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Next New Ride?


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  On 4/17/2015 at 3:07 PM, KIfan73 said:

I mentioned this in another thread, but since this is the "rumors" section, it seemed like another good place to mention it....

There's what appears to be a very large planter in the dining area of Hank's back porch bar (visible from Kings Island's Banshee cam) that wasn't there last season.

That is the turkey legs grill that was located at the entrance of Hank's but is now move to the Bier Garten patio.

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I kind of like the open serene look of the pond there but a suspended coaster would like nice going out over the water. Think it could have looked nice if, as another poster suggested, they had the new rides on platforms over water and then could have extended the water to underneath Flying Ace Arial Chase. Though that might have taken a lot of work to dig out around all the footers and such to put a pond in, and a lot more maintenance.

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If I recall correctly (and a picture on RCDB from that time period backs me up on this), the area surrounding Carowinds' version of Flying Ace (then Rugrat's Runaway Reptar) looked really nice when I rode it back in '03. The picture I referenced can be found here: http://rcdb.com/1897.htm#p=7283. I mention this because I'm reminded of how beautiful the area surrounding (then) Reptar looked when I read some thoughts about our Flying Ace being over the water (which I think would be pretty cool and definitely different; maybe Snoopy could dodge water cannons/fountains in his Red Baron plane. It would add a water ride back into Planet Snoopy (not including RFYLCB) and it could be a lot of fun).

Just my two cents on the matter! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

On Saturday while Mr. Greg Scheid was introducing Mr. Dennis Speigel, he mentioned that he was going out to California to ride Gold Striker and Voyage to the Iron Reef. I found it interesting that he chose to specifically highlight those two rides on his trip out west.

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While / before Banshee was being designed, Greg also took a trip to Sandusky, and some other parks around the country to look at inverted coasters and try out the different elements that they had......

Research before purchase is a good thing. Just look at Banshee as an example!

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I'd rather see Boo Hill updated and stay a kiddie ride, with a more traditional dark ride built elsewhere.... Perhaps Rivertown. I've always wanted a more traditional haunted mansion in Rivertown. After all, nearly every "river town" in Ohio has a house that is considered haunted.

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Considering the lack of attention to Boo Blasters, I wouldn't be surprised to see Triotech hit KI next with a new shoot em up. Sadly, given the state of Boo Blasters, I actually would say I'd welcome it, even with as much as I cringe at the idea of shoot-em-up dark rides. 


That or the Crypt building is quite big and tall, I could see a Wonder Mountain Guardian go in there somewhere, and given how bad that haunt is that's in there, I could see them scrapping a haunt for a new dark ride to fill the box all year.

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  On 5/21/2015 at 2:20 AM, upstop said:

I'd rather see Boo Hill updated and stay a kiddie ride, with a more traditional dark ride built elsewhere.... Perhaps Rivertown. I've always wanted a more traditional haunted mansion in Rivertown. After all, nearly every "river town" in Ohio has a house that is considered haunted.



That is very true, and I like your idea.

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And you know, I wouldn't touch the old TR:TR building. I'd reroute the WWC to enter and exit between the TR:TR and Potato works then use the acreage behind the train station to build a "house" ...alone....in the woods.... Bwahahahaha!

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  • 2 weeks later...



With no Amusement Dark projects currently in the pipeline, it’s unlikely we'll see any new dark rides added at any Cedar Fair parks in 2016 — but that hasn’t stopped Ouimet from planning for 2017 and beyond.-http://www.latimes.com/travel/themeparks/la-trb-cedar-fair-dark-rides-20150415-story.html

No dark ride for next year-probably.

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I still think a Dark Ride upgrade at KI is in the works soon. That would go hand in hand with a Rivertown upgrade, it's been quite some time. I do think Soak City could use a new slide complex or anything new honestly. A new pool was a somewhat lame addition, but needed for sure. But spread the riders out a bit. Zoom Flume shouldn't be as long of a wait considering.

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We happen to have a great big box of room for said dark ride in Rivertown, so you might get your wish soon, or might not. 


-Tusk feeling like Terpy with his opened ended answers.

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Yeah, its a shame though that he knows no more about it than anyone else. Its like a TV psychic, leave everything open ended and let you (or the park) make the info known.

He's never wrong because he never actually says anything. Its just a game.

Remember, thoswho talk, don't know and those who know, don't talk. Haven't we been through this enough?

Kings Island may or may not be getting a dark ride coaster that goes into the earth instead of the sky next year. Although wouldn't that be interesting.

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I'm really hoping the next ride is something big and high.  I really feel that the park needs a new crown jewel to replace the void left by Son of Beast.  I love Banshee however I don't think it can really carry the torch for the park.  When you think of major theme parks you always have one giant ride that is instantly identifiable an unique, Kings Island however is lacking that and I hope it changes. 

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Umm, The Beast? 

 But something newer, I get it.

 I know people from all over the world, through a different social platform. It actually amazes me how many know of this iconic coaster. When I talk to people from "where ever" the few things we find in common seem to be, the Indy 500, and The Beast. A few have heard of Banshee, and it's fame is growing, but I assure you, even at it's old age The Beast is known around the globe. 

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The Beast is one of the most iconic and recognized crown achievements in amusement park history. Its renowned all over the world for being such. It is known, it is the icon for Kings Island, and it always will be.

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