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Decoding Episode II: Rivertown 2017 and the Falling Trees


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I can't say for sure but it looks like it will at least go very close alongside the reservoir. Until/unless they start pouring concrete it's speculation but there were clearing/excavation markers leading right up to the water's edge, and everything between the reservoir and the train tracks had been cleared.

They did a good job of clearing out the "circle" delineated by the new WWC queue (the videos from earlier) but something I actually found more interesting was this:


That's a fairly large tree that has been felled on the other side of the queue from the rest of the clearing. It's roughly halfway between the WWC exit and the train bridge. First work I've noticed in that direction that wasn't part of the new queue work.

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When the plans were first leaked ,I did screenshots of the plan and just uploaded them to my computer today ( I couldn't read the notes from the prints on my phone) and noticed in the section about the foundations where it talks about a lake crossing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  On 6/28/2016 at 1:27 AM, Existential said:

Hopefully crossing Lake Erie. That would be a world beater...eh?

No footers here in Columbus yet...sadly.

That would explain the pink markers on the ramp from 270E to 71S on the south side!
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  On 6/27/2016 at 10:44 PM, Existential said:

Lightening Run stole my Nicorette lozenges. Storm Chaser stole my heart. Ahhh. And Angry Birds stole my lunch. Don't sit in the front fans.

...and KI's Vortex stole my zipper! I was wearing a hoodie on the ride and when I got to the brake run, the zipper was gone!

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  On 6/27/2016 at 8:06 PM, psycho43142 said:
  On 6/27/2016 at 3:38 PM, upstop said:

I love ejector air when it doesn't empty the contents from the deep pockets of your cargo shorts and lockers aren't provided.... hint never get Velcro cargo shorts..... zippers all the way if you can find the zipper kind... ;)

So how was Storm Chaser or is it now known as the iPhone eater?

Great ride .... Loved it! The inversions seem slow to me but still fun. Hopefully this is the type of mystery coaster coming to KI.

As far as the IPhone for a week before going to KK it leaped off my desk, dining room table, shelf and anywhere else it was placed, so I'm thinking it had a death wish and finally succeeded in committing cellicide.

It was firmly sealed in my Velcro pocket and the pocket was still sealed when we returned. So it popped open long enough for the death leap and resealed itself.

KK still hasn't found it... But I'm pretty sure it was "found".

Too bad they don't offer lockers near Stormchaser or at least I didn't see any.

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Yes... And the finder located the phone under the first inversion after the airtime hill. My guess... The twisting drop opened the pocket, then the airtime hill popped it out and the inversion dumped it..... Then the pocket magically resealed.

Lesson learned the hard way.

And it won't happen again.

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  On 6/28/2016 at 4:27 AM, upstop said:

Yes... And it's located under the first inversion after the airtime hill. My guess... The twisting drop opened the pocket, then the airtime hill popped it out and the inversion dumped it..... Then the pocket magically resealed.

Lesson learned the hard way.

And it won't happen again.

Zippered pockets next time?
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  On 6/28/2016 at 4:27 AM, upstop said:

Yes... And the finder located the phone under the first inversion after the airtime hill. My guess... The twisting drop opened the pocket, then the airtime hill popped it out and the inversion dumped it..... Then the pocket magically resealed.

Lesson learned the hard way.

And it won't happen again.

Did you tell KK it should be there?

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^Yes gave Guest Relations all the details, location, color, address, etc.... and I've called them every day but no luck so far. I expect it will never be "found". Heck it survived 40 feet to the gravel below and sent signals till the battery died. If the screen didn't shatter, I'm sure it will end up on Ebay some day.


Other than that, the coaster was great and I'm hoping the mystery coaster at KI ends up being an RMC!

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  On 6/28/2016 at 1:27 AM, Existential said:

Hopefully crossing Lake Erie. That would be a world beater...eh?

No footers here in Columbus yet...sadly.


It must be true! Here is video proof! :P



Dragged this out of the mothballs, but it's as funny now as it was then, and it kind of fits the theming for Rivertown.

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  On 6/28/2016 at 1:52 AM, King Ding Dong said:


  On 6/28/2016 at 1:27 AM, Existential said:

Hopefully crossing Lake Erie. That would be a world beater...eh?

No footers here in Columbus yet...sadly.

Perfect the KI to CP Coaster with a transfer in Columbus. They might even be able to levy and uncharge for that.




That would finally install that high speed rail they've been talking about putting in for decades to connect the three cities...

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That video is great!


Well, it seems from all indications that a new GCI is coming our way, which makes me very happy! Just so pleased that KI may finally get an updated wooden coaster. With the first set of teasers, especially the kitten looking up at the fence, I wonder if the name Wildcat, or some version of that will be the name?


I think KI will get a giga once Fury has that top spot for a another year or so. I can envision a new record breaker way on the other side of the park, out behind The Racer. Maybe as part of an expansion back by Firehawk or Flight of Fear. Seems like a logical placement to me. And while they are at it, put a snappable set of new Flyers on Flight Commander's old pad...I always dreamed of a great set of Flyers up there since they took it out and didn't put Drop Tower there. One can dream...

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