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Beast Buzz


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Its a Coaster event that takes place at parks around the US. Coaster buzz does this with pki. They do different events through out the day. For example FOF tour they take you inside the Flight of Fear. You get to see them launch trains. With all the lights on. Also you get a walkback into the woods thats right The Beast walkback. And they have savenger hunts and you can win prizes like season passes and other great stuff.

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BeastBuzz has already occured this year, it was back around the 18th of June.

Last year the Southwest Ohio Region of ACE in coordination with the Great Ohio Coast Club I believe held Fall Freak Out last October. From what I heard, that even was a huge success. I did not attend due to a lot of work at school. Does any one know if this event will be back again this year, (a new annual event?) or if it was a one time event?

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  • 7 years later...
  • 2 months later...

KingsIslandPR tweeted about our opinions of an event similar to BeastBuzz. He did not say BeastBuzz will be returning. There is a difference. Also, if I am not mistaken, don't you need to be a member of CoasterBuzz to participate in one of there xBuzz events? Furthermore, even if an event were to be held, there is no guarantee a "Flight of Fear tour" will be on the agenda.

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A big enthusiast event should definitely happen at KI again. It's great that the park (or at least Don) is apparently interested in it!

Perhaps KICentral could even be involved - PointBuzz/CoasterBuzz shouldn't get all the fun! After all, we're perhaps the biggest group of fans of KI specifically. In any case, add me to the list of people who would be interested in attending.

By the way, I didn't get a chance to ask Ryan this on closing day: why has KICentral never launched a "coaster club"?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like CoasterBuzz is interested again. From their Twitter account:


@KingsIslandPR Obviously we'd like to bring it back. We did that event for five straight years.

And KingsIslandPR's reply:


@coasterbuzz Let's make it happen!

We should start thinking about dates and logistics for our own meet-up(s) next year.

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  • 1 month later...

I would love to see KI bring back another major enthusiast event like Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend, only better organized this time.

For those who don't remember and/or didn't attend, RWCW was a major two-day enthusiast event that KI did in 2009. It was open to members of KIC, KIE and certain coaster clubs/other enthusiast groups/sites. While it was a lot of fun, the full details of the event were not announced until just 3 1/2 months before the event occurred, and there was some confusion over who could attend, how to prove you were a member of this site, etc.

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