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  2. I’m referring to 4d freespins, larson loops, etc
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  4. Some of that land in the top right was actually recently sold to the Kings Local School District. It is intended to be used for a new athletics complex for the new Kings High School that will soon be built on the current softball/baseball fields. https://kingsfacilities.org/portfolio-item/kings-hs-2/
  5. What's that little square there in the middle? Does KI not own that little space?
  6. The top right of this picture could probably be sold and then also some of the forest as well. Picture from the giga speculation thread I don't know to to quote from one thread to another.
  7. I'd like the Flight of Fear midcourse brake to revert to the "no dead stop" operation... Trim speed as needed, but only stop if it has to.
  8. At KI? There's not any undeveloped land that's either accessible or suitable for other uses.
  9. Should be available in this version, you just need to switch the default emoji set from Invision stock to the full Unicode emoji selection.
  10. Do people think they will sell some of the land that is undeveloped at the park?
  11. I feel Carnivale is here to stay just because it's an International themed festival and KI and KD have International Street. I think Carnivale will return to KD in 26 as just like KI in 22 they're taking a year off to celebrate their 50th. I'd be okay with it as long as they expand on it and keep adding to the event and not cutting back like they've done the last few years. One way to do that is to bring back a Carnivale themed bandstand show (ie Royal Rhythms) and not just have Retrospect as the show. It just didn't have that "International Festival" feel to it. I'm glad they chose to keep Food and Wine as it has a lot of potential to be a staple at the park. It also really works well in that Tower Gardens/Eiffel Tower base area. However, I really wish instead of late May through June, they did it in late April through May. Have it be that springtime early season event instead of Summer. Now my main wish (obviously like we saw with Food and Wine last year where they added it last minute) is we see some type of Soak City event. That's literally where your new capital for 2025 is. Take advantage of it! Do some late ERT on the new attractions as part of like a "glow nite" event like you used to do. It felt like a major missed opportunity to not do some sort of "kids event" in Camp Snoopy last year to help promote Camp Snoopy and no the showing a new "camp snoopy" movie in Beagle Scout Acres doesn't count. I also would keep our eyes on Timberwolf this year. With Skyflyer being removed and Spirit Song mysteriously going silent last year after coming back one year post Covid (2023) with no signs of it coming back as well as no signs of KI hosting anymore concerts after the 2022 concert series flop, I feel like the time to pull the plug on it would be now especially if Congo, Invertigo, Drop Tower, and The Bat are all potentially on the chopping block. That would open up a large plot of land at the front of the park for something massive! Now that's the conversation of another thread lol. As for live shows this year, I'm willing to place a bet that Trailblazers Xtreme and Country Crossroads are returning. I'm about 50/50 on the gazillion bubble show as it looks like KD is potentially getting it, but they show at multiple parks so KI could still get it, but honestly I could also see KI getting Brad Ross as he did a 2 year stint at Carowinds and he was very popular there. The main question is about the bandstand show. Usually KI runs their shows for 2 years. Retrospect has ran for 2 years. However, Off the Charts ran there for several years. However, I really hope they do a live band show there again or at least change up the songs. Finally, not really live entertainment/special event related, but please please please PLEASE NO MORE JAZZ ON I-STREET!!! I know I sound like a broken record here, but the jazz has been playing for 3 seasons now and imo just does not fit International Street. Now, I could get behind the jazz during food/wine fest and Carnivale as it fits those events well, but outside of when those events are going on, I want to see orchestral music playing again! International Street is meant to be grand and revealing not laid back jazzy!
  12. It should be available in the next update. We just need @malem to install the newer version of the forums. Then we can turn them on.
  13. Here is a picture of it when it was The Beastie in yellow! https://kicentral.com/photos/the-beastie#8668
  14. A permit was filed for a sprinkler system replacement in Kings Island Trading Co. for a job value of $14,000.
  15. Found this news story....great insight into the work of Baynum and some awesome views of the coaster. Would you do this job?
  16. Welcome to KIC @parkdinosaur!!! Hope to see you in the park!
  17. Has/Is it possible to get 999999 as a score on Boo Blasters?
  18. Yeah I've had that happen to me a lot, so I don't know if that "technically" counts. I wonder if Kings Island should have an elimination tournament in which you go head to head with other players and if you get a higher score then them they get eliminated until there is only 2 players left. Winner gets a free season pass for the next season!
  19. I kind of wish they would do something completely new and different. I agree that Grand Carnivale has run its course. I unfortunately did not get to experience it the first year when it apparently was actually good. The event left a lot to be desired the last two seasons that I have been. Hopefully since they are bringing it back this year they actually devote more resources into making it what it once was. As for the Food and Wine Festival, that's not really my vibe personally. Glad other's enjoyed it though. A refresh of events next season would be nice to see though.
  20. This is actually a disappointment for some of us though. For those of us who actually enjoyed this attraction, it was well worth the upcharge, especially when you could catch it on the cheap. I always did this 1-2X a year for sure and it became a Pride Night tradition with some of my friends. Heck, I got my fiancé' on it by sheer shock and surprise this past event. Now I am so glad she rode it because now it appears to be no more. And I agree. It really was the most thrilling experience in the park. If you've never experienced this kind of attraction, you can't imagine what a rush this thing was. No coaster or flat ride compares.
  21. I know the events had already been listed but here is a news story in the Journal-News today. https://www.journal-news.com/lifestyles/kings-island-announces-special-events-coming-to-the-park-this-summer/PU7MNSBWERCQHE5DQ34K6WYDLY/
  22. It's definitely notable that they posted "This attraction will be closed for the 2025 season". That suggests they plan on reopening it afterwards, otherwise they would've removed Timberwolf from the site altogether as we've seen with other rides in the chain. Usually retrack projects are primarily done during off-seasons and are usually completed by the time the park opens back up. If a retrack project takes longer than a single off-season, then the project is done in multiple "phases" with each phase being completed each off-season (The Racer being an example of this) For a wooden coaster to be closed for an entire season like this suggests this might be a really substantial refurbishment, one that they won't take multiple off-seasons to complete like we've seen with Racer. I'm curious to see what comes out of this. It's also worth noting "THAT" being a possibility, but I'm doubtful since Cedar Fair seems to primarily be running the new Six Flags chain and I do think they would have considered Timberwolf retired if "THAT" happened.
  23. Update: I know the lighting in the preshow room changes depending on where you are in the preshow: Just a test....... Getting this spot on is going to be difficult...... but its do-able.......... 810849245_PlanetCoaster2025_03.05-22_51_22_01.mp4
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