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  1. Yesterday
  2. Whoa a park/chain communicating ride removals?
  3. Yep! I'll never forget Coasterstock 2022 when it stormed during lunch and lightning struck Diamondback I believe and the thunder was so loud everyone in picnic grove jumped lol!
  4. Beast is a classic for night rides. My favorite ride in the park ever was during Haunt one night where I got on one of the final trains in the front row, with only a couple others sitting in the back. This made it feel like we were completely alone, out in the middle of the woods at night. Aside from that Adventure Express and Mystic Timbers are amazing night rides as well. Really help get you immersed in the atmosphere of the ride and both have a secluded from the park feeling for most of their runs. (though do wish AE had some more trees around it to block more views.
  5. Beast is my favorite in the park, but a few ones after that for me are Diamondback, Banshee and Bat. One thing I miss about Racer night rides are the chaser lights that ran all the way down to the turnarounds. For non-coasters- Delirium, Drop Tower and WindSeeker.
  6. My all time favorite is for sure Beast. But a few (maybe more than a few now) years back it was a total accident but my last ride on Vortex was during the fireworks. To hit the first drop as the first fireworks hit and then going through the loops… it was super special. This happened probably 3-4 seasons before they announced they were removing the ride but I don’t think I ever rode it after that.
  7. You'll enjoy your first Coasterstock. Historically it rains during the event but that just adds to the fun.
  8. I see parks in this merged chain as territories- if one wants to see which parks are gone, they should look at what territories they can afford to lose to a competitor like Sea World, Herschend, Merlin, etc. You also have to look at saturation- for example the east coast is saturated with Six Flags parks now so it might not be a complete loss to sell off one in a market they’re already dominating. After reading the article, here are my picks off the top of my head: SFA- neighboring KD, GA, and DP this park sits in a saturated region and doesn’t have a lot of modern attractions to keep people coming in like the neighboring parks do. Valleyfair!- it’s not in a really competitive market for Six Flags to really want to hold onto. Plus considering that it’s no longer Cedar Fair, I don’t feel like there’s much of a need to keep a former namesake park. La Ronde- On one hand it would be losing a Canadian park but on the other hand I feel like priorities would be shifted to Canada’s Wonderland. Plus from what I heard, the park isn’t of much quality to keep investing in if money could be allocated into more profitable properties. I’m sure there are others on there but those 3 came to mind first
  9. Here is a breakdown of the owned and leased parks from the new annual report. Six Flags plans to purchase the remaining shares of the Georgia and Texas partnership parks in 2027 and 2028.
  10. In pass holder email today - no real surprises as everyone kind of already guessed ”To make space for these exciting new experiences, we’re retiring a few classics— Cyclos, Eye of the Storm, and the Raging Rapids River Ride. We know it’s hard to part with rides that have given us so many wonderful memories, but each farewell opens the door to a whole new chapter of memory-making fun.”
  11. The Bat by far doesn't get enough credit it may not be the fastest or tallest coaster but it is certainly a fun coaster for the whole family and that top view for the first lift is amazing!
  12. If it was inside the park I wish they wouldn't have charged you for it, I feel like in the early 2000s they had a walk through bug exhibit from Nickelodeons The Wild Thornberrys similar to Dinosaurs Alive which was free I believe if anybody actually remembers that!
  13. Most definitely! It kind of gives an spooky vibe!
  14. I'm curious which year it was removed, since I don't remember it when I was a kid.
  15. Yep. It was in the back by the giant playing card house and sunshine turnpike.
  16. Yep. It was in the Kings Island Theater. And then they moved Tinker`s Toy Factory into the Kings Island Theater.
  17. Probably the only thing left that could have lured me back to buy another admission ticket for KI. It was the only ride left that still gave me a true adrenaline rush. Now the odds of me coming back are massively less than they were before, not that they were more than 1% before.
  18. Last week
  19. It ran at Kings Island from 2017 to 2021.
  20. I saw a video of the show at KD this past holiday season and it got me wondering why KI didn't receive the show concurrently. It ran from 2018-2021 at KD, and it actually used some of Vince Guaraldi's music. Sure, Lucy singing "Santa Baby" is pretty cursed, but the rest of it is pretty cute. I especially love how Franklin is in it as Charlie's assistant. Adorable. I could be wrong, because I haven't been to KI since 2004 (back when they still had Hanna-Barbera and Nick.) But I don't know.
  21. When you're simping for Jim Cummings again or actually yelling out "Yabba Dabba Dabba Doo!" But if you adhere to the modern KI, when you're watching Peanuts live shows on YT and roasting the weird voice acting (Lucy sounds oddly like a grown woman emulating a little girl...)
  22. Not as punch worthy as Robots of Mars at Six Flags Over Texas back in 2010... WHY would they make the evil supervisor EAT YOU LIKE UNICRON AND HAVE A WHOLE EFFING SEQUENCE THROUGH HIS BODY??? AND THERE WERE EVEN EFFING KIDNEY STONES NAH I'M DONE. Thank goodness that film only played at SFOT for a year and only elsewhere in America at Geauga Lake for a year.
  24. I think i could live with Coney being downgraded significantly….. But it’s the removal of sunlight pool. It really strikes me as final final….
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