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Next New Ride?


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As someone who has spent an inordinate amount of time in Nick Universe, Planet Snoopy, Hanna Barbera land, or whatever they'll call it next time around- this area has largely untouched since the NU expansion of 2006. Yes, in 2009 they put planes on the Blue's Clue ride, repainted everything, and renamed everything (again), it's largely been unchanged.

Over $60 million spent in other areas (not counting Dinosaurs Alive)... $5-10 million in that area would go a long way- to what I'm not sure; but the area hasn't been touched in years.

And yet:

Golden Ticket after Golden Ticket after Golden Ticket after Golden Ticket....

Those things ain't cheap...

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Although many on this very site, especially as Banshee footings were being poured, discussed their desire for a certain coaster at the park, not until now do I see that coaster actually potentially in the park's future.....

I have been thinking about this lately.....

Look at the parks in the Cedar Fair chain that have and are currently installing giga-coasters.....

I'm going to throw a possibility out there that maybe as a next coaster, Cedar Fair could very well be considering installing a giga-coaster at Kings Island.

Ouimet must see potential in the installation of giga-coasters at the parks, especially based on what's going on at Carowinds, and really, I wouldn't be suprised at all to see, as a next move, the FUN shift towards a giga-coaster of some sort for KI's next coaster.

I'm not jumping on a "giga-coaster" bandwagon, I'm just now stating some thoughts on what the next coaster at KI may just be.

Just some thoughts.

FUN in the future.......

Oh Yeah....

"The future is riding on it."..........

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I could see us getting one too in a few years and B&M is the most likely candidate to build it. Though there might even be a new popular type in the mean time before we get another. If we do get a giga though I kind of hope there is something different to it to help set it apart from Diamondback aside from just height. Like maybe a wing-rider giga or something.

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There was something different about Son of Beast.

Had there not been, someone other than RCCA (and RCCO in the building) would probably have designed and built it (at least partly...see also Paramount Parks) and it would probably still be amongst us.

There was something different about Hypersonic-XLC.

There was something different about Batman and Robin: The Chiller....

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One thing we can imagine is that even with past performance not necessarily indicating future performance as powers and strategies change, Cedar Fair is still tending to share concepts between parks. That can be good (Planet Snoopys, B&M inverts, Disk-o coasters, Dinosaurs Alive, Triotech dark rides) and bad (Boo Blasters, WindSeeker, etc).

In that regard, the absence of any modern wooden coasters (assuming we don't include GCI, who they've worked with a few times in the past 5 years) would seem to indicate that that's not the route Cedar Fair is taking... yet. Same with revamps of wooden coasters the way Six Flags is doing.

Their big thing after acquiring the Paramount Parks seemed to be getting those new parks "up" to Cedar Fair's standards, which necessitated a big tall fast shiny colorful steel coaster in each. They've since gone through and added a second at most parks in terms of large single attraction investments. So far, a round of modern wooden coasters distributed around them hasn't been part of that. With a new emphasis on family, that could conceivably change? I think every Cedar Fair park would benefit from a Prowler or Gold Striker, and a more modern wooden coaster might be even more desirable.

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Son of Beast has doubtless informed Cedar Fair coaster investment decisions.

Life cycle project costs are important.

Steel coasters over time deliver far better on a cost basis.

This is one of the factors driving the SIX redos.

See also Gwazi. Hercules. Rattler. Texas Giant. Mean Streak. Rolling Thunder. Predator. Georgia Cyclone. Comet at Great Escape. I could go on...

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To be honest, I'm taking the opposite side of the majority and calling for a 110-130' tall woodie. Yeah sure, reliability, and you name it are big focal points of the steel coaster, but I mean come on, the park has added so many steel coasters and no classic wooden coaster. With the new innovations in corkscrew technology, I wouldn't mind seeing Kings Island acquiring a wooden coaster, not a hybrid might I add. Or better yet, let's get back those Antique Cars, with landscaping and all back to where it all began. But hey, with the Ouimet era, we just don't really know. He is really investing in the histories of the parks and using that to fuel the parks with some thrilling nostalgia which I couldn't say that it came too early or too late. KK just got their Flying Scooters and KI needed theirs back to keep up with that kind of attraction base. It will be interesting to see what happens in the future, as I am really banking on getting a Shoot The Chutes attraction similar to CI's somewhere because that just looks like one heck of a ride.

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If we're looking far enough into the future to see the next coaster install, and that seems to be the flow of this thread right now. I am very torn, SOB really set the park back. Banshee, of course was an incredible addition.

That said, and I know as this goes on I'll catch crap, but my thoughts anyway. There are 2.5 real holes in the coaster line up, IMO.

#1 An aggressive air time wooden coaster. And here is where I'll catch it. After riding El Toro, at NJFTP, I really can't compare it to our 3 wooden coasters. Nor can I compare it to any other wood coaster I've ridden. I know the bridges with Intamin seem to have been burned, but if they were allowed to build something like this, and be throttled to keep it within prescribed boundaries, it would be a great addition.

#2 A giga, though I personally don't feel height makes a great coaster, it seems the GP expects any park that wants to be taken seriously as a destination, have one. Obviously here the task would fall on B&M. Fury 325 will be a great test to see how they deliver.

# .5 The x-factor, something like nothing else. If I could answer this, I'd probably not be posting here.

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I think we're due for another family ride. Something that everyone can ride together. Something that's high-quality and unique that young and old will enjoy. Something that's not a coaster. I'm calling for a huge, high-quality, highly detailed, extremely immersive dark ride. It would also be good if the cars (or boat, vehicles, whatever) could hold 4 people so mom's, dad's, and kids don't have to split up like they have to do on many other rides.

We have coasters, we have flats - some of these even considered "family" rides. But what if someone in your family doesn't like these types of rides? I know I can't ride most flats because I get dizzy. And my mom didn't like ANY type of coaster, so family rides, when I was growing up, that we could all ride together, were far and few between. However, we could ride the dark rides together. Enchanted Voyage, Smurfs, Phantom Theater...any of those were perfect.

I think this is was KI is lacking. We've got such an incredible line up already. Let's make it totally complete with the addition of another family dark ride!

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I think we're due for another family ride. Something that everyone can ride together. Something that's high-quality and unique that young and old will enjoy. Something that's not a coaster. I'm calling for a huge, high-quality, highly detailed, extremely immersive dark ride. It would also be good if the cars (or boat, vehicles, whatever) could hold 4 people so mom's, dad's, and kids don't have to split up like they have to do on many other rides.

We have coasters, we have flats - some of these even considered "family" rides. But what if someone in your family doesn't like these types of rides? I know I can't ride most flats because I get dizzy. And my mom didn't like ANY type of coaster, so family rides, when I was growing up, that we could all ride together, were far and few between. However, we could ride the dark rides together. Enchanted Voyage, Smurfs, Phantom Theater...any of those were perfect.

I think this is was KI is lacking. We've got such an incredible line up already. Let's make it totally complete with the addition of another family dark ride!

A great family dark ride really brings a park together. Some might add that it's what makes Disneyland "magical". Being able to ride a great ride with the whole family is quite a unique experience. One that really makes a day at the amusement park memorable for everyone. Something the whole family can talk about and relate to on the car ride home!

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I think we're due for another family ride. Something that everyone can ride together. Something that's high-quality and unique that young and old will enjoy. Something that's not a coaster. I'm calling for a huge, high-quality, highly detailed, extremely immersive dark ride. It would also be good if the cars (or boat, vehicles, whatever) could hold 4 people so mom's, dad's, and kids don't have to split up like they have to do on many other rides.

We have coasters, we have flats - some of these even considered "family" rides. But what if someone in your family doesn't like these types of rides? I know I can't ride most flats because I get dizzy. And my mom didn't like ANY type of coaster, so family rides, when I was growing up, that we could all ride together, were far and few between. However, we could ride the dark rides together. Enchanted Voyage, Smurfs, Phantom Theater...any of those were perfect.

I think this is was KI is lacking. We've got such an incredible line up already. Let's make it totally complete with the addition of another family dark ride!

Return of the Phantom.....

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There was something different about Son of Beast.

Had there not been, someone other than RCCA (and RCCO in the building) would probably have designed and built it (at least partly...see also Paramount Parks) and it would probably still be amongst us.

This was disproven as Son of Beast's loop was removed for some years before it came crashing down.

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