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I was glad to see the park announce a magic show this year. (As I have mentioned in the past, I avoid the music shows at the park religiously.) I must admit that I probably wouldn't have rushed to see this show if it hadn't have been for SoakCity's review...I just had to see if it was nearly as lame as he was claiming. After watching it not once but twice on Saturday I must say that (IMHO) his review is totally unfair. I was entertained both times. Sure an adult can figure out SOME of the tricks...so what? The tricks are only part of the show...I found Ed a very personable and funny guy. (And I am way too old to have ever watched Saved by The Bell...so I am not biased.) He is quick-witted, at both of the shows I saw he adlibbed some very funny lines based on what his volunteer assistant said or did...or didn't do. With the exception that the dancers seemed a bit out of place..not really raunchy, just out of place, I thought the show was great...and judging by the laughter I was not alone. I would also like to say that after each show you can meet Ed & have a picture taken. (No charge.) While waiting my turn I was impressed just how nice he was...he took time with each person and made them feel special. It struck me that here was someone who truly enjoys their "work". (Or he is a VERY good actor! ) I was last in line...and when it was finally my turn, I told him that I thought he did a great job and that I just wanted to check out the show for myself after the review on Kings Island Central he said to me something to the effect of "Oh, what did it say?" (So much for how important some of us think this site is!)3 points
Guests are not supposed to go into the entrance area of the former Crypt ride, so please keep out.3 points
This morning I took my little brother to the park to ride some rides and go see some of his favorite Cincinatti Reds players. He loved hearing them talk about all sorts of things! He said he had a great day, and that he loved going with me to Kings Island (which was my favorite part of the day). In terms of rides, Flight Deck was only running one train, and BLSC was only running two, which caused slower lines. I also noticed (and maybe I'm crazy) that there wasn't a hitch on Flight Deck's lift hill. WindSeeker also got stuck at the top of the tower for about 20 minutes, and didn't re-open while we were still there. My brother doesn't really like rides, but will do some of the smaller stuff, so I didn't do too many of the bigger rollercoasters, but it looked like mostly everything was less than a 5 minute wait. Overall, I had a great day at a mostly empty park, and spent some good time with my younger brother2 points
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No, that's being saved for Soak City, since he's both all wet and likes to beach.2 points
Bumped to make a point. Got a fast pass for Snowwoman and I Saturday. We were celebrating her Birthday. This is what she wanted as her present. $110 for 2 passes allowed us 12 hours of unlimited riding of our favorite rides, which I assure you we got the most out of down to the line jump for the front seat of The Beast at 9:40pm(we waited until after the fireworks to ride). Without going into excessive details, we had a magical day and a birthday memory we'll carry with us forever. KI made an additional $110 plus meals off us (funperks bumped me to 3 stars for this day). Soon we'll be back in the long lines watching the fast passers marathon DB and other rides. Instead of being frustrated about waiting, we will only hope they are making memories that are half as wonderful as the ones we made during our fast pass day. Point: Before you hate on people that could be having the best day of their year (or lives for that matter), find a webcam, and think about how many people are watching you, wishing they could just be able to get through the front gates of KI and get in line to ride like your doing.2 points
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I'm not trying to be mean, but it should be common sense if it's blocked off then you shouldn't go back there in the first place DUH!1 point
Sounds like something is not adding up with all this. Sounds like some missed communication or poorly trained accocites. I do know they advertise that you can get unlimited refills in your soveriner cup for $5, but don't think they advertise the 20 oz cups, and the last time they offered this it was 9.99 per person, so why would they sell an unlimited refills for only 5 dollars in 20 oz cup, when one Large pop cost 4.25 with tax. Something doesn't make sense.1 point
I must have missed the "SPLASH ZONE" signs in KI Theater.1 point
If it was intended to be unlimited 20oz drinks, I doubt they'd charge groups twice as much as everyone else... I'm really confused now, too!1 point
1 point
The on-ride photo booth was a temporary one located where the remote control cars are now. The camera was located - if memory serves me - at the entrance of tunnel #2. (I think) When Adventure Express opened - there were many more effects. Virtually all are gone. Most kids today have no idea that back-in-the-day, when the train left the station, you went through a dense patch of fog and mist - and you dropped into tunnel 1 while in the fog. I think this tunnel also originally had red "flame" lights like it was burning. (It's been so long since the effects actually worked - it's hard to remember what happened when) Also, the finale "Bubba" actually used to pour water on the train as it reached the top of the final lift hill! The water/mist effects were removed (from what I was told) because of the rusting of the track and components. I do know that back when Face/Off (Invertigo) was built, the track out of the station to tunnel #1 was replaced. This was when the "mist" effect (which had already been reduced to a shell of it's former self) dissapeared for good. I distinctly recall the replacement track being in the KI parking lot next to the Face/Off track which was awaiting assembly. Finally, I was also told that the budget for effects was cut when AE was being built. There were more effects planned - along the lines of Phantom Theatre (Which was themed by the same company) but the budget got slashed and things like a large animatronic snake and bubbling lava pit were cut from the final ride. Shaggy1 point
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We saw the show this weekend. What a great addition! Loved it. I just wish they packed the house. I think as word spreads, this show may become hard to get into.1 point
I didn't see TombRaiderFTW (Well I probably saw you, just didn't know.) I did meet IndyGuy4KI, Avatar, XGatorHead, Jlopez, had 10 rides in a row in the front with Fire-Beast-OF-FEAR, and 20 in the front row in a row right after that with jcgoble3. I stayed in a group with most of them after marathoning, and I also easily noticed Beastie1980. (Carlos. James. Logan. KENDALL!) TR coming sometime tomorrow.1 point
^ I love me some Racer, but any third row was jackhammering the bejeezus out of me today, particularly on the first drop. Towards the middle of the afternoon, I learned how to lean forward to negate a lot of it, but it was pretty nasty in the third rows. Any other row was great, as usual! Which, of course, brings me to say my bit about the event, though I don't have enough to write a trip report: it was awesome. I got to meet standbyme, XGatorHead, Avatar, jlopez, jcgoble3, and Fire-Beast-OF FEAR, all of whom were incredibly nice! (I feel like I'm forgetting someone... If I met you today and didn't mention you just now, do know I was glad to meet you, too. Unlike certain Gators who were nice enough to remind me that they didn't have to be up at 5:30 to attend, I didn't run on a lot of sleep today, so my memory's exceptionally bad. ) I got about 62 rides in. When you read about Coasting for Kids events, you hear several people saying they got close to 100 rides, so anything not close to that can sound underwhelming, but... holy cow. There's apparently a technique for pacing yourself so you can hit big numbers, and it definitely doesn't involve riding in the first or last cars like I did for a lot of the event, haha. I didn't know The Racer could take it out of you, but I'm pooped. (I ended up leaving about an hour and a half earlier than I'd intended--I didn't make use enough of the water KI nicely provided, so I was feeling pretty yucky as the afternoon went on.) The Racer crew was pretty cool and energetic, too, and the GKTW lunch presentation was very nice. There were two families that had participated and volunteered, respectively, at the Give Kids the World Village in Orlando, and both had interesting and heartfelt testimonies. It was very nicely done. Thanks to GKTW and KI for putting this together! If you're considering attending CfK next year, stop considering and do it! I hesitated for 2011 and let it pass by, but I wish I'd done it now. It's for a fantastic cause, and it's really entertaining to marathon Racer with a train full of people doing the Hokey Pokey or Chicken Dance, pretending to be asleep*, or singing "We Are The Champions" by Queen as the train pulls into the station. I highly recommend it. I know I'll be back next year if I'm able! *Can I just say that this was hilarious? Seriously, the entire train was "asleep." That couldn't have been better if we'd rehearsed!1 point
Well I didn't ride in the event this year (man I hope I can next year as it looks like so much fun), but was able to stop by The Racer and take some photos including a couple from along The Racer track - special thanks to KingsIslandPR for allowing me to tag along as he escorted a member of the media back for some pictures. I offer these up to any participant in the event for use as desired including for PTR's here on KIC if you like (please feel free to edit as you'd like, I've literally just uploaded the images, except for those I've included below). Full album can be seen on my photobucket account: http://s766.photobucket.com/albums/xx309/KIfan1980/Coasting%20%20for%20Kids%20at%20KI/ For fun, I've included a few pictures below - enjoy:1 point
1 point
Gotta step in and add my two cents or nickles accroding to terpy... :-) First off gas is the same for me driving from indy to HW or KI. I drive a 2001 Saturn SL1 40 mpg and both trips take right around 3/4 of a tank. The difference is the path you take to HW is back roads so you don't drive fast 60-65 mph while getting to KI is Highway 70-80mph. Plus the distance for KI you have correct from Indianapolis is 127 miles but the distance to HW is 144 miles not 180 (even though that is interstate)... So that cancel the gas difference. But If you must add costs... then you must add the cost of lockers if you go to the water sections of the parks. I went with 4 people and had to spend $30 dollars that you DONT GET BACK at KI on lockers... At HW you spend $10 but you get $5 back. So you should add the $20 difference if you buy two lockers (or $10 if you get just one locker). Add $2-4 if you want to ride FH. (nitpicking yes, but its a fact) To say KI v. HW better value argument is destroyed is a bit silly. I think it depends on what you are looking for. I will agree with you on the fact that the parks are completely different. Dry thrills versus water thrills. And mostly they are even on price. But that is only because they just introduced the $5 drink bands this year. I still think HW is a better value with shorter wait times, better food, cleanliness, friendliness, and a water park that is unmatched by any other seasonal park. The only thing KI has on HW are thrill rides, IMO. </Rant Over/> Lo siento1 point
Could search be of service? http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25649-for-those-of-us-who-visit-cp-check-this-out/page__pid__464976#entry464976 http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/25650-cedar-point-to-remove-disaster-transport-space-spiral-for-bm-wing/page__pid__465634__st__60#entry4656341 point
I'd get the details back onto the BLSC "Mini's," but I'd completely re-theme the ugly, urban LA dock theming with something more 'Autobahn' (faux mountains, trees, etc.); The Grand Carousel band organ would be restored to its original glory; The Clock above Festhaus would be restored; Ambient music would be theme-specific; I'd park a flying scooter ride on Zodiac's footprint(!); Eiffel Tower would get a good sand blasting and fresh coat of paint (looking a little 2004-ish these days ).... DB's splashdown would have some dynamic lighting effects at night (but that's not really necessary, because it always looks darn impressive!)1 point
1 point
BLCS: retheme to something else and use the soundtrack, Maybe a ferrari theme. Vortex: Repaint and get new trains.(or atleast new restraints.) Racer: Both trains go backwords during HH/Hf. Flight Deck: Repaint. Firehawk: add 3rd train and give six flags treatment. (paint trains silver, add soundtrack + random fire and fog) FOF: use the Tv's and add more themeing in the que. The Beast: continue to do yearly retracking on some parts and add music to the que.1 point
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Topics like this make me glad I'm no longer a part of the Kings Island fan community. Ripping on the show is one thing, calling someone "hideous" is another. Grow the hell up.1 point
SoakCity, I think you have been spending way to much time in the eastern part of the USA, try taking a trip to the west coast then tell us what's not acceptable.1 point
1 point
Or, you could try actually reading the thread before you post. Honestly. And welcome.1 point
I agree with Gordon. KI needs to have some roving entertainment like the clown band! They add so much to the atmosphere of the park! They are sorely missed. I remember them fondly from when I was a kid. They just add so much excitement to the park. Below is a video from the "Untouchables" one of the last incarnations of the Kings Island clown band, albeit it much smaller than the original band. This clip is from the band playing in what is now the Action Zone.1 point
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