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Kings Island 2025 Special Events


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I’m just happy Winterfest is back! 2025 will be the year to come out and participate in events to make sure they keep coming back. The numbers, at the end of the day, will probably influence the likely hood of future productions.

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I'm excited to see that Food & Wine, Grand Carnivale, Haunt, and Winterfest are all back this year! If the wealth of resources does get shared around, I think it would make the experience better overall. Hopefully F&W and GC both get more advertising this year (and hopefully something that is not just posts with 25% event details / 75% season pass promo). Maybe the tasting cards will come back as well :)

More details or changes for Tricks and Treats, Halloween Haunt, and Winterfest will probably released closer to August/early September, so I'm curious how those will look now that events and experiences are being shared between parks. This will be the 25th year of Halloween Haunt too, so I'd like to see if the park does something cool for that! 


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I kind of wish they would do something completely new and different. I agree that Grand Carnivale has run its course. I unfortunately did not get to experience it the first year when it apparently was actually good. The event left a lot to be desired the last two seasons that I have been. Hopefully since they are bringing it back this year they actually devote more resources into making it what it once was. As for the Food and Wine Festival, that's not really my vibe personally. Glad other's enjoyed it though. 

A refresh of events next season would be nice to see though. 

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