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Decoding 2020


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As this thread approaches 100 pages and tons of reading, can I ask that people observe the politeness of not quoting half a novel of text just to say one sentence or paragraph? Pare it down a bit, like @RuthlessAirtime just did. 

I’m leaning again toward the leaked layout being faked. I already explained on a previous page why it wasn’t necessary for it to have been drawn in the short time between the prints being mentioned here, and the time it was posted. Someone could have been sitting on that for a week or more, depending on when they learned of the blueprints which were publicly filed April 18. The land was cleared or in the process of clearing extremely early this season so it revealed a pretty likely area to draw a layout into.

But what is occurring to me right now, again, is they were working their butts off to make that clearing. The second Saturday they were open, workers were out there bustling along with the clearing. On a weekend! At a part of the season when the park is closed weekdays giving a lot of time to work without guests being in the park. 

So, if this is going to be a relatively short (track length) coaster, why is it so imperative to start the construction so very early? It just makes me think it won’t be relatively short in length for a giga. 

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  On 5/10/2019 at 8:40 AM, Magenta Lizard said:

So, if this is going to be a relatively short (track length) coaster, why is it so imperative to start the construction so very early? It just makes me think it won’t be relatively short in length for a giga. 


One can only hope you're right about this, but personally I don't think the layout was faked. Still though, I think we could be looking at something really amazing, but I do think we'll have to wait a bit longer to learn what all that entails.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 9:51 AM, TheRickster said:

Alright... so I was late to the chase on this. How are people coming up with a track length based upon what's on the internet?


People are going based upon the leaked layout. It's not available on this forum but is in other places on the internet (I'd suggest r/rollercoasters. Although I think it's incredibly stupid we have to direct people away from this site to view something like this) As it currently stands, there is NO WAY for anyone here to definitively state track length based on this layout, as no one knows what the features of the layout will actually be. It seems that assuming a straight (or nearly straight track) it looks like somewhere in the 4000's, but this isn't accounting for hills and other features. I'd hate to state the obvious here but I think we'll have to wait for an official announcement to get a real idea of track length.

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Yeah, even assuming that all this is real, I'm like... how are they coming up with a figure. I've seen the pictures and stuff on reddit and a lot of people I think are just expecting something to be bad based on someone who was able to piece together the most logical discussion that still confirmed something. There really isn't even anything to use as a good scale for the picture without knowing the dimensions of any of the buildings in the shot. Also hills add to track length immensely. So from the top down angle of a print, Something going up is going along the paper... AND up at you. So what would look to be 3 inches horizontal would actually be say 5 inches diagonally raised off the paper if it were 3D. Just for example, I haven't been to sleep at all tonight so I'm not breaking out trig functions for everyone lol.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 10:03 AM, TheRickster said:

Yeah, even assuming that all this is real, I'm like... how are they coming up with a figure. I've seen the pictures and stuff on reddit and a lot of people I think are just expecting something to be bad based on someone who was able to piece together the most logical discussion that still confirmed something. There really isn't even anything to use as a good scale for the picture without knowing the dimensions of any of the buildings in the shot. Also hills add to track length immensely. So from the top down angle of a print, Something going up is going along the paper... AND up at you. So what would look to be 3 inches horizontal would actually be say 5 inches diagonally raised off the paper if it were 3D. Just for example, I haven't been to sleep at all tonight so I'm not breaking out trig functions for everyone lol.


Yeah I really don't have any input based on the math, just not an area I can really contribute to here. @RuthlessAirtime and especially @fryoj (among a few others, sorry guys not sure who everyone is yet) have been doing a ton of calculations. I'd suggest going back through the thread and looking at what they've come up with. Some of it may disappoint you, but I think the one thing that's clear is no one seems to agree on the measurements, so I think we're in for a bumpy ride figuring this thing out, lol.

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To me it looks like everyone is going from the picture and just guessing the adj side total length and just leaving out that it's actually only that length when running parallel to the ground. For instance the lift hill would actually be the Hypotenuse which you would have no way of getting without knowing the opposite and adjacent lengths or a for sure angle (which I get people probably know from prior builds) and either of the other two sides. If you were to actually do the trig calcuatlions to adjust for height the "5500ft" number would actually be a good amount higher to adjust for the slopes. If I just had to throw off a totally random number probably at least a lot closer to 6500 which puts it right with the other gigas.

I think my point is just that it's waaaaaay to early to be getting ourselves out of whack about this. Just enjoy the trip and love the teasers and information when we get it. Guessing information, and imagining could be's can be really fun to some people, but lets not let that ruin our ride before we have anything even remotely solid to go on.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 10:22 AM, TheRickster said:

I think my point is just that it's waaaaaay to early to be getting ourselves out of whack about this. Just enjoy the trip and love the teasers and information when we get it. Guessing information, and imagining could be's can be really fun to some people, but lets not let that ruin our ride before we have anything even remotely solid to go on.


You could absolutely be right as far as I'm concerned. I'm just saying there have been some people on this thread looking at what actual blueprints are available and doing the math. Whether they are right or not, I don't know, but some of them have made very detailed arguments.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 10:24 AM, ldhudsonjr said:

You could absolutely be right as far as I'm concerned. I'm just saying there have been some people on this thread looking at what actual blueprints are available and doing the math. Whether they are right or not, I don't know, but some of them have made very detailed arguments.


Yeah, the thread is just overwhelming to find stuff. That's why I was asking about where the numbers are coming from. What I've seen are very simple civil maps to know where to start leveling off land etc, Very very basic, with hardly any math figures. Hopefully one of the people doing something can chime in. There are then more detailed prints, but you're talking about like the fastener for the foundation of the lift base. Which will not have any numbers with significant enough attachment to the layout to get anything remotely close to a track length.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 10:47 AM, sixohdieselrage said:

We already are :-/


Hey now, like I said on r/rollercoasters they aren't building us a birthday present. I don't think we should feel ashamed to criticize what's actually shown to us. I am, however, skeptical that we have the whole picture. I'd be willing to bet there's more to this thing than we currently can see.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 11:08 AM, TheRickster said:

If it is a giga it'd be nice to finally see the first giga with inversions. Just a fun thought for something that hasn't happened yet. 


This is a total spitball, but what if this was the first Giga with a launch? I ask because it does look like it might be a space themed coaster, and it would help it carve out it's own niche. I think this was brought up about 80 pages back, but just wondering if anyone has changed their mind on this?

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If this blueprint is accurate to the final layout, I'll agree with the sentiment of the forums that there's something unique about this. I'm thinking a wave-turn/wall-stall/whatever B&M chooses to name it, a double-up or double-down, lots of tunnels and nature, and a (slightly) beyond vertical drop.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 11:10 AM, firstnline said:

For all those wanting to take vids and pics of any further land clearing, I'm thinking there may be a 'Running of the Bulls" to the Eiffel Tower' If there is don't get your heel stepped on.


Nah, I'm going to look for teasers and progress in other places, if other people have the tower covered them Im going elsewhere 

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  On 5/10/2019 at 11:10 AM, ldhudsonjr said:

This is a total spitball, but what if this was the first Giga with a launch? I ask because it does look like it might be a space themed coaster, and it would help it carve out it's own niche. I think this was brought up about 80 pages back, but just wondering if anyone has changed their mind on this?


Red Force at Ferrari Land.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 8:40 AM, Magenta Lizard said:

I’m leaning again toward the leaked layout being faked. I already explained on a previous page why it wasn’t necessary for it to have been drawn in the short time between the prints being mentioned here, and the time it was posted. Someone could have been sitting on that for a week or more, depending on when they learned of the blueprints which were publicly filed April 18. The land was cleared or in the process of clearing extremely early this season so it revealed a pretty likely area to draw a layout into.

But what is occurring to me right now, again, is they were working their butts off to make that clearing. The second Saturday they were open, workers were out there bustling along with the clearing. On a weekend! At a part of the season when the park is closed weekdays giving a lot of time to work without guests being in the park. 



Whoever drew that layout did it in Cad. Thats not photoshop. It's too detailed. Even the new coaster has the footers and rails shown. That means they had to have access to cad files of the park and spent hours making a fake based on legit blueprints and the clearing. If people show up at the park today and they've cleared trees up to Banshee, their work is in the garbage. This is not a home made fake. I'll go as far as saying theres no way it's fake. I'd bet a lot it was drawn by B&M directly. There is a possibility that they pitched multiple concepts to KI and this was a rejected one. If thats the case, either someone who had access to this within the park leaked it as a joke, or someone somehow got access to and leaked it not realizing it was a rejected model. 

I think the madhouse clearing is because they are behind schedule. With Banshee, we had footers already by this time. Weather has not been kind this year. 

  On 5/10/2019 at 9:51 AM, TheRickster said:

Alright... so I was late to the chase on this. How are people coming up with a track length based upon what's on the internet?


I'm just tagging this post to reply to all you said, but you've missed a lot in the last 80 pages. The measurements came from putting the leaked layout over top of a google map and lining the scale and buildings of the layout to the real ones. Then using the measure feature in Google, you can get a length of the path. Every time the 4600 ft number has been posted, by me at least, I've qualified it with it not accounting for the ups and downs and that would increase the overall length. Others have gone and measured other coasters paths and compared to their actual lengths to make guesstimates as to how long this coaster will be. Theres no way to know how accurate that will be until an official length is released. Theres no way to do the math on this as we don't know how many hills, how tall they are, what their actual radius is, etc etc. We are just doing estimations based on what has been leaked. 

  On 5/10/2019 at 10:41 AM, Codyfryguy said:

Good morning KIC who's ready for another day filled with decoding and speculation!

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


Here in a few hours, depending on the status of footer work and clearing(or lack of) we could have another post explosion. 


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  On 5/10/2019 at 11:57 AM, XBeastGirlX said:

Nah, I'm going to look for teasers and progress in other places, if other people have the tower covered them Im going elsewhere 


More eyes are always better! Someone else may miss something that you catch. 

And for reference, this is the last bit that was cleared. Anymore past this is new. 20190505_172251.jpg

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  On 5/10/2019 at 3:20 AM, silver2005 said:

Track decoding aside, I also hope they don't get too fancy on the trains and stick with the 4 across sets.  Those things absolutely haul compared to the v arrangement seen on DB.


I talked about this somewhere on the site...but the last B&M to have the stadium style seating appears to be Intimidator at Carowinds....Mako another Hyper was released with the 4-abreast seating. I doubt that they go back to the stadium style seating now. 

The 4-abreast is part cost management, part experience and part method. 

I would say we have a 96-100% chance this new coaster will have the 4-abreast seating.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 11:10 AM, firstnline said:

For all those wanting to take vids and pics of any further land clearing, I'm thinking there may be a 'Running of the Bulls" to the Eiffel Tower' If there is don't get your heel stepped on.


Have to get on Beast first during ERT to check on the clearing... then haul it back to the tower.

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  On 5/10/2019 at 12:17 PM, Creed Bratton said:

I talked about this somewhere on the site...but the last B&M to have the stadium style seating appears to be Intimidator at Carowinds....Mako another Hyper was released with the 4-abreast seating. I doubt that they go back to the stadium style seating now. 

The 4-abreast is part cost management, part experience and part method. 

I would say we have a 96-100% chance this new coaster will have the 4-abreast seating.


Also, we've seen the transfer track and it's only 40 ft. Diamondback's trains won't fit on it. 

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I'd be happy with any giga.  However, if that is the true layout I'd be disappointed only because of how much room they have to work with.  I do understand they have a budget though.  Hopefully we'll see some more clearing today.  I should note that on 5/7 I did spy a tree truck on the Banshee cam dumping mulch from the back of the truck.  They were coming from the direction of the current clearing.  Then I saw 2 trucks leaving out towards the new dorms.

I read on a past page that there was a rumor we were supposed to get a giga in 2014 but went with inverted instead.  That was the first I've heard of that but I wonder if the leaked plan was for that giga.  It would've required Firehawk to have been taken out then so I'm not so sure about it.  I do believe the plan is legit and professionally done but I'm not sold that it's for 2020.


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