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15 minutes ago, Bwb.32 said:

any update on what the lantern point effect is/does with the box?


An audio track will play either of the following:

"This is a high speed... forceful... turbulent roller coaster ride with quick turns and sudden drops..."

"It's been fifteen years without activity in Outpost 5. I'm here today to figure out what the scientists in Area 72 are trying to cover up. Hello? Hello-"

Both of these end with the Banshee scream and lights flashing in front of the station.

Those were the two audio recordings that I saw from this video, I'm not sure if there are any others besides those two.


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thanks for the update (and hiding the spoilers for those who don't want them) 



weird use of this lore lol, also weird that this is technically a timeline advancement within the lore around this all, having someone I guess visiting the site 15 years later, and post Banshee? 

within the lore, is this intended to be the same "independent radio guy" who posted up with car thing outside area 72?


Edited by Bwb.32
spoiler warning addition
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5 minutes ago, Bwb.32 said:

thanks for the update (and hiding the spoilers for those who don't want them) 


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weird use of this lore lol, also weird that this is technically a timeline advancement within the lore around this all, having someone I guess visiting the site 15 years later, and post Banshee? 

within the lore, is this intended to be the same "independent radio guy" who posted up with car thing outside area 72?



I'm pretty sure the 15 years is supposed to represent the amount of time since Son of Beast closed in 2009. In addition to that, Area 72 and Outpost 5 are both themed to military bases so I guess it makes sense to try and blend the two together.


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5 hours ago, WoodVengeance said:
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I'm pretty sure the 15 years is supposed to represent the amount of time since Son of Beast closed in 2009. In addition to that, Area 72 and Outpost 5 are both themed to military bases so I guess it makes sense to try and blend the two together.



For sure, just seems weird that the timeline is being updated/continued forward here, considering, i think, the last lore addition and timeline advancement involving Banshee was in 2013 when it "killed" the son, so someone is checking out the site 15 years after Banshee already took over the area and the site was within the lore seemingly abandoned. 
I guess in terms of the real outside of the lore, whats the net gain for the park here continuing the lore forward? i guess what I'm getting at is this just as easily could've been a beast roar, or Banshee screaming, or fight between the two? plenty of options at hand that didn't involve advancing the timeline, let alone connecting it back to the new area 72 theming/lore post refresh with the addition of Orion.

i mean i guess it could be a good use for the structure if the state actually did disallow regular usage (having regular guests that aren't covered by the parks insurance like employees would be walking within the structure) of the structure. 

Maybe a lore explanation as to why the structure has been left there? (when some consider it an eyesore)

also within this lore again, if its not the radio dude outside area 72 checking out the site here, then who is it?

idk it just doesn't for me make sense to expand on the lore, advancing the timeline for just this, but weirder things have been done lol

further thoughts here, red is seemingly representing the son, purplish blue is seemingly representing Banshee, towards the end of the audio it almost sounds like large thundering steps with a low growl just before the Banshee screech ( EDIT 9:29pm: 

loud footsteps and low growl audio is a volume lowered and shortened reuse of the audio used at The Beast's lantern activation point

why would anything be done to imply the son may still be alive?


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3 hours ago, Rivertown Rider said:

I saw this on Reddit of the casket being lit up.Screenshot_20240921_162122_Reddit.jpg

Slight spoilers below but more speculation than anything:


woahhhhhhhhhh sick, thanks for sharing this here! I know pre haunt this was identified i think by someone else on the forums (not sure if it was in this thread) but kind of got disregarded as just general damage to the props ( Also doesn't the son usually just get a tombstone? not a whole coffin??) not to mention the light was not active as haunt hadn't started at this time. Same red color that seems to be being used to represent the son at the station.  further lore speculation here: So maybe that's why the Banshee and son are fighting at the station 15 years later, because the son has quite literally just broken out from an "eternal rest" and returned to its former home (at least what's left of it), perhaps the sons "eternal rest" has allowed time to recoup, and grow, returning this time stronger ( and steel lol) forcing the Banshee to concede and coexist with the cryptid that is the son, is its new form of a hyper hybrid from RMC?

Edit: 5:48pm, adding this image from the same Reddit post Screenshot_20240921-174748.png

New red lights on the monument? (not sure actually asking here if theyre new) also the flame is OUT, (could be and probably is unrelated, i visited in mid august and the flame was not active throughout the day)
as well, are those glow in the dark paw prints?? Lore Speculation: maybe the son took a pit stop and inspected the monument on the way back to the station?

linking the post below as there is some valid speculative points made there that are IMO worth considering/viewing


Anyone whos been to haunt this year (lol I know) have a better opinion/idea of how the scale of investment on this Son of Beast activation point compares to the other activation points for the lanterns?? i guess another thought that comes to mind and why i ask, is does this seem like a larger investment in theming compared to the other activation points? if so potentially the dual case use that comes to mind is a combination of marketing budget and haunt budget to really sell the announcement of a new project? or get the hype train rolling for a potential 2026 capital announcement in 2025?  With a tertiary benefit of a real marker point to sell the lanterns for at least 2 haunt seasons?

Certainly if the shipping Crate remains (obviously probably without the lantern point activation sign, and shipping label sign referencing haunt lol) through winterfest-offseason-and into next season, there may be more to this.
Number 5 is alive?

(also it would be killer to see the park do a similar setup to this one done at the SOB station, but near The Vortex plot and themed to the former ride at some point in the coming seasons)

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also posting this here for discussion, any ideas if the numbers on the scan code seen at the very bottom of the sign on the box  reference any specific dates, previous ride stats, etc.?




Separate from this: In terms of RMC, certainly some weird activity on that side of this that might also be nothing, first the "Which way to outpost 5" tweet in 2023, then came the ominous "O" tease (loops?) that came around the time the wild moose was announced, but has continued to be used and no longer seems related to the wild moose IMO, and then most recently this tweet:  https://x.com/RockyMtnConst/status/1822310970871697772?t=v4xUZHGlbhxgM_FkUDTqJQ&s=19

following this tweet, in the comments, this thread was posted, and replied to by RMC:


these hot sauce talk here is a reference to the teasing done by lost island for their raptor, BUT, more importantly, RMC's reply seemingly disregards the "missed opportunity" comment, which may mean what "they're cooking" (the original tweet here), has nothing to do with that addition, nor was this first tweet a reference to it.    Again my own speculation here: is the "we've been cooking" statement is in regard to the development of a hyper hybrid with a loop, this in combination with the new tighter articulation of the Wild Moose trains (which again its announcement cycle also was the start of them teasing the "O" (potentially loops?)) could potentially be an iteration on the hyper hybrid model, that both features a loop or loops, as well as tighter, snappier, elements. 

Which has seemingly lead to radio silence from RMC on socials since(besides the minute tweets made upon lost island announcing their raptor), but I might speculatively add coincidentally this first original tweet was posted on August 10th, 3 days later on my mid August visit to the park, I noticed the eternal flame extinguished.

(At this point I'm probably going to make a quick trip up on a tricks and treats/haunt day so I can have daylight to get some high quality shots to document these things in 4k with my mirrorless camera)


also after further listening, the person heard in the new audio at the SOB station lantern activation point, is probably not intended to be the WERD radio person, doesn't sound anything like the WERD radio character that is usually heard at the car, or the new audio added for haunt there at the WERD radio car lantern activation point.

so whos this new character that's exploring the SOB site?


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1 hour ago, Bwb.32 said:

also posting this here for discussion, any ideas if the numbers on the scan code reference any specific dates, previous ride stats, etc.?




Separate from this: In terms of RMC, certainly some weird activity on that side of this that might also be nothing, first the "Which way to outpost 5" tweet in 2023, then came the ominous "O" tease (loops?) that came around the time the wild moose was announced, but has continued to be used and no longer seems related to the wild moose IMO, and then most recently this tweet:  https://x.com/RockyMtnConst/status/1822310970871697772?t=v4xUZHGlbhxgM_FkUDTqJQ&s=19

Which has seemingly lead to radio silence from RMC on socials since, but I might speculatively add coincidentally this was posted on August 10th, 3 days later on my mid August visit to the park, I noticed the eternal flame extinguished.

(At this point I'm probably going to make a quick trip up on a tricks and treats/haunt day so I can have daylight to get some high quality shots to document these things in 4k with my mirrorless camera)

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There was markings in the preferred lot earlier this season:



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6 minutes ago, Tr0y said:

There was markings in the preferred lot earlier this season:


That could just be for repaving the lot if I had to guess. Even if there was going to be a new coaster using the SOB station (not saying there is, just a theoretical scenario), there's plenty of other land they could use for it. I doubt they would need to use part of the preferred lot for it.

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1 hour ago, Bwb.32 said:

also posting this here for discussion, any ideas if the numbers on the scan code reference any specific dates, previous ride stats, etc.?




Separate from this: In terms of RMC, certainly some weird activity on that side of this that might also be nothing, first the "Which way to outpost 5" tweet in 2023, then came the ominous "O" tease (loops?) that came around the time the wild moose was announced, but has continued to be used and no longer seems related to the wild moose IMO, and then most recently this tweet:  https://x.com/RockyMtnConst/status/1822310970871697772?t=v4xUZHGlbhxgM_FkUDTqJQ&s=19

Which has seemingly lead to radio silence from RMC on socials since, but I might speculatively add coincidentally this was posted on August 10th, 3 days later on my mid August visit to the park, I noticed the eternal flame extinguished.

(At this point I'm probably going to make a quick trip up on a tricks and treats/haunt day so I can have daylight to get some high quality shots to document these things in 4k with my mirrorless camera)

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also after further listening, the person heard in the new audio at the SOB station lantern activation point, is probably not intended to be the WERD radio person, doesn't sound anything like the WERD radio character that is usually heard at the car, or the new audio added for haunt there at the WERD radio car lantern activation point.

so whos this new character that's exploring the SOB site?




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34 minutes ago, SmartCat7162 said:

So is the flame actually out? Also it would be funny if they proceeded to just tear down the station after all this.

yes, as far as references i can find, i personally identified the extinguished flame on august 13th, as of September 20th the flame was also documented as extinguished as seen in the reddit post

im gonna go digging through youtube and see if i can find any further evidence of the flame being extinguished this year, either prior to august 13th, or in between august 13th and September 20th (which would hopefully confirm the flame being extinguished for some time here.)

EDIT:  video POV of Banshee identified as May 2024 shows the flame lit. 



EDIT 2: this video (POV UNDATED) but posted on September 8th, shows and extinguished flame



EDIT 3: addition posting from September 8th showing an extinguished flame: 


EDIT 4: posting from august 25th showing extinguished flame:



EDIT 5: August 21st posting showing extinguished flame




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1 minute ago, Bwb.32 said:

im gonna go digging through youtube and see if i can find any further evidence of the flame being extinguished this year, either prior to august 13th, or in between august 13th and September 20th (which would hopefully confirm the flame being extinguished for some time here.)

I did see they put red spot lights on it I feel like they would be turned off if this was not intentional. But since the spotlights are their I think it is safe to assume it is not a maintenance issue or the flame running out of propane or whatever it runs off of.

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1 minute ago, SmartCat7162 said:

I did see they put red spot lights on it I feel like they would be turned off if this was not intentional. But since the spotlights are their I think it is safe to assume it is not a maintenance issue or the flame running out of propane or whatever it runs off of.

direct gas line connection, flame should not be extinguished unless gas is manually turned off at the shutoff valve, which would typically be for maintenance as you identified 

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Should of put this is the other post, so sorry. But as much as this excites me to see I really hope they do something with The Vortex plot of land before doing something with the Son of Beast station. However, since they do use The Vortex plot for the drone launches I could see them not putting anything in that spot.

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2 minutes ago, Bwb.32 said:

direct gas line connection, flame should not be extinguished unless gas is manually turned off at the shutoff valve, which would typically be for maintenance as you identified 

Even still. If it was just a thing where the flame was out for a maintenance issue, that wouldn't explain the decorative plants they have covering the top of the tombstone.

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5 minutes ago, WoodVengeance said:

Even still. If it was just a thing where the flame was out for a maintenance issue, that wouldn't explain the decorative plants they have covering the top of the tombstone.

dude good notice!!!!!!!! i didnt even realize there were plants added there OH SNAP

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My opinion is that this is nothing more than a Red herring. Again there have been no survey markers found. Unlike Coney Mall which has quite a few of them.

However not ruling out any possibility. If there is markings it’s in a location guests can’t readily reach. The Timberwolf Amphitheatre would be that location. If I’m not mistaken there haven’t been any events there this season?


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Gonna add as well, the park identified the water main break to have extended it's impact into the Action Zone area, not saying this is definitely related to the gas for the flame being off

But wanted to make sure all sides are considered, and the potential for the flame to only appear extinguished in these videos is possible due to camera lense flare, ISO, and number of other factors 


Anyone know if these locations were shuttered as well during the haunt opening night yesterday September 20th? If so that would add precedent to the gas being shut off in the area, and flame extinguished.

Edit: found the September 20th water main notice:


Would lend more credence towards the flame being off simply, as along with the water shut off, typically gas would be shut off as well, especially since digging in the area may be required.

Either way, seems we should be keeping an eye on this, for any changes, particularly if the flame is reignited.

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2 hours ago, Bwb.32 said:

also posting this here for discussion, any ideas if the numbers on the scan code reference any specific dates, previous ride stats, etc.?




Separate from this: In terms of RMC, certainly some weird activity on that side of this that might also be nothing, first the "Which way to outpost 5" tweet in 2023, then came the ominous "O" tease (loops?) that came around the time the wild moose was announced, but has continued to be used and no longer seems related to the wild moose IMO, and then most recently this tweet:  https://x.com/RockyMtnConst/status/1822310970871697772?t=v4xUZHGlbhxgM_FkUDTqJQ&s=19

Which has seemingly lead to radio silence from RMC on socials since, but I might speculatively add coincidentally this was posted on August 10th, 3 days later on my mid August visit to the park, I noticed the eternal flame extinguished.

(At this point I'm probably going to make a quick trip up on a tricks and treats/haunt day so I can have daylight to get some high quality shots to document these things in 4k with my mirrorless camera)

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also after further listening, the person heard in the new audio at the SOB station lantern activation point, is probably not intended to be the WERD radio person, doesn't sound anything like the WERD radio character that is usually heard at the car, or the new audio added for haunt there at the WERD radio car lantern activation point.

so whos this new character that's exploring the SOB site?


The 6 and the 09 could relate to the last rides being on June 2009. Other numbers I'm not sure what they could be....

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gonna slide this here as I found a lil more weirdness while digging into the RMC tweeting side of things:
RMC tweeted this on February 1st of this year: 

for clarity these tweets I'm showing here were made Post "which way to outpost 5" tweet, as well as Post wild moose announcement (which was also the start of the weird "O" teasing that continues to be done by RMC on Twitter)

At the literal very bottom of the comments on the "underrated element" tweet, is this reply from RMC, to which the original poster has deleted their tweet?? (wonder what (and from who) the original tweet RMC is replying to here is) but MORE IMPORTANTLY:

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As well, sort of unrelated, sort of not?  New rumors about King Da Ka's future have come out, and it seems as though the word on the street is the Mack Spinner Tower concept shown in the KI survey may be heading their way.
If true does this have any implications on KI's future capital investments? is this related to what's going on here with the SOB stuff?

heres the rumor tweet:



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just wanna toss the thought out there, this came to mind following some speculation about The Crypt/TRTR. 

So ive tossed the thought out there that 2023 was not intended to be AP (which was known to be a last minute capital investment) and may have originally been planned for a major capital expenditure (new roller-coaster?) but with top thrill 2 those plans may have been shelved until 2025 (originally?) my original thought ive shared here prior, is that this was a tide over investment, as a filler to the major capital being pushed?

now with the last minute additions of sirens curse at CP being announced

along with the noticeable effort put into converting wolf pack into a lantern point, which im gonna add, is oddly far off the path from the other activation points (and the now removed sticky note on the prop stating "remnants of the unloved son", was this maybe not the original intention for these props? 

the additional thought ive had flowing from all this,

is it possible that KI planned on a major addition for 2025, which was pushed again following sirens curse going to CP? additionally, as a response to the multiple delays of major capital, and the park sort of already being down a major attraction with Vortex's sudden, unplanned departure, will KI follow suit now and see two back to back years of major investment? 

perhaps something with the former SOB station, as well as something else with the crypt building?

better yet, RMC has been busy with fire in the hole, maybe these props were turned into a redirect, and well be getting a major indoor attraction from RMC in the former crypt building? ( lore wise: maybe the son has awoken from an eternal rest, revisited its former stomping grounds during this haunt, fought and narrowly escaped the Banshee this time, and will soon find a new home right next to its father in the former crypt building?

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3 hours ago, beastfan11 said:

I hope they bulldoze that station and all of the rumors surrounding it. 

I've accepted that all conversations on this site will always lead to Son of Beast, if given enough time and enough people participating.

I thought we'd eventually someday escape this Groundhog Day scenario and settle into a The Bat-pre-2014 level of discussion about it, but then apparently someone on Six Flags's creative team decided this year that they hate me.

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