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Coronavirus Impacting Theme Parks

Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Just now, flightoffear1996 said:

I mean I would assume there are a lot average people that are getting tested too you just dont hear about it on social media.  The test isn't a end all either.  You could be exposed shortly after taking the test.  

If the stimulus packages comes through we are holding on to it until this passes.  

I can definitely vouch that testing is unavailable to most, at least in my region. I currently have symptoms and was advised by my healthcare provider via phone to just stay in my house, as I'm young and in good health. You are correct about the usefulness of said testing, especially since there is a 48 hour latency period to get the results back.

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4 minutes ago, CorkscrewMcPuke said:

Given the likelihood of this spiraling down a rabbit hole of economical/political discussion, I'll abstain.

A similar thread at Pointbuzz is turning into an absolute political sh##show. I'm about to stop reading it. At least KI Central is better at having meaningful and thought out discussions.

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4 minutes ago, disco2000 said:

I like how they waited until the very bottom to mention that he had a history of lung problems and recent cancer treatment. TMZ giving quality reporting, as always.

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10 minutes ago, CorkscrewMcPuke said:

I can definitely vouch that testing is unavailable to most, at least in my region. I currently have symptoms and was advised by my healthcare provider via phone to just stay in my house, as I'm young and in good health. You are correct about the usefulness of said testing, especially since there is a 48 hour latency period to get the results back.

What are some of the symptoms you have?  It is a very awkward time to have seasonal allergies.  Hopefully the testing ramps up quickly.  People just need to listen to avoid large crowds and keep washing your hands.  I personally think we will see about another 3-4 weeks of a rise in cases and then we should see the curve flatten. 

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7 minutes ago, Thabto said:

And there's no way of knowing that he actually did contract the virus at WDW. There's a number of other places he could've gotten it like maybe a restaurant, airport, airplane, etc.

But more than likely spread it there. Yes, he had underlying issues, but he was only in his 30's. Everyone keeps panning this novel virus as the flu and only affects the old. NOT TRUE. This why we need to social distance to keep it from spreading and help it die out. 

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19 minutes ago, CorkscrewMcPuke said:

I can definitely vouch that testing is unavailable to most, at least in my region. I currently have symptoms and was advised by my healthcare provider via phone to just stay in my house, as I'm young and in good health. You are correct about the usefulness of said testing, especially since there is a 48 hour latency period to get the results back.

I know several people that met all the criteria and all the symptoms and were instructed to go to the UC West Chester ER and they were tested for the flu, took a chest X-ray and sent them back home...never tested for Coronavirus...

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26 minutes ago, flightoffear1996 said:

What are some of the symptoms you have?  It is a very awkward time to have seasonal allergies.  Hopefully the testing ramps up quickly.  People just need to listen to avoid large crowds and keep washing your hands.  I personally think we will see about another 3-4 weeks of a rise in cases and then we should see the curve flatten. 

The biggest symptom I've experienced is malaise and joint aches. They're accompanied by a lightly sore throat, which isn't currently bothering me, an occasional cough, and chest congestion. I do suffer from allergies though, so it could all be nothing.

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Just now, BeeastFarmer said:

Each test uses an individual kit. The swabs are not reused.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

Yeah, but in the case of drive-thru-testing it's the same gloved-up person giving tests one right after another. They don't change gloves or attire. Not saying it's unsafe, but self-quarantine is the best thing you can do...if you can do. Just stay put.

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I'm not familiar with DT testing, but I have a friend who works in a clinic and did 4 tests today. She gowned, gloved and donned an N95 mask for each patient. Best practice dictates new PPE for each patient. She's not just protecting herself, but the patients she sees after that one as well as co workers and family.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, bjcolglazier said:

Yeah, but in the case of drive-thru-testing it's the same gloved-up person giving tests one right after another. They don't change gloves or attire. Not saying it's unsafe, but self-quarantine is the best thing you can do...if you can do. Just stay put.

What he said.

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23 minutes ago, King Ding Dong said:

Well since it is a slow night...as the father of two aspiring engineering teens that have absolutely zero interest in any high school social functions I just can’t stop laughing at this.  
(obviously doctored)




I feel attacked. 

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