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Coronavirus Impacting Theme Parks

Hawaiian Coasters 325

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  On 3/17/2020 at 4:10 PM, King Ding Dong said:


I would highly caution against putting a stop payment order on the payment plan.  For one banks and going to charge you for that and second it breaks the credit agreement.  That will be reported to the credit agencies.  If you are KI Gold pass holder KI has not broken the agreement at all at this point.  If you are desperate then do what you have to do to protect your family, but this is all moving so fast, give CF a little time to come up with a strategy for this.  See my previous post in this thread about what they did for my wife's Platinum Pass the season she could not attend at all. 


My pass is platinum...So...my statement is predicated on the notion that none of the parks are going to open until july at best...this is reality barring some miracle. they arent going to be opening anything on April 4th

In that scenario, has the agreement not already been violated, as I have received zero value for that which I have paid for?

What I said was "Cedar Fair needs to address this" because they do...it is the silence that is the issue...tell me what I'm paying for at this point...if you want me to keep paying for it...I really dont see this as remotely unreasonable

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I was in Pigeon Forge on Friday-yesterday afternoon. I found it interesting that while I was at Dollywood during the Passholder Preview was that Dollywood was going to be delayed a few weeks. What I found interesting about that though, was that everything in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg were operating as normal. Though the plan to be at Dollywood on Saturday was changed, I ended up hanging out in Gatlinburg (with thousands of people). I went to Anakeesta and visited several other locations surrounded by people. On Sunday, everything in Pigeon Forge was essentially as busy as it normally would be. Yesterday, you could tell that it was slowing down. 

In terms of park operations, it seemed silly to me that Dollywood would not be open as scheduled at least for the weekend. In terms of health, I get it. 

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Gov. Mike DeWine is currently giving his daily press briefing. Earlier, they showed an updated chart with an approximation of when cases will spike with and without various types of physical intervention, assuming no pharmaceutical intervention is available.


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  On 3/17/2020 at 6:59 PM, KIngs island lover said:

So will Kings Island be ,Haunt/Winterfest 2020 only?


I am doubting this, They may have a late opening but they are already losing a lot of money with that, I don't think it's realistic for parks to shut down a whole season, especially this one with Orion, the gathering restriction wont be there forever. As soon as we are in a place where people can go to the park, Cedar Fair is going to capitalize on that, they won't shut down for the entire summer season.  

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  On 3/17/2020 at 6:46 PM, raggedman07 said:

So...my statement is predicated on the notion that none of the parks are going to open until july at best...this is reality barring some miracle. they arent going to be opening anything on April 4th

In that scenario, has the agreement not already been violated, as I have received zero value for that which I have paid for?

What I said was "Cedar Fair needs to address this" because they do...it is the silence that is the issue...tell me what I'm paying for at this point.


Not a lawyer so can’t say for sure, but many people here would say CF can just not open and keep the money. I am not so sure about that, just because a contract says something doesn’t mean a court will uphold it. If it did there would not be any litigation over contracts and we would need a lot fewer lawyers and judges.  

I am really just zen about the issue right now. I maybe naive, but I just don’t see CF keeping the money and running and will do everything they can to keep the customer relationship.  Maybe they have to borrow a couple of billion to keep going and pay it back over a period of years and weigh that cost against alienating half their existing customers and the costs to get the revenue back.  In business it is usually a lot easier to keep an existing customer happy than to chuck them aside and attempt to get a new one.  Emphasis on attempt.  

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Expect the worst...hope for the best.

Running on the notion that there will be NO park season this year....do you continue to pay for it in Hope that there is? darned if you do ...darned if you dont...

I'm just saying tell me what I'm paying for or stop taking my money...at least until you open

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  On 3/17/2020 at 7:36 PM, flightoffear1996 said:

Orion is mostly likely already paid for. Now they must recoup the cash. Keeping the park closed for a season will likely hinder future projects but  the park should recover nicely. 

Lets this be a reminder we should not take sporting events and amusement parks for granted. 


Also remember its not just affecting Kings Island, its having an inpact on the whole industry.

I don't know if it'll necessarily push back future projects but its possible. 

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The current situation could also prompt the industry to spend more.  Whatever time is lost will be lost, however, if super low interest rates are around, they could decide to take out a loan and finance a huge project to help generate interest in the park in the next couple of seasons knowing that when things do get back to normal people will be itching to make up for lost time.

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  On 3/17/2020 at 7:15 PM, King Ding Dong said:

I maybe naive, but I just don’t see CF keeping the money and running and will do everything they can to keep the customer relationship. 


You're using common sense. They're not going to slam the gate and say, "We got you suckers! See you next year!"

Everybody give the park a 'lil' credit! :)

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  On 3/17/2020 at 11:02 PM, KIngs island lover said:

Sometime in may or june as of right now

They are announcing next week I think


If the park already knows they need to announce it now not wait. I have to let my manager know that I will be working and he can cancel my vacation days I was going to take. My work schedules up to 3 weeks out so I need to know something. I’m sure I’m not the only one that needs to change requested vacation days and cancel hotel etc.

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A few things here...


  On 3/17/2020 at 3:24 PM, Benjamin22 said:

If the Orion merchandise looks good then they’ll be getting my money. 


If Orion is awesome (I'm thinking it's gonna be!), then I'll get a T-shirt! I'm also in the market for a zip-up hoodie since Vortex ate the zipper!


This is what I've been looking for since this whole outbreak started. It's a map showing how each US state (and other countries) is affected by this virus. Spoiler Alert: Washington State got hit hard:



My stance on the whole park opening thing... yes, I love Kings Island, but I can wait it out, so long as I get to ride stuff eventually and it's not a Geagua Lake situation. In a (good) way, I feel like we've been spoiled by having a shorter offseason due to Winterfest coming back. We've waited six months in prior offseasons, and hopefully we can do it now. Though we may have a shorter season overall, there is so much to look forward to once we get past this crisis. I, for one, am looking forward to Orion, and Adventure Express, and The Bat, Invertigo, Drop Zone, Delirium and all the rest!!! On a final note, it will be interesting to see if there will be any refunds because of the shortened season or incentives to get people to come back (but like some have said, cabin fever may be enough!).

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  On 3/17/2020 at 11:37 PM, Thabto said:

I would guess both CP and KI will open somewhere between Mid-May and Memorial Day weekend.


That would meet-up with the end of the CDC's 8-week-recommendation of no groups over 50 people. And---at this point---would be a best-case-scenario. I hope so, but we shall see.

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