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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2013 in all areas
16 points
8 points
I rode FOF the first year it opened when it had the over-the-shoulder restraints with the padding that was at ear level. My experience in one word: Painful. My ears felt like they had been boxed in. They had signs that recommended anyone wearing earrings should remove them. After that I rarely rode it until I found out during one off season that they had replaced the old restraints with the lap restraints they now have. Now it doesn't seem as bad although one ride per visit is usually enough for me.6 points
Why cant we life in a world were their is apropriate speling and gramar used?5 points
Indeed. Elaborate signs imply that closures happen so often that the park went to a great deal of trouble and expense to prepare ornate customized closure signs.4 points
The only thing I remember from my first ride was...well, I don't really remember it. My last right was a wet one. Early in the season, when I rode it, the attendants wouldn't take my water bottle, so I just wedged it behind me in my seat. I never had ANY problems with this until the last time I rode for this season. During take off, the lid loosened and, well, the rest is self explanatory.4 points
4 points
4 points
4 points
3 points
I agree. The music volume needs to be increased inside the bowl. You can really only clearly hear it at the MCBR and brake run. That music deserves to be heard. As far as the video goes, I don't really think it's that our of date. The only part of it I can see needing a change is the clothing everyone wears. As far as on ride experiences, it varies in each seat I sit in. When I'm in the front, I get to see the track and get more of a "view" (although there's not much to see besides glimpses of track). The hang time is pretty good in the corkscrew. When I'm in the back, I get inundated with crazy positives in the inversions. EDIT: I had breaks in the writing, but the site's formatting must have screwed up. EDIT2: Nevermind3 points
^I hit the like button, but where is the THANK GOD ITS GONE button when I need it?3 points
I, too, rode the Flight of Fear during it's opening summer (possibly even the opening weekend). I remember how bad it hurt because of the over the shoulder restraints. I remember having such a headache after I got off. I was there with a group of friends and we all got our head banged around so badly that we left the park after riding that ride. I remember seeing the queue line video for the first time and thinking that it was pretty cheesy then! I do agree that it needs to be re-shot and updated a bit. "What the blazes was that?" I do enjoy the ride now though. I love the new lap restraints because it eliminates much of the pain experienced in it's early years! However, there is no cure for the dizziness that I always experience lol. That is just part of the ride though! I can definitely say it's one of the most thrilling rides that I ride at the park!3 points
I knew absolutely nothing about it before I rode it for the first time. I think I was startled by the launch (upon entering the station) and by realizing (on the ride) that I was going upside down. I used to avoid things with inversions. I'm pretty sure I was expecting something more similar to Disaster Transport. I think I had a headache afterwards; I definitely didn't ride it multiple times! I probably missed the printed instruction to have my head flat against the headrest during the launch. It did get me to (finally) ride Vortex, however.3 points
The first time I rode it, it took my breath away. Literally. It was my first launched coaster besides BLSC and I wasn't expecting it to be as fast as it was. Once I got off, I was really dizzy. Even though it scared the living out of me, I rode it multiple times afterwards. I love the effects, but I wish they would reshoot the movie they play in the queue, because it's getting outdaded (if not already). I also wish they would increase the volume inside the building because the only time you can really hear the music is on the brake run.3 points
3 points
Kings Island will open its gates for its 42nd season in 2013. He did say he was posting this at 4am....3 points
3 points
What is your experience on Flight of Fear at Kings Island? How was your first ever ride on FoF? How does it compare to the last ride you've taken on it? Do you like the effects or could they be improved? Share YOUR overall ride expirience and what ideas you may have on improving it in the future.2 points
Trash cans at queue entrances can make it confusing from a distance as to whether a ride is open or closed. Using them for purposes other than the collection of trash (i.e. to close a ride or as theming) is tacky. Any sort of sign indicating that the attraction is temporarily is better. Ride closure signs should be seen rarely by guests, so elaborate designs based on the specific ride/area are overkill. Unless the ride is a WindSeeker.2 points
2 points
2 points
California law is not normally very persuasive in Ohio. Terp, just notin'.2 points
Well, when I first done rode it, it very much took me to the Outer Limits (even though the Limit does not exist) However, soon after it was only Flighty and Fearful so... yeah I guess it lives up to it's name(s).2 points
Looking forward to this thread progressing. Thanks Paul for bringing this back!2 points
OK, here's an updated list of unanswered challenges. Instead of a huge wall of text this time, I put everything into a Google Drive spreadsheet. The link is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuPkaMcZP5OodC1UNUViVnhBOWY1eU0yXzl5elc5QVE Only I can edit the spreadsheet. The rows are sorted by category first, then by general subject within each category, and then by difficulty. This way you can more easily find a particular challenge, or all of the challenges for a certain subject. I'll update it periodically. Enjoy!1 point
1 point
During Halloween Haunt, when Time Warp from RHPS would come on, I'd do the dance that goes along with it. I really enjoy tormenting the boyfriend in public1 point
Guests may say the darndest things, but so do the employees. During one of my lasts visits to the park during the 2012 season, My boyfriend and I went up to the Eiffel Tower to take pictures of the park. I over heard another guest asking a ton of questions about the different rides (it sounded like he hadn't been to the park since the early 80's). When he started asking about SoB, and asked why it was being torn down. The employee told him that the ride was being torn down because it was over 20 years old and falling apart. I think he even added the "it killed someone" rumor. I'm not sure if he was just bs'ing with the guy, or clueless. lol1 point
And since it's been at least two days, we're due for a new challenge. Easy: Diamondback's splashdown Hard: Racer from Action Theater Expert: the food stand (can't remember the name) between Diamondback's train shed and BLSC's helix1 point
IT'S NOT THE SAME! Correct. The year before the move, a new motor was obtained. A slightly less powerful one. Still the best set of Flying Scooters in the country, in my opinion. And yes, I've been to Knoebel's Grove Amusement Resort.1 point
1 point
Wow...I just took some time and looked through the countdown thread from last year. Amazing! It brought back so many memories seeing those old pictures. I'm really looking forward to this year's countdown pics!1 point
1 point
Yeah, I don't think Carowinds ever switches to no-single-rider mode.1 point
The flying eagles are calling my name. Ever since I rode the ones at Holiday World I love that ride. If only I had a time machine.1 point
Wow, look at the line for the Flying Eagles! Anyone want to buy Fast Lane?1 point
1 point
1 point
From http://www.visitkingsisland.com/guest-services/guest-services'>the official website, under "Attire" (emphasis added): If you've seen other people walking around without shoes, then they're breaking the rules.1 point
I'll count it as answered on my list of unanswered challenges (which I need to post an update of). Speaking of answering challenges, I'm going to answer three at once, TheCrypt's "hard" challenge and two of KIfan73's in no particular order: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jcgoble3/6976888276/'> http://www.flickr.com/photos/jcgoble3/6976996510/'> http://www.flickr.com/photos/jcgoble3/6976882392/'> The last one (actually, all of them) were taken on Opening Day 2012 when RJ was under construction. Easy: Racer queue (KIfan73) Hard: Coke Freestyle machine (jcgoble3 ×3) Expert: Trash can blocking entrance to closed ride (new challenge) I encourage you to try to answer two or even all three at once!1 point
Easy: Rivertown Junction Hard: a set of lockers, anywhere in the park Expert: a pic of you playing one of the games in Coney Mall **Edit** yes, now that I have made my post, I realize my pic doesn't show the building, but just the queue…so feel free to override my post, or not…sorry for the mix-up! Too many pics!1 point
Easy: Firehawk Hard: Flight of Fear station Expert: The old Crypt building, as seen from the Rivertown midway1 point
Nice cat lol Easy: Any Basket Ball Game Hard: Zephyr with Tower in background Expert: Flight of Fear "security camera" at door entrance.1 point
Alright, SonofBaconador, I admit it. I cheated. I bought the cat from Cedar Point.1 point
1 point
Just recently I saw someone's signature on here say "Save Son of Beast!" Obviously they didn't get the memo.1 point
Just found this post someone made that one of my friends liked. I thought it was pretty obvious. Also, RIP 9/11 victims.1 point
Bumped to make a point. Got a fast pass for Snowwoman and I Saturday. We were celebrating her Birthday. This is what she wanted as her present. $110 for 2 passes allowed us 12 hours of unlimited riding of our favorite rides, which I assure you we got the most out of down to the line jump for the front seat of The Beast at 9:40pm(we waited until after the fireworks to ride). Without going into excessive details, we had a magical day and a birthday memory we'll carry with us forever. KI made an additional $110 plus meals off us (funperks bumped me to 3 stars for this day). Soon we'll be back in the long lines watching the fast passers marathon DB and other rides. Instead of being frustrated about waiting, we will only hope they are making memories that are half as wonderful as the ones we made during our fast pass day. Point: Before you hate on people that could be having the best day of their year (or lives for that matter), find a webcam, and think about how many people are watching you, wishing they could just be able to get through the front gates of KI and get in line to ride like your doing.1 point
I like how "simple" this area looked back then...not nearly as cluttered as today.1 point
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