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Where would you put a laser tag arena in Kings Island?


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I woke up this morning and a thought has been stuck in my brain ever since, what if Kings Island had a laser tag arena? Think of all the fun that could be had, so many different game modes, or various theming possibilities, the fun truly could be endless, but then it hit me, where would this go? 

There’s just so many buildings where this would fit right in throughout the park. Personally I would like to see this go in the tomb raider building.

Where would you like to see it go?

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Down the street maybe near Kroger…

here’s the negative with it being at KI: if it’s a pay for play thing, it will cost more than its worth and it will break down quickly and be subpar.  If it’s free then it will be very bad with no upkeep.  

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They've tried the laser tag attraction before.  Specifically, there was one for at least a couple seasons at the end of Coney Mall in the old Cinema 180 dome during the Paramount years.  It was always an upcharge.  

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