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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2014 in all areas
Viking Fury - with a sail Wild Thornberry River Adventure Station Concept Son of Beast Construction Coney Mall (With Bat) Delirium as the HUSS facility in Germany Demon Construction Beast 5 cars 5 rows Beast "Penny Mill" as we called it Vortex Construction Coney Mall with Wild Animal Safari That is all22 points
AE Beast with 4 cars of 4 rows Train station KCKC Oktoberfest - (One of my favorite photos) Son of Beast17 points
Final photos for this topic are some of my favorites. 1977 1986 1986ish Oktoberfest 1970's 1993 - The only season TOPGUN & Wild Animail Safari Monorail coexisted. 199916 points
I'd say the theming on Banshee might be close to these real Celtic churches and graveyards.12 points
Is anyone else thinking this station might be pretty picturesque in a thunderstorm? Photographers, take note.9 points
The more and more I see updates on Banshee's progress whether it be installing the chain, work on the station, etc. I can't wait for my first ride! The ride looks great! I'd love to see the installation of the controls and the PLC!8 points
I stand corrected. My New Jersey friends told me this song is about their Allentown. It is not. I learned something today.7 points
The Banshee is part of Celtic folklore so... I was worried that with the negative and frankly morbid connotation of the name Banshee they would ignore the story behind them. I figured it would be a cool logo and name but the general theming would be pretty generic. I am pleasantly surprised.7 points
@KingsIslandPR on Twitter: Photo : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Twitter7 points
Please capitalize all references to Kings Island and its rides. And welcome back.5 points
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5 points
Hello! I'm new here, and it's nice to be able to join such an active conversation about Kentucky Kingdom. I'm in Louisville, so it's big news for me. I've read the entire thread, so hopefully I won't rehash any opinions that have already been expressed. I do want to chime in a little regarding the risk to taxpayers, as it seems to be a point of real concern for many posters. I have a somewhat different take on the matter. The truth is, the Fair Board has consistently lost money since Six Flags abandoned the park. This park needs to be operational, or it needs be gone. I think they're making the right decision (although I'm admittedly very pro-park!) for a variety of reasons. First, the situation for the fairgrounds has changed significantly in the past few years. It lost college sports to the Yum! Center, and it has lost a large portion of its convention and entertainment revenue to the convention center downtown. While the park used to be one portion of a fairly diverse income stream, all the fairgrounds has going for it at this point (small events here and there notwithstanding) is the state fair. It consistently loses money and has nothing to make it competitive with the downtown sites. Who wants to host their convention at the fairgrounds, with its lovely views of a shuttered amusement park and the airport, when they could do it smack in the middle of a revitalized entertainment/dining district? There was talk of razing the park and building a hotel/casino complex on the site, a risky proposition (again, do you want to stay in a hotel staring at the airport or one of the numerous downtown hotels?) that would certainly sap a huge amount of tax dollars. Given the two options--razing the park and beginning a years-long new project or reopening the park, which is more or less a known entity and something none of the downtown sites can offer--I think keeping Kentucky Kingdom is the most responsible move. Could it cost taxpayers money? It could, if the park fails to make its loan payments. But every year it sits, it will without a shadow of a doubt cost taxpayers millions. It's a risk, but one worth taking. That said, I can think of no likely scenario that would lead the state to allow a foreclosure. I say worst case, the city and/or state will end up funneling money into the park to keep it going. The question remains if the money generated for the fairgrounds via the park will be enough to offset whatever gets put back into it. Will it be a wash? Who can say? I would think that KK would have to be a collosal failure, moreso than it was in the latter Six Flags years, for the operational park to be a bigger tax suck than the SBNO...or a parking lot (I hadn't heard that rumor. Why would they even think to do that? No need for parking if nobody is coming up the drive!) I do agree with the points made about the location being incredibly unfortunate, which does raise the question of whether it's worth throwing money into a park with so many built-in obstacles to success. I would say that, in a perfect world, KK would have never been built at this location. In its first (failed) iteration, it was never meant to be a big park, and the fairgrounds space was somewhat fitting. It became clear not long into the first Hart era that the park's potential had a low ceiling, especially to the minds of Louisvillians used to day trips to King's Island, which to this day has space galore for expansion. We all know what happens to parks that fail to add attractions, and even if we assume the park's relaunch is an overwhelming success, we know that it will eventually hit the ceiling. Then again, the fairgrounds is in a different situation today. If KK proves itself, I think the fair board will be willing to hand over more land. If I recall, the lots bordering the park have long been considered placeholders for park expansion, even when the park's future was uncertain. So, even though I agree that the location is far from ideal, it isn't necessarily a dealbreaker. Worries and fears aside, I'm really excited about having KK back. I soured on the park during the Six Flags years, as most of us did. I'm not a huge water park fan, so I'm a little bummed that we'll only have Thunder and Lightning in Year 1. Then again, as I get older, I don't always need to ride a bunch of coasters in a day. I still plan on making at least one day trip to KI, as I do every year, and hopefully (fingers crossed) my annual Orlando trip! This is going to be a heck of a year for me when it comes to park trips!4 points
Okay upon Terps suggestion... I did a Google news for the coaster names here are the front page results: Lightning Run Coaster: 1 relative return. Same blog from above Banshee Coaster: 11 relative returns. Most talking about the final piece being installed. Reporting Cities: Cincy, Indy, USA Today (National), Dayton, Akron, an Italian coaster blog, a German Coaster blog. So I figured I must limit my search I Googled the coaster + park name, front page results: Lightning Run Kentucky Kingdom: 1 result, same blog site Banshee Kings Island: 10 results. Same as above.... So maybe I am being too tough with Google News. I was looking for media coverage of the parks. So lets try just Google. Front page results: Lightning Run Kentucky Kingdom: 11 Results (yay!). Newest date: Jan 3 :/ Results defined: 2 POVs from Nov. 5 results from Forums/blogs. 1 Wikipedia result, Images of KK, 1 return from KK website. Banshee Kings Island: 11 results: Newest date Jan 23. results defined: 1 POV, 1 KI return, 1 Wikipedia return, 2 News articles about coaster completion....... I give up. I tried. I showed data. Did some quick research. Data shows what the park is or is not doing (generating buzz).4 points
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What you see as a non-obstruction, the local fire marshal may see as an obstruction. I hate to be this blunt about this, but guests will either buy a locker, leave their stuff in the car, risk losing their items by putting them in a "hidden" spot or they don't take their items with them. If you have a medical condition that requires you to carry items with you in the lines and into the stations, please proceed to Guest Relations before entering the park to have a medical documentation for your required items in the line.4 points
Haven't been on in awhile glad to be back. Probably the wrong place to post this. Close enough. I sadly didn't get to go to the backstage tour of the construction of Banshee... Tragic I know... But my Dad a week ago got too. Im not exactly sure how it worked out. Somehow he met this guy at work who was a temporary worker for KI, Im not sure. Anyways he's leaving at like the beginning of march and he's a college student. My dad was taking him back home (or something) and the guy offered to take him a tour of Banshee. (Notice how I said him and not with me too) Edit: 1,000th post and corrected by the Terp.4 points
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It may be Saturday, but that doesn't stop construction crews at the Banshee site.... At the Batwing element..... These webcams can be found on Kings Island's website here.4 points
Wow, Thanks for all the pictures you have shared. You've posted some amazing pictures in this thread.4 points
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Photo #30 - Action Zone Media day 1999 I think I already posted this... Bonus pics tonight.4 points
^Yes thank you! I have Type 1 Diabetes and I keep my blood sugar meter, my insulin, and candy for when I go low... The problem with buying lockers is I need it at all times! If something bad were to happen and I didn't have my bag... That would be a huge problem...3 points
I just did a Google news search on the following terms: Kentucky Kingdom and Kings Island Results: first page results only! Kings Island: 11 + more pages + 1 story about a crash near KI. Newest Dated Jan. 28. Smattering of dates from others. Cities reporting: Columbus, Dayton, Indy, Cincinnati, USA Today (national), Kentucky Kingdom: 6 results, newest dated Jan 24th by a pop culture blog talking about a new park opening. Others are dated Jan 4/7th talking about the job fair. City reporting: Louisville Thats just one page of results. Im sure if we included other pages, then difference becomes larger...3 points
I continue to be astounded at both the amount and the quality of the publicity I'm seeing generated for this park, both nationally and in Louisville. Simply amazing!3 points
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I wouldn't like it to be too loud. The volume that it was at during the announcement was too loud, I don't like the scream cause it's so ear piercing.3 points
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I think it is going to look AWESOME!!!!! (and I hope that in the future, the rest of the zone follows suit.)3 points
Back on topic. Anyone else get sort of a Celtic church vibe from the station? I have been out of the loop for a while so I don't know if this is actually what they were going for. If this is the case, I love that they aren't being overly politically correct and are embracing the mythology of Banshees.3 points
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The eye glass problem has a simple solution. A STRAP! The smallest station? Have you EVER been on Raptor?3 points
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I've laid low for almost 7 years just lurking haha. Try and beat that.3 points
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3 points
Did some digging for more FOF construction pics...Behold a younger KIC Great pics back then though.. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/9354-flight-of-fear-construction/?p=153914 Also in browsing that thread, I'm surprised this picture hasn't been posted by you, it's such a good pic!3 points
Wasn't sure where to put this..... So I'll spin it to fulfill the thread idea. I would love for something like this would come back to KI, but a much updated version.....I found this on Facebook and figured I'd share. From KD Golden Years Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=360370077437083&set=a.232180120256080.1073741829.229513350522757&type=12 points
The first time I rode The Beast I though I was going to die on the first hill and lose my head going into the tunnel. At the end I was sold. I've loved it ever since. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
TripAdvisor® reviews are absolutely comical. "They wouldn't let me ride because the restraint would not close and it was unsafe for me to ride. 1 star!!!"2 points
Its a known issue with this release of Invision. We just have to wait it out till the next MR. So be careful out there about what your liking.2 points
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2 points
My wife and I truly enjoyed the Universal locker system. The lockers were free to use for about what the wait time of the ride was. It was great to throw things in, hop on a ride hop off and get our stuff. You could pay to keep the locker longer. When we went to CP we hid our drink cup on top of the lockers. Families bring many things into a park. Families bring in cameras, can pick up drinks, buy photos, etc. You have to remember that those of us on here are probably not the key demographic for locker rental. The people who "know" how to pack for a day of KI.2 points
The problem with cards, wrist bands, and even, to some extent, the souvenir cups, is sharing guests. Once a guest leaves a stand with a drink, there is nothing to prevent him or her from giving it to another person, sharing it with two or more others, etc. More and more, I think the Holiday World system of building the price into admission makes the most sense. Tell the guests it's free with admission. I just hate to think of all the paper waste.2 points
I have always tried to travel as light as possible in the park. I've even got MrsNC to finally travel much lighter. But the real problem I see here is the loss of revenue for the park on "item" sales. They really need to find a better balance on locker pricing. The current rate of $2/hour, if I remember correctly, is nothing short of outrageous. I can tell you for certain, these rates have caused me to not buy said items during the day. I know the response many will have is to get it later. This does not work on items such as on ride photos. I understand CF needs revenue to continue to offer "the best day ever", but customer satisfaction is a large part of that. The current locker pricing is seen by most I've heard from as, unreasonable. Revenue could quite possibly increase if lockers where more reasonably priced. I know as well that many use the carry out to the car and return system, and that is great, but for the casual park goers, this is seen as lost time. As far as the refillable drinks, I could see a card being sold in lieu of an actual cup.2 points
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