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No Pet Day Care in 2015?


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According to the FAQ on the park's website:


Do you allow pets at Kings Island?

Only service animals are permitted in the park. Kings Island does not have pet care facilities on site; however, we encourage you to visit our nearby partner's facility, Red Dog Pet Resport & Spa.

KI-ORIG-EMP is not going to be happy about this...

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  On 1/29/2015 at 12:16 AM, jcgoble3 said:

According to the FAQ on the park's website:


Do you allow pets at Kings Island?

Only service animals are permitted in the park. Kings Island does not have pet care facilities on site; however, we encourage you to visit our nearby partner's facility, Red Dog Pet Resport & Spa.

KI-ORIG-EMP is not going to be happy about this...

Well..I am not either, so that makes two.

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I found out two weeks ago when I was informed about it. I visited the new Red Dog Pet Resort & Spa and it is like comparing a Motel 6 to the Ritz, there is no comparison. While one is just basic place to stay, the other has far more luxurious amenities and with a higher price to match. I will see what happens between now and when the park opens up in mid April.

I was ask to stay in Guest Services and I requested to stay in the same department in a job that I had performed in the past at the park and prior to rejoining Kings Island.

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Apparently the Red Dog in Mason just opened a few months ago (September or October) (they've had another location in Cincinnati's Oakley neighborhood for a few years now).

I guess KI figured that there was no point in having a pet care center now that Red Dog was nearby, even if it is more expensive.

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As of right now, the Red Dog closes at 7pm weekdays, 4pm Saturday and 3pm on Sundays and are closed on all major holidays. So unless they change the hours, guests will have to pick up their pets prior to closing and are out of luck on major holidays. Also they require a reservation prior to boarding your pet and do require shot records. They only take dogs and cats and no other type of pets. With Kings Island having a partnership with them, we just have to wait and see how it works out come April when the park opens for the season.

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The FAQs page says "There is always a staff member at the facility 24/7 to care for overnight guests", so in theory that means you could pick up your pets after hours as well. I do fully understand their reasons for wanting advance reservations and vaccination records as well. Hopefully they'll have more info up for KI guests in the future.

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I think this is a great thing. I remember sweeping outside front gate and hearing all those dogs bark and imagining them freaking out every time Invertigo cycles. I remember feeling bad for the dogs and wished that the pet care center would be moved to somewhere less noisy.

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Bad move on KI's part! KI's kennel has provided a necessary service to the thousands of people who visit/travel with their pets every year. The fee that they charged for the service was nominal. Red Dog charges $24 for a one day visit! (price obtained from their Day Care page http://www.red-dogs.com/cincinnati-mason-dog-daycare/). And, they require a 30 minute daycare evaluation beforehand! How many people are going to be happy about spending the extra time and money for that? And then there's the comment on the page "Daycare fills up quickly, so please contact us for availability and to schedule an evaluation." What of those guests who didn't know about the change, go to Red Dog and they're full for the day?

KI's going to see more pets left in cars this summer from those people who show up at the park expecting the services that have always been available and for any number of reasons won't want to or can't take them to Red Dog.

I've never used KI's kennel myself since I live so close to the park and can leave my dog at home, but as someone who used to oversee the kennel as part of my job duties years ago, and as an animal lover, I'm seriously pi$$ed about this. How about transferring some money between departmental accounts to keep the KI kennel open, or maybe even renovate it? In 2015, let's cater to the upscale coffee snobs by building them the largest Starbucks in a park that has an L as the 8th letter of its name on a non-red planet that circles the sun. Surely everyone can afford an exorbitantly overpriced cup of coffee, so they can afford the extra money to keep their animals elsewhere.

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^I have friends that used the kennel quite a bit, who had kennel season passes. I'm not nearly as ticked as they are. Plus, I hate hate hate to see animals locked in hot cars, which this has the very real possiblity of leading to even more of. I've seen too many dogs get rescued from cars in KI's parking lot (heck, even one is too many).

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A person who is willing to leave an animal in a hot car during the Summer would more than likely be a person who would not have used the pet care facility at KI. Plus I have never understood traveling with your pet, in my opinion it is more work than traveling with a child. Leave the poor thing home, where it will have a more enjoyable stay and less likely chance of picking up a disease. Kennel Cough and who knows what else.

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^While I agree with you that there are some people who would have left the pets in cars before instead of taking them to the on-site kennel, the added inconvenience of not having one on-site is what I'm trying to stress.

Out of curiosity, how much were they charging for the kennel last year? (I know someone on here can answer that!) I remember how much it was when we first started charging for it back in the Paramount years but I was wondering how much (if any) it had gone up over time.

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I guess the Dog Days in October event over in the Soak City portion didn't equate to increased use of the Pet Day Care when patrons were finished on that side of the park. I suspect most did the Dog Days thing and went home (or left the dog in the car while they went in to ride).

Given this is still a predominantly season pass park, probably not a big shock it is gone.

It is unfortunate, especially for those that travel with their pets, and let's hope this doesn't lead to increased dogs left in vehicles. Unless this resort offers pick-up and delivery, I don't see many visitors to Kings Island using it. In fact, I see the opposite - a family that makes a yearly trip to Kings Island with their pet shows up under Invertigo this year to find that the Pet Care is gone. Frustrated and finding out from Guest Services that they would have to leave Kings Island parking lot and drive to a kennel, but KI checked and it is already booked, would be so frustrated that they say forget it and leave the park never to return again. Plus just the inconvenience of not being on-site.

Given people should always check before leaving to see if things have changed, how many actually do that (not many).

But that is life in the corporate world, where quarterly reports drive decisions. Bean counters forget that not every service offered has to be a money maker if it enhances the overall guest experience and is ultimately offset by the revenue generated in other parts of the organization. Let's face it, I doubt that many people will say "Let's visit Kings Island now that the Pet Care Center is gone". However, more will say "Let's not go to Kings Island because we can't take our pet there while on vacation."

Even though I do not have a pet, I would rather the park kept the Pet Care Center and not do the Petting Zoo. I guess ole Ed Alonzo will not be visiting anytime soon (rumor was the animals used in his show were kept at the Pet Care?)

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  On 1/29/2015 at 6:10 PM, XGatorHead 8904 said:

In 2015, let's cater to the upscale coffee snobs by building them the largest Starbucks in a park that has an L as the 8th letter of its name on a non-red planet that circles the sun. Surely everyone can afford an exorbitantly overpriced cup of coffee, so they can afford the extra money to keep their animals elsewhere.

The thing is, these "upscale coffee snobs" are spending more than pet owners are. Based off the numbers, the park can justify expanding one of its most popular food service locations, just as I'm sure it can justify removing an under-utilized facility.

  On 1/29/2015 at 10:42 PM, disco2000 said:

In fact, I see the opposite - a family that makes a yearly trip to Kings Island with their pet shows up under Invertigo this year to find that the Pet Care is gone. Frustrated and finding out from Guest Services that they would have to leave Kings Island parking lot and drive to a kennel, but KI checked and it is already booked, would be so frustrated that they say forget it and leave the park never to return again. Plus just the inconvenience of not being on-site.

I imagine that the park has accounted for the possibility it may lose a select few visitors, but have also determined they're saving more in the long run by not staffing and maintaining a pet care facility. Even if it was only a single employee working that spot from 10am-10pm every day, at minimum wage, you're still talking well over $10,000 for a single season.

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  On 1/29/2015 at 5:23 PM, MDMC01 said:

I think this is a great thing. I remember sweeping outside front gate and hearing all those dogs bark and imagining them freaking out every time Invertigo cycles. I remember feeling bad for the dogs and wished that the pet care center would be moved to somewhere less noisy.

To add what someone else mentioned my dog was freaked out a lot by Invertigo. Location was an issue but I do wish they kept it.

As a Kentucky resident and a dog owner who has bad separation anxiety it will be harder to visit this year. Throw on top now they want to charge a toll for me to get to Ohio.

I'm starting to think it may be a good thing I haven't renewed my passes.

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I feel that this is one of those things we are all blowing out of proportion.

1: we don't know the amount of business this pet care center used during the year. It probably wasn't busting at the seams so it could be considered an acceptable loss.

2: we don't know why it's going away. Maybe a renovation, maybe a front park redo, may they are just not investing money there.

3: almost all good kennels and such require vaccinations and etc to keep the animals safe. Are we implying the KI one did not require this?

4: many doggy day cares and over night care are night and day better than KI was or ever will be without a huge investment.

5: in this day and age, the user who travels with their dog to an amusement park but doesn't check out where to put the dog is becoming slimmer and slimmer. I'm willing to guess over 75-80% of people who travel with a pet don't assume that just because it had it before would assume it's still there. Also if they did, most would drive the extra ten mins to board their dog.

I feel for it but it's not like it was the best dog kennel in the world. Didn't one of the members on here describe that the conditions inside the pet care we're not always the greatest anyways?

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