hadn't been. Some coworkers and I found it in an abandoned office and gave it to our boss who painted it and stuck it there in 2011.

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