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Top Thrill 2 will have loose articles similar to Universal

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This sounds like the same policy that was in place on Steel Vengeance before the in line lockers were built.  It was a mess, people don’t want to pay for lockers and frankly it effectively makes the ride a pay to ride attraction.  I have seen some claims that the ride will have free lockers similar to Universal, but I do not believe this.  I have no idea where people got this idea, because I have not seen anything to support it.

Having a bunch of free lockers outside the queue will promote people trying to abuse them instead of paying for lockers in other areas.  While I do believe the park should offer free lockers at rides I just do not expect to see this change.

The issue with Steel Vengeance style lockers is where could they be built?  You need a location where you can get back to the queue from the exit, and the launch track is in the way.

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While I am all for the no loose articles policy as it is an added level of safety for everyone, like those of you who stated above, how will this be effectively implemented without causing too much drama? A free locker system would absolutely be ideal, but as stated above, folks will probably find a way to abuse that system. I just don't know.

As someone who considers themselves a responsible and efficient rider as in I always wear clothing that supports safely carrying my wallet/keys/phone/etc in such a way that does not inhibit my ability to enjoy rides or pay for lockers, this kind of sucks. But they have to create a blanket statement to cover anyone regardless of how responsible a rider might be. 

I guess we shall see. I hope by the time we get up there in the summer that whatever early kinks and bugs with the entire system of ridership will be a little bit smoother. I do feel that this season will be entirely experimental and next season things will be better tacked down. One can only hope *shrugs*

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Last season the steel vengeance lockers went down, and since serviced by an outside contractor, were out of service for several days forcing people to use the small bank of paid lockers outside the entrance (which were all use).  We decided not to ride as it was way too far to go back to the closest locker set and return to ride.  If CP wants to be like Universal, then they need to get an adequate supply of lockers to support the number of people that the queue can adequately hold (and have plans to fix the lockers quickly if they go down).

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