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You Know It's the Off Season When...

Ride On_17

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On 2/15/2024 at 8:36 PM, kingsislandfan1972 said:

When the Moose Out front tells you Kings Island is closed. :lol:


You said this a little over a year ago too. It would have been fun to see it posted at the same time this year! I'm curious what that nose was made out of.

My favorite part of that movie is that it's actually at a real theme park! (Six Flags Magic Mountain) It's fun to see Colossus before it was converted to Twisted Colossus by RMC 

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18 hours ago, disco2000 said:
5 hours ago, IndyGuy4KI said:

I don't think that white SUV race car is doing it right. :P

They were so excited to go to the park, they spun out and crashed. Then, they walked all the way from there to the front gate just to see a mouse telling them the park was closed. I would want to punch it too if it was me who had crashed and got robbed out of a day at an amusement park. Or, they thought the park was open and got rammed into the side of the road by a very excited Grizwald family.:lol:

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When you're simping for Jim Cummings again or actually yelling out "Yabba Dabba Dabba Doo!" But if you adhere to the modern KI, when you're watching Peanuts live shows on YT and roasting the weird voice acting (Lucy sounds oddly like a grown woman emulating a little girl...)

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