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Future Fountain Upgrades?


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A bridge across the fountains would be really nice, but I also think it might ruin the classic look of the fountains. However, I suppose it could work if it's done right.

It is my understanding that both KI and KD explored the idea of a bridge but didn't because of how it would affect the classicly accepted view of the fountains.
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^But Wonderland's fountain continues past the bridge, into a pool at the base of the mountain. So the fact remains it serves as a thematically appropriate bridge to get over some point on the fountain (regardless how far from the front of the fountain this point is), and a similar bridge would be equally thematically appropriate at Kings Island.

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True, the pool at Canada's Wonderland continues to the base of Wonder Mountain, however the buildings on their International Street do not continue. The reason why building a bridge dead center in Kings Island's Royal Fountain isn't feasable is because of how close it would be to the pedistals, which spray water pretty far, soaking anyone crossing it. Building it near the back of the pool, however, would be a different story.

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As has been said here, Canada's Wonderland's bridge is at the far, far end of their fountains - about equivalent to where our little temporary stage is set up.

Also realize the function of their bridge.


Without it, folks who began walking along the south side of the fountains and then decided that they wanted to go to Leviathan would need to physically walk all the way around the back of the mountain.

It's the equivalent of all of the space under the Eiffel Tower and all the way up to the fountains being closed off for some reason, so that folks who walked along the Action Zone / Oktoberfest side of the fountain would need to walk all the way around the Eiffel Tower's base along BLSC to get to Diamondback.

In other words, Wonderland has a bridge, but it's not halfway through the fountains, and they have to have it to make guest flow work. Sure I think it would aesthetically work fine. But we don't need one like they do.

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I think goodyellowkorn was probably spot on regarding the fact Canada's Wonderland essentially needs the bridge to avoid forcing guest to walk all the way around the fountains or the mountain.

Comparing Kings Island's fountains and International Street to Canada's Wonderland's is like apples and oranges to me. I'd first start by saying that I don't consider Canada's Wonderland's bridge to actually go over the fountains. It goes over water, sure, but the fountains end before the bridge. The reason they have a bridge instead of the walkway we have is because instead of capping their International Street with an Eiffel Tower as Kings Island and Kings Dominion do, they have a Mountain with a waterfall, which goes into a pool connected to their fountains. So the part of the water (if you want to call it part of their fountain, go ahead) Canada's Wonderland goes over, does not exist at Kings Island. Our fountains end essentially where their bridge is.

Kings Island is a very well laid-out park, I don't think our fountains are that hard to get around and of course I don't mind walking by them because they are one of my favorite things at the park. While I think the idea being able to walk across and have the fountains on both sides is neat to imagine, I think it would end up making the fountain seem smaller and less grand, especially when seen from the entrance.

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I don't even think it would be 5 minutes.

They could add a bridge and just make it have a similar design to the fountains with the white and blue. Something classy. It would, however, be unnecessary in my opinion. I could see it being done if the fountains were added last year, but after 40 years of having a fountain without a bridge then why now?

If I could do one thing with the fountains to change them it would have them look EXACTLY the same, but still pull off a water show at night. That way you get the nostalgic feeling as well as a modernized end-of-night experience.

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Such a big draw, yet such a big risk.

I suspect that one of the reason's why The Beach didn't use their ice rink for The Beach Mountain. Yes, they still have it. The cost of simply having and maintaining an outdoor rink scares people away.

Just imagine: $25 for a Skate and Slide ticket. The marketing writes itself.

Maybe next year.

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A bridge definitely wouldn't shave five minutes off for me. I discovered this summer that at a brisk walking pace, I can get from The Beast to Kings Island Theater (or pretty much any two locations in the dry park, if not hampered by other foot traffic) in five minutes.

I didn't really start feeling the need for a bridge/walkway/tunnel until I attended Haunt. There were the tombstones and scareactors impeding traffic along Int'l St. and at times Blood Drums and their crowd on one end and all the front gate activity at the other.

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  • 9 months later...

Is Kings Island letting the fountains go into disrepair to trick us into wanting something new and different?

I have noticed that the effects didn't work much this year, so that seems like the case. I may be in the minority here but if they do anything to the fountains, I would like the pedestals to stay. They make our fountain stand out from the ones at Kings Dominion and Canada's Wonderland.
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I had noticed that, for a few days early in the 2015 season, the fountains were in full-blown, skyward fire hose mode continually; they didn't switch between different modes at all. Could just be the "watched pot never boils" principle, but they kinda lacked that certain charm for a few days.  Also, there was at least one night I remember when the lights never came on. That could just have been a fluke. The goose "contributions" were very noticeable from the tower, as well, and I heard many guests mention it.

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