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Decoding Episode II: Rivertown 2017 and the Falling Trees


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  On 6/5/2016 at 6:35 PM, tjpavlik said:

Support for Mako, from last year.  MC : Mega Coaster?  Interestingly, also X-Works, though it ended up at SeaWorld.


B&M classifies everything over 200ft a mega coaster because Intamin has Hyper Coaster trademarked I believe. X-Works is to simply keep the park classified so people don't know what a park is getting before the announcement.


Edit: I was wrong Intamin has "Giga coaster" trademarked not Hyper coaster. My only other reasoning is that when they first built Apollo's chariot they went with the Intamin name and never changed it when they started using the term "Hyper coaster"

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  On 6/5/2016 at 6:45 PM, Magenta Lizard said:


Photo courtesy gforce1994

I hadn't seen this one until he posted it.

Does not appear to be a B&M. From what I have seen, their markers identifying footers tend to start with "c" for column. Checked the Banshee and DB blueprints. So not sure. Anybody have construction pics for any RMC coasters?

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  On 6/5/2016 at 7:33 PM, Oldschool75 said:
  On 6/5/2016 at 6:45 PM, Magenta Lizard said:


Photo courtesy gforce1994

I hadn't seen this one until he posted it.

Does not appear to be a B&M. From what I have seen, their markers identifying footers tend to start with "c" for column. Checked the Banshee and DB blueprints. So not sure. Anybody have construction pics for any RMC coasters?

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The sky is blue right now so that means it won't rain for an entire month :)

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I think we just found the return path. Lift hill and drop running parallel to the train shed. Then turn left towards Diamondback's hammerhead. Return back to the area with the station by going under the train bridge and popping up over the line for WWC, which is the reason for the tunnel.

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  On 6/5/2016 at 7:33 PM, Oldschool75 said:


Does not appear to be a B&M. From what I have seen, their markers identifying footers tend to start with "c" for column. Checked the Banshee and DB blueprints. So not sure. Anybody have construction pics for any RMC coasters?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think B&M works on this part of the construction. Am I right? 

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  On 6/5/2016 at 8:13 PM, Oldschool75 said:

Hence if you look at the foundation blueprints they are marked starting with "c".

**found another set with "S"

So I guess will see

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Take another look at the Banshee blueprints. Station is marked with ST, Maintenance is marked M, and transfer track has a T.

It would be very odd to mark a tunnel with a C if the C is for Column.

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I met Malem over the weekend at Cedar Point during Coaster Mania. He asked me what I thought this new ride was and my guess is a GCI wooden roller coaster. I was also reading from several pages on here that some people prefer KI over CP. I would have to agree with the crowd that likes KI over CP just because growing up, the three of us in my family would always say KI over CP. So I have family ties with Kings Island.

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  On 6/5/2016 at 7:49 PM, Kenban said:

I think we just found the return path. Lift hill and drop running parallel to the train shed. Then turn left towards Diamondback's hammerhead. Return back to the area with the station by going under the train bridge and popping up over the line for WWC, which is the reason for the tunnel.

is there a tunnel/new covering on WWC's new queue? If so then it's pretty clear that they have plans to protect the crowd from SOMETHING going over them...
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I think you are looking at two footings for Diamondback.  My guess is that this is from the line for WWC.  I think the camera is pointed towards the old TR:TR building.  You can clearly see the train tracks and I think I see a gravel maintenance road.


Transfer track is often near the brake run and I suspect it is in this case as well.  It would put it near the maintenance road as well which is required to get the trains on and off the track.


EDIT: I took way too long to figure it out and type this...

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  On 6/5/2016 at 9:07 PM, Dms94 said:


  On 6/5/2016 at 7:49 PM, Kenban said:

I think we just found the return path. Lift hill and drop running parallel to the train shed. Then turn left towards Diamondback's hammerhead. Return back to the area with the station by going under the train bridge and popping up over the line for WWC, which is the reason for the tunnel.

is there a tunnel/new covering on WWC's new queue? If so then it's pretty clear that they have plans to protect the crowd from SOMETHING going over them...



There is a wire mesh covering sections of the new queue which the park is growing vines on.  I believe that if the ride goes under the train bridge it would pop up over the WWC path where one of the two wire mesh, soon to be vine, tunnels are.

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^My whole trip up there this year was a lie! My number 1 wooden coaster... Nothing. My favorite wing coaster that blew away the keeper of the gate up north was actually a figment of my imagination!

Honestly though, Holiday world is great! The atmosphere is so laid back, which, imo, is nicer than KI and CP.

The closest thing to a fake park to me is Coney Island, but it is even real!

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Sort of Original Post, it said I posted twice, but then I edited it and it edited the only post I posted, even though it appeared there were two posts.... :huh:


I guess The Raven is just a Legend and we are all just taking a Voyage with a Thunderbird?


How... can a park be fake?


The Raven is just in our minds thanks to Edgar Allen Poe?


The Legend is just that? A Legend that was forgotten in time?


The Voyage is just a Voyage in our minds?


We are just imaging how a ride in a Ford Thunderbird would be?


Is it just an allusion?




I have not been confused and irate about a post on this forum for a long time, and this is coming from a guy who is usually very patient with all members...

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