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Flashback Till February 2014


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Beastie also had "Beast tracks" to the entrance.

They were purple.

I was actually looking for those last Halloween, until I saw the enormous line. The ride was running so slow, last Halloween was the first Halloween I didn't ride The Beast.


Your pictures shows the fabulous Giant Slide! That ride was so great to get you parents on.

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Photo #24 - Answer - Hiking Trail located behind Kenton Coves Keelboat Canal in Rivertown

Photo #25 - Coney Mall


Wow...I was never alive back then, but this picture gives a great idea of how Kings Island (in the Coney Mall section at least) looked back in the early 80's (1981-1984 since The Bat is visible in the background). I have to ask though- what ride was this taken from? Looks like King Cobra, which would make this a 1984 picture because The Bat and King Cobra only co-existed for a year, and even then The Bat was SBNO...

Also is it just me, or did The Beast look a lot bigger and thus more fearsome before Vortex was built? :P

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Also is it just me, or did The Beast look a lot bigger and thus more fearsome before Vortex was built? :P

I'm guessing that it looks bigger because the surrounding trees would have grown in the 30 years since the photo was taken, leaving less of The Beast visible above the trees now than was visible in 1984.

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Also is it just me, or did The Beast look a lot bigger and thus more fearsome before Vortex was built? :P

I'm guessing that it looks bigger because the surrounding trees would have grown in the 30 years since the photo was taken, leaving less of The Beast visible above the trees now than was visible in 1984.

Plus Vortex being nearly 150-feet high and directly in front probably "hurts" too. :P Hmm...actually here are some comparison pictures:



2000's (Modern)


Actually, comparing Beast to the trees, while they may have grown, they seem to be about the same size vs. The Beast's first chain lift...yeah, IMO, it's Vortex being a huge ride that makes Beast look small in comparison...

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I remember my mom trying to get me on the speed slides for the first time. I was probably 5 years old. The tallest one was only around 70 feet, but to me as a 5 year old it could have been Mount Everest. We got to the top and I cried my eyes out.

Two minutes later, I was right back in line.

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I have to admit, going to Water Works prior to the Boomerang Bay change made me a big fan of the Beach Boys (especially that awesome sax solo in the middle of Kokomo). I miss how simple it used to be in the path layout as well as more natural shading. I hate walking on all that hot concrete making my way out to the wave pools.

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