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10 points
My goal is to draw all the rides not including Planet Snoopy. I will post more when I draw more!9 points
Wow. I just read the Court's opinion. The decision states the findings in the trial court, reviews the law, and affirms. A recap: * The parties had agreed to a share price. Neither the park corporation nor Dan offered that price. * Dan attempted to greatly escalate his own salary to have more money to fund buying out Will's estate. * Dan still owed Natalie more than $10,000,000 at the time. * the park corporation offered to buy far less of Will's stock than it could legally afford to. * the park corporation tried to set off a loan to Will that was not yet due..in essence shorting its offer by another $2.67+ million. * The buy-sell agreement had strict deadlines, that the park corporation and Dan missed. When given time to fix this, they didn't. I HAD thought the trial court was clearly wrong. Instead, I was clearly wrong when I thought that. I don't know that Holiday World is in the most capable ownership or management right now. I do know from reading this decision it is clear to me that Dan Koch tried to engage in whatever was necessary to get Lori Koch and her children out of the park--down to paying them less than the agreed to price for Will's shares. And that's wrong. To those who I argued with while busy defending Dan Koch, I was wrong. I'm sorry. I was very, very wrong about Dan. I'm very saddened and disappointed. I feel terrible for Pat Koch. A sad, sad day for the Koch family. And all out there for anyone to read.8 points
Another picture of Banshee's first drop..... (Photo Courtesy of KingsIslandPR)8 points
Amazing artwork, I can't convey my envy of those who can put an image to paper. I myself have trouble drawing a straight line with a ruler *sigh*.7 points
So don't comment or read it later instead of being rude. I appreciate the posters who take time to write well thought out responses as opposed to kids who can only muster "tl:dr."6 points
No spoilers for me, thanks, I want to handle the Haunt like I used to deal with Santa Claus when I was a kid- "Surprise me." (Used to drive my parents crazy.)5 points
Why are people so dead set that Cedar Fair won't build as good of rides at KI just so it doesn't compete with Cedar Point. That thought is just absurd to me. If a company is going to spend millions of dollars on a ride, their not going to say " let's dull it down just a bit so it doesn't take away from our other park that is still over 4 hours away". Sorry I just don't see that being te mindset of a company that's about to drop 24 million on Banshee or any other future ride for that matter. Just my opinion.5 points
I can't wait to see the train dropping down that drop! I hope Devin Olson does a "From Dreams to Screams" for Banshee.5 points
I second (or maybe third, I've lost track) the notion that marathonning a coaster is a perfectly valid form of entertainment if it's something you enjoy doing. I have met Gary Coleman, and he is one of the kindest people I've ever had the honor to meet. Very friendly and outgoing, and you can tell that he legitimately loves Diamondback and Kings Island as a whole. We had a long discussion on why we like our respective favorite coasters, and while each of our favorite coasters is near the bottom of the others' lists, it was a very insightful conversation. Everyone loves the things they love for a reason. I could ride Vortex all day. I'm probably somewhere around 100-150 rides on it and I still love it. This is partially because I love the Arrows and always have, but it was also the favorite ride of my best friend and long-time coaster buddy. When he passed away in a car wreck back in 2011, the mandatory ride on Vortex every time I visit KI gained new meaning for me. I ride Vortex as a tribute to my late friend. Our rides on Vortex are among the fondest memories I have, and while it is a very bittersweet ride for me because of the events it reminds me of, I have a special attachment to that ride specifically that I only hope nobody else can understand. I fall squarely in the camp who believes that if riding a roller coaster brings someone happiness, then who are we to complain? It's better than drugs or alcohol, and it can't possibly hurt anyone except perhaps the person doing all the riding.5 points
I TOLD you the first drop was going to look "sick" from the midway! (Photo courtesy of KingsIslandPR) "Photo: A look at the first drop on Banshee from the Coney Mall area of the park." Link for mobile: https://twitter.com/kingsislandPR5 points
Anyone who reads this make a drawing of you're favorite ride and coaster at ki and post a pic of it!4 points
that's cool how you where able to do that He is doing something similar to what I did during DB's construction Magicians never revile their secrets.4 points
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There is no need to apologize. I don't think you were rude when you expressed your opinion. No one knew the full extent of what happened until they finally released all the info today. I would like to say that the park is in great hands right now. Matt is the man who was working side by side with Will during the huge explosion of popularity for HW. I believe Matt worked with him up until the day Will passed away. I believe that Matt will continue to work towards what Will wanted because Matt as well as Lori and Lori & Will's kids, might be the only people who knew the extent of Will's vision for the park. I believe the future of the park is bright and will continue to flourish when Lori & Will's kids are old enough to take over the park.4 points
4 points
Yeah. They'd be as pathetic as a guy who trolls a website all day long and used to go by the name of "Big Sexy."4 points
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^ They officially pulled the plug a few months ago (early August, I think.) It's on the HoliBlog.3 points
So, here is a rather delayed trip report from the KICentral event back on September 8th. Most of the pictures are just from the special festivities in this PTR and not really the rides. My mom (DiamondAceExpress) and I arrived at Kings Island at about the time the parking lot opened. We were the first of the KIC group to arrive at the front gate. I unfortunately do not completely remember the names of everyone and such that showed up, because I forgot to mark it down. But, in no particular order, I believe BeastForever, malem, jcgoble3, thedevariousaffect and his girlfriend, mattr, IndyGuy4KI, and possibly a few others showed up before the gates opened. We chatted and waited for the gates to open, and soon enough they did. Our first stop was Diamondback for ERT. It was a walk on, and a great airtimey ride. We eventually decided on doing Diamondback again, but this time the line grew to about a 15 minute wait. Still an awesome ride! We then headed over to The Beast, as the park opened to the public. Beast’s line was about 5 minutes, and an awesome ride through the wilderness on the longest wooden roller coaster in the world. Now that the park was already open, we headed out to X-Base to get a spin on Firehawk, which wait was still only 5 minutes. After that flightful ride, We headed into Hanger 18 to go see what all the aliens were up to. They had the same spaghetti bowl layout planned for us, which was pretty cool as usual. We all saw Fire-Beast-of-FEAR when we exited Flight of Fear, and he joined us as we headed to guest services to pick up our lanyards. Fire-Beast-of-FEAR/Duncan wasn’t thrilled his first ride of the day was going to be on Drop Tower. But I’m glad he rode it. I kept warning him it was an Intamin. We waited 5 minutes. It was a nice ride, I guess, but Duncan really overreacted in my opinion. Wolf Pack was also already advertising its lights on tour. We then all headed over for a fun ride known as Fligt Deck, which was a walk on. Yay fun ride. We now decided to head over to our first activity, the Todd Frazier Q&A session. On our way, we stopped for a few hot dogs at the Eiffel Tower as part of dollar day Sunday. Then we got into the International Showplace. At a bit after noon, Todd Frazier came out. A long line of people formed waiting to ask Todd a question. I couldn’t think of anything, so I Just watched. I can’t really remember all the questions, but I do remember a few like “Why does Jay Bruce strike out so much”? (How Rude!). Also, the big common one was “Can I have a hug?”. But this one kid was too cool for hugs and asked for a handshake. jcgoble3/Jonathan asked “What is your favorite baseball player of all time, in any era”? The answer was Pete Rose. Another question he asked was “What is your favorite ride here at Kings Island to which he answered The Diamondback. So, it was kind of cool, and nice seeing Todd Frazier! Now it was time to go and ride The Crypt… Err Madame Fatales. NO FENCE!!!!!! Here are a couple blurry photos from the queue line. It was just so amazing to be back inside the building of The Crypt. The wait was around 20 minutes for the tour. I got to see my old friends the weird monster statue things, but Mr. Bat Demon was not lit up. A huge disappointment happened when I was told video and photo taking were strictly prohibited, despite Don’s tweet saying to “Bring your camera”. Oh well. The tour was very cool, and I even got to see my old bestie the scary Goddess on the wall! The tour guide kept joking about how I should come when the maze is actually open. Ehh… Our next exciting Haunt Tour was for the Haunt The Son of Beast Station. It was awesome being back in the old Son of Beast queue line as well, but for the Haunt The Son of Beast Station. We waited about 10 minutes for The Son of Beast Station Lights-on tour. I liked Madame Fatales theming better, but it was still really good. They did do a really good job theming it to The Son of Beast Station. Oh wait I forgot, its called Wolf Pack. Since Flight Deck was close by, we went on that again. Walk on. Fun ride. But earlier, that hot dog wasn’t enough, so we headed to the Festhaus. We waited like 25 minutes for pizza. I miss being a Media member. At least the food was only a dollar, but I preferred the free Prime Rib. After eating we took headed for a quick spin on Adventure Express. The wait was 10 minutes and a fun Adventurey ride! My mom and I then headed to the Festhaus again for the reserved seating at Rock ‘n’ Roll Never Forgets, for their next to last show of the season. Nice show, a lot of KICers were there for it. Luckily, I checked the Colts score to a pleasant win over the Raiders, and let No Chickens, another Colts fan know. Next was a Racer Red walk on, followed by a Racer Blue walk on. Both sides were great! But now it was time for my 3rd time (Yes, 3rd time) behind the scenes of Banshee. There was at least a hundred KICers by the Banshee fence. No way I could remember everybody. My memorie isn’t that good! The following will mainly be now very outdated pictures of Banshee construction. Photobombed by KingsIslandPR/Don, IndyGuy4KI/Brad, and Beastie1980/Melissa. Views of Delirium were great from the construction site. And that concludes our tour of Banshee! But wait, isn’t there another B&M at this park, that is actually open and operating? Oh yeah! Let’s head to the Diamondback tour! Train! And that concludes our tour of Diamondback! Next, we attempted to get VortexBFForever to her 200th Vortex ride. I believe she was at 193 before we started. I, VortexBFForever, and Fire-Beast-of-Fear took 5 rides on Vortex, were we all had to get back in line for each ride, because there was a crowd of people every time we returned to the station. BeastForever rode as well, Beast1980 had a few rides but then had enough, and MDMC01 eventually joined, saying that we could all “Grey out together”! Our 7PM Don Helbig Q&A Session limited VortexBFForever to only her 198th ride. WE hoped to come back later, but were not able to. Now, we headed to the International Restraunt to ask Don questions. It started off with a speech by Boddah1994/Ryan, and then a bunch of random questions wee aksed to Don. Pretty cool. It took up a lot of time, so next was our last festivity, the final rides of the summer on The Beast. We had a fun, awesome ride! Then it was time for Don to pull a name for the winner of a Banshee Media Day pass. I forget who the winner was, but it took 3 tries to draw somebody who was actually here. After this we headed to our cars after an amazing day at the Island of Kings! A couple of notes: *HUGE thanks to Don, Kings Island, Ryan, and all who were involved in making this event happen. There were a bit of difficulties along, the way, but thank you so much for making this amazing free event. *Sorry if I didn’t include you. Just so many people! *I hope for more of these events in the future! It was a great summer! Thanks for reading!3 points
That would make Terp look like this mess...and I think he'd rather not look like this...nor hopefully anyone else here on this board...We finally rid one member of the dreaded man car stealing fanny pack.. I happen to find that look quite dashing. I rock the big black glasses, myself. I think I look like a Rok Stah!3 points
And people that Haunt attracts have a reputation for going to their cars and...imbibing. The park would rather not lose the sales.3 points
Wow that black on red text is painfully hard to read. Looking forward to our trip to haunt tomorrow night. May yell at ya Sam if we come through.3 points
Reading the Wall Street Journal anywhere is pretty frightening right now! Terp, truth tellin'3 points
3 points
That is some first drop goodness. The drop looks very nasty and is steeper than I thought it would be. Not sure if it is just the perspective of the pictures or really is that steep. As this ride continues to go up I am more and more impressed with the overall size and scope. The renderings have not done it justice. If only we had a trailer tower on site3 points
I'm a kid and I enjoy reading, especially the long post that is apparently "tl;dr". I spend a lot of my time writing short stories about a zombie apocalypse. I also write music. Also, I would like to be king of Banshee but I don't wanna do it alone3 points
3 points
I guess that will be the so called money shot for the park. Delirium swinging with a Banshee train passing by.3 points
How do you do that? How do you make these pictures? They are very cool and I appreciate them greatly. In reality... Photoshop3 points
I added a Top Gun pennant and another shopping bag. Updates may slow down a bit. I have scanned some ticket holders, brochures, magnents, and show guides. I'll try to get a few of those up every day. The park maps I have left are 1996-1999 and 2009. Sorry I either don’t have or cant find 1995. Since KI switched to an unfoldable pamphlet I'm trying to figure out the best way to scan them or take a picture of them. As always I'll keep you updated on what I get uploaded.3 points
I am not going to wear clothes to the park on Saturday. Because I'm going Friday.3 points
If you drive into Kings Mills, along King Avenue, the old school is on the right hand side. The King family mansion is on the left hand side, across from the new KME school and turning right, you will see the old homes on both sides of the road, which were homes for management. The old post office is on the right hand side, next to the house on the left, which were all built in the 1880's. The Kings Mills Baptist Church is still standing and is on the corner of King Avenue and Church Street. Across from it is the opera house. Down King Avenue, before it goes down the hill on the left, is the old trolly station, that ran down to the plants and all the way to Mason. The town house both employees for King Powder Company and Peter's Cartridge. The King employees lived in the houses from King Avenue to Cherry and Peter's employees lived from Maple to Walnut Streets. My grand parents lived on Maple Street and I lived on Oak Street. There is a book about the history of Kings Mills and the area located at both the Mason Library and the Warren County Historical Society. I forget the name of it but if you ask for the book on the history of the plant, they will know what it is.3 points
Let's compare notes. Did your diss I respond to make you feel better about yourself?3 points
This would be much appreciated for my October 19th trip... Hopefully, I'll be there, too, for my bday. Look for the orange cat with bad teeth.2 points
I believe she snuck in #199 while the rest of us were getting last rides on The Beast, then got #200 a couple weeks later.2 points
As I said on KIC Day "Pshh forget Diamondback, there's BB stuff here!" *commences photographing heavily on the boats* Did VBFF ever get her 200th?2 points
False, Banshee makes 7 inversions and all sorts of other elements. So if I do the math right…. hold on…. that is….. uh…. 1 BILLION Degrees. Or like 2,520 Degrees...2 points
That PTR was MOST EXCELLENT! and I did not overreact... that much.2 points
Nice! That was a great day and I am sure looking forward to future KIC meet-ups and events. I see you got quite a few shots of the back my head.2 points
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2 points
QFT. What people do with their spare time is their choice and their choice alone, and we should not be dissing or making fun of someone—anyone—for their choice of leisure activity. Let me point out that I've recently begun to use some of my spare time to write Star Wars fan fiction. Do you do that? Most likely not, and you probably think I'm wasting my time on it. But it's something I choose to do because I enjoy it. I don't know what you do to amuse yourself, but it's probably something that I don't understand why you would want to do or wouldn't enjoy myself. And that's the point: just because YOU wouldn't enjoy it doesn't mean it's right to make fun of the other person, and that's what you guys are doing. Different people get enjoyment out of different things. I wouldn't make fun of you because of what you do in your spare time, and neither should you make fun of me for writing fan fiction or Gary Coleman for riding Diamondback as many times as he has. It's just flat-out wrong.2 points
I look at it this way, every person does or enjoys something that someone else thinks is stupid or should "get a life". Whether it be marathon riding a coaster, posting to forums, playing a sport, collecting comic books, spending time on Facebook, or in the case of youngstud, if his physical dimensions are what he says, spending too much time in the gym. The singer Adele has stated that smoking is her single most pleasure in the world and she will not stop, even to the detriment of her voice. What somebody does with their own time is their choice - you may decide to build big muscles and someone else may decide to ride a ride X number of times. The point is, regardless of what the activity is, it obviously takes time and dedication to achieve the goal. Those mentioned about being the king of a certain ride all have led tremendous lives and by no means are losers and certainly do not need to get a life - many of them have experienced things most of us could only dream of. Ask the Diamondback king how many different roller coasters he has rode - you would be amazed and impressed with the number, as well realize that he has been all over to hit that number of different coasters. YoungStud, I would be shocked if you have rode more Intamin coasters than he has. We are all unique - if everyone was the same, it would be a boring place. What floats your boat, may not be of interest to anyone else, but if you enjoy it for whatever reason, as long as the activity isn't illegal, I am not one to criticize it just because I personally wouldn't partake in it. If more people followed their passions and enjoyed life instead of disrespecting and always finding the negative in things, the world would be a better place. I leave you with this, Babe Ruth was known for many years as the home run king; he could have just as easily been known as the strikeout king as he led that stat for many years (haven't followed it in a while to know if anyone else has taken the strikeout king total). Point is, it is all about what you focus on - positive or negative and that will ultimately determine how you live your life. (edited to better convey intent)2 points
He is very familiar with it. I did the Avalanche challenge with him on June 5th, 2011. We agreed we weren't going to race, but of course I timed it anyway. I completed it in 37 minutes, 55 seconds, he did it in 52 minutes, 14 seconds. We were not rushing by any means, and took time to talk, etc. He wants to do the Fire and Ice Challenge with me, and one of these days we just might, but I don't know if I can handle that much jalepeno popcorn! If you had gone to Slaughter House and Sam had noticed your shirt, he would have said something too. And that host at CarnEvil is none other than KIC's very own rotag.2 points
Actually those people have good lives, and one is a friend of the family who has had traumatic things happen to him and his family. So I think you might want to edit your comment and be a little more respectful before you say someone doesn't have a life just because they find joy in their life riding and enjoying a roller coaster.2 points
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