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  2. Knott’s has two train rides. The big narrow gauge one, the Ghost Town and Calico, is still steam powered. The other one, Grand Sierra Railway, is of the miniature variety and THAT was the one that replaced real steam with a steam outline. Also, it was not a C.P. Huntington model that replaced it. The new engine is a 2-4-0 and resembles the original engine more than a Huntington would have. Plus, I would not mind too much of the change in motive power, as long as the train ride stayed.
  3. Oh gross! lol Give us steam/coal powered or not at all! The moment Dollywood gets rid of the Coal Powered engines, I'm out.
  4. It was replaced with an all electric replica by Chance Rides: https://www.chancerides.com/electric_cphuntington_train/
  5. Thanks for sharing @Tr0y! I'm not familiar with Knott's train...is it going to be completely gone now or do they have something different in place?
  6. The option of none of those wasn't available. I'd use something related to the area: Little Miami or Kings Mills something.
  7. It appears the steam locomotive from Knotts Berry Farm will be going on sale soon: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/152nFPQx8K/?
  8. Kings Mills Landing would honestly be a good name.
  9. If given the choice, what name would you pick for a rebranded Kings Island Soak City waterpark? I'm working on a personal project that involves making a map of realistic additions/changes I would make to Kings Island. One idea involves rebranding Soak City like California's Great America (South Bay Shores), Carowinds (Carolina Harbor), and Cedar Point (Cedar Point Shores) have. My goal is to move the theme a little away from "generic tropical waterpark" and more toward "let's play in the creek/river", a la Disney's former River Country waterpark. Most of the ideas listed play toward that river theme and some could be considered references to Cincinnati's river history/identity, the Little Miami River (which KI is right next to), and the way that the KI&MV RR links the dry park and the waterpark. Feel free to vote for multiple name ideas and suggest your own below!
  10. They got rid of Chick-fil-A and Subway, I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of Starbucks as well. Just PLEASE, PLEASE don't get rid of the Skyline Chili!!! The one they removed was better, but at least we still have a Skyline. At least for now...
  11. Solar panels in the parking lot would do some wonders for Kings Island. The benefits everyone have listed would be more than worth the trouble IMO. There are other good practices that would also improve the parking lot experience, so the park would not necessarily need to install solar structures across the entire lot.
  12. unfortunately, plastic-y corporate-y logos are cheap and easy and are just what a corporation overseeing 42 decently sized parks would need if they were to rebrand. We could assume there are some parks that are already unique enough and knock, let's say, 5 new logos off of that list. That leaves 37 parks that would need new logos. That's a lot of moolah to spend between logo design, manufacturing of signs and materials, and other accoutrement. Good corporate branding practices dictate that there should be some similarity between logos. I'd personally like to see some retro logos come back, even if they a small bit of Brand Identity attached. Maybe I'll try my hand at a little logo design
  13. Yesterday
  14. A couple weeks ago I met my family inside the KI Starbucks after I grabbed food from LaRosa's. Part of me worried if someone was going to say anything but I was with my group and it was a cold, rainy day and there was plenty of space in there. Honestly, that Starbucks is a waste of indoor dining space in the park, even if G&G is next door.
  15. Buy-SDC and Dollywood like to have somewhat equal attractions, so I can see them doing this sense Fire in the Hole got good reviews. Buy or Sell - An Intamin Vertical Launch Coaster will come to a Six Flags park by 2028
  16. Fair reporting, the media just doing their job, it's just unacceptable by some of the people that make those decisions as to who is and who isn't invited to media day.
  17. I'm there in my office more than some other people.
  18. I seem to stop by his office when he is not there.
  19. ^Better than the VIP Lounge also, and cheaper
  20. You might be able to share Don's office by the Royal Fountain on International Street: That's a million dollar office, better than any corner office or Starbux lounge. (Photo from a thread here on KIC)
  21. Dollywood unveil’s a new, cheaper, pass for East Tennessees residents called the Volunteer Summer Pass: https://www.dollywood.com/tickets/season-passes/
  22. Isn't that the truth LOL. The number of people I have interacted with at KI that have no idea that 1. Cedar Point exists LOL and 2. that it is owned by the same company as KI.
  23. One way to fill up the place during the season
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