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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2014 in all areas

  1. Gee, Cedar Fair having problems with public representations that company ride ops, pictured in company uniforms on company property, don't care about guest satisfaction. I can't imagine what the problem was. For crying outloud. Just goes further to illustrate how preposterous, immature (and annoying) spieling is. Guests and ride ops should take safety instructions more seriously. Paramount Parks until its last few years had a totally different philosophy about guest interaction at rides: Safety is important, be sure you've done as much as you can to assure that. The point of contact at guest boarding is to assure safety compliance, first and foremost. If any spieling is to be done, it will be mechanically reproduced by automated systems, as our ride ops have far more important responsibilities to consume their time and attention. That was the nineties and early 2000's Paramount Parks ride operations philosophy. Then somebody got "Welcome Back you crazy Magnum Riders, How was your ride?" envy. Sigh.
    15 points
  2. ...because you'll be free to go ride Banshee any day you choose. Only as long as the park is open and operating that day.
    12 points
  3. ...because you'll be free to go ride Banshee any day you choose. Offer not valid in Guam, the District of Columbia and in certain states, provinces and countries.
    11 points
  4. ...because you'll be free to go ride Banshee any day you choose.
    11 points
  5. Any new attraction that requires the removal of the finest mine train coaster in the WORLD is not an attraction I want. Seriously. There is literally NOTHING they could build that in my mind would justify the removal of Adventure Express. Granted, I think the only coasters at KI that I'd be OK with losing for the sake of another attraction are Backlot Stunt Coaster, Invertigo, and Diamondback. And I'd ONLY be willing to lose Diamondback if we were somehow trading it for a Chance or Arrow hyper (hypothetical scenario. I realize Arrows aren't being built, obviously). Thankfully, there is no need to remove anything for expansion's sake as KI has plenty of room.
    11 points
  6. No this is what you have to look forward to hehehe
    11 points
  7. Yep - just like Decoding 2014, this thread will one day expire... ..and it will be glorious.
    10 points
  8. The best way? Read the pages you missed. Seriously.
    10 points
  9. You'd be amazed at the things some people would give up in exchange for an Arrow hyper.
    9 points
  10. April 17th will be both a very happy and sad day. The speculation and construction of the world's longest inverted coaster will officially come to a close, but also the opportunity to ride it will finally be here!
    8 points
  11. With a high of 63 tomorrow and a high of 66 on Tuesday, I believe that Banshee testing could begin as early as tomorrow......
    8 points
  12. ^^^ Totally agree. Spieling, in my opinion is almost as a part of the experience of a ride as theming. Not quite as important as general thrill and rider safety but spieling adds the humanity element into the park experience. If a ride-op is good enough they can think of many creative things to say to entertain and inform guests in line.
    7 points
  13. Disagree with you on the spieling. Having been one of those people that have delivered said spiels, when done right, it is effective. Ensuring rider safety, when it comes down to it, is a visual check. A good ride op can ensure rider safety and deliver spiels at the same time. In the Paramount years, the control operator delivered most, if not all, of the spiels. Frankly, I'd rather have the ops on the floor deliver the spiels then the controls operator. The last thing I want, as a rider, is the controls operator to be distracted.
    7 points
  14. Perhaps they're building an exhibit to educate the masses on the differences between footers and footings, and between concrete and cement.
    7 points
  15. I would whine about not having a blitz coaster first. Just saying.
    6 points
  16. Also, I found that in 2013, the Blue Racer was quite a bit smoother than the red side, while in 2012, Red Racer was the smoother of the two.
    6 points
  17. Crews have arrived in Action Zone this morning..... This image was captured from Kings Island's Banshee Construction Cam, which can be found below: Kings Island's Banshee Construction Cam
    6 points
  18. Here is your ride ops crew...
    6 points
  19. How does one dress up as a sermon? Diamondback96, who (also) likes to ask questions.
    6 points
  20. I'm not worried about rides. I just want a restroom in X-Base. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  21. I wouldn't mind wine-ing in the shade of Action Zone.
    5 points
  22. Well, this should be obvious. We all love KIC. Love is a battlefield. Therefore, KIC is a battlefield.
    5 points
  23. Absolutely. Without second thoughts of any kind. As a rule, I LOVE B&M coasters. Every rule has exceptions, though, and in this case, it's their hypers. B&M hypercoasters are in my opinion THE most overrated coasters ever built. On the other hand, Magnum XL-200 and Phantom's Revenge (An Arrow and a D.H. Morgan, respectively) are hands-down my absolute favorite non-inverting steel coasters of all time. My third favorite in that category (which can be either The Bat or Adventure Express depending on my mood) is not even remotely in the same league as those two. Yes, I know Phantom's Revenge is not technically a hypercoaster, and I specified Chance while Phantom's Revenge is a D.H. Morgan (with some Arrow parts). But since Chance acquired Morgan and still builds coasters in a similar style, I went ahead and just put Chance as my alternative.
    5 points
  24. I agree X-Base needs attention and I could see it getting some next year. They just did Planet Snoopy recently so that area doenst' need much work yet. An X-Base upgrade could be fairly cheap too. As other s have said some restrooms are greatly needed there. And then add a flat ride or two to give some more there and you have a great section on it's own. It's got two great coasters but add just a little bit and it will really fill out into a full section. Then there is room to expand it in later years with more attractions as well.
    5 points
  25. KingsIslandPR on Instagram: "Ride entrance area for the new Banshee roller coaster is under construction." "Won't be long now before the world's longest inverted roller coaster, Banshee, makes its debut!" Photos : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Instagram : Photo 1 Photo 2
    5 points
  26. heys guys new to ki central. im hoping someone can answer a question for me about Banshee. will it have the big boy seats llike Gatekeeper has (row 4)???
    4 points
  27. When you make a list of photo ops you want to get when you go to the park so you'll be ready to go for next off season's photo contest.
    4 points
  28. Soon, some of the first teasers started to show up on the outside of the construction fence. This one is the famous "No Camping" sign. (Photo taken by me) The countdown has entered the 30's, just 39 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 40 days until Opening Day 2014!
    4 points
  29. The layout of Phantom's Revenge is largely the same as Steel Phantom, and a great ride it is (now). Morgan hypers are, in my opinion, greatly underrated. For several years, Steel Force (when running one or two trains) was my favorite steel coaster. Just as years before, Magnum XL-200 had been.
    4 points
  30. I suspect Mr. ohiocolts would NOT agree with you. At all. RFYLCB looks like some innocent kiddie ride. But then you sit in front of 3 guys including an Interpreter and you will get drenched. I'll stay away from that ride at all costs next season.
    4 points
  31. And some wonder why the major competitive regional North American seasonal park chain concentrates its coaster buying with a firm known for its sterling safety record, high reliability, easy and high capacity operations but at a somewhat more expensive price. As for hole, circumstances and the law tend to force litigants into stances that aren't necessarily best public relations wise (like not doing partial settlements, not accepting any blame, delaying things, pointing fingers...) Were this Cedar Fair, self-insurance may or may not lessen these problematic (from both equity and public relations standpoints) legal strategies. At the end of the day, a person has died. A ride manufacturer, ride, park and/or the park employees may have caused that or contributed to it--singly or in combination. Preventing future occurrences and doing what little can be done to make up for what has happened should be the two most important priorities. Often, it seems, our system loses sight of that. If the ride as sold and now modified isn't safe, it needs to be fixed. The fact that in Texas the primary entity responsible for investigation, absent a suspected criminal matter, is the park operator isn't comforting. And to those who lash out at the heirs for suing, I'm sure the family would rather have their loved one back. A ride was ridden on a particular occasion. Had it not been...Had it not been, a woman would almost certainly still be alive today. Sad, but true.
    4 points
  32. The Racer needs retracking? Really? Repainting Racer would be a very expensive proposition. It's even possible that circumstances could lead to wood replacement (and virtual coaster replacement) instead. See Thunder Road. Or...much more sadly...Rolling Thunder.
    4 points
  33. ^You'd be fine with getting rid of Diamondback if it's replaced with an Arrow?
    4 points
  34. I understand where the park is coming from and I do agree that no one should be on park property at any time when the park is closed, We can all wait to see the ride running up close in April. Small story though, on the same note. This site (KIC) asked me in 2007 to go to the parking lot and take photos of Firehawk track arriving in the parking lot. So even I and this site are guilty in that sense. http://KICentral.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=180 Good news is if any of you happen to own a small plane you can take as many photos or videos from the air during testing! #throwback
    4 points
  35. @KingsIslandPR on Twitter: "Construction of the station for the new Banshee roller coaster is heading down the stretch." Photo : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Twitter
    4 points
  36. I really hope it doesn't become Peanuts themed. I know I'm not their target audience and all, but it was nice to have a legitimate haunted attraction at Kings Island. Not one that was spooky and cartoony, which, in my opinion makes it less scary and not legitimate. (Though more kid friendly) But even as a kid, I personally loved having a more authentic haunted attraction. I was a kid when it was changed to Scooby Doo, and I was not a fan.
    3 points
  37. I would like to see them at least upgrade Boo Blasters if they keep it, and get guns that work. Think they should just change it to a Peanuts theme since it's pretty much in that area already. And the Peanuts would probably look better as cutouts than what is there now. Love to see something like Phantom Theatre return. If t went in Rivertown to where Crypt was think they could give it a good western theme. With haunted mine, Saloon and shows and a ghost town. Be similar in a sense to Phantom Manor at Disneyland Paris, like how Phantom Theatre was to Haunted Mansion.
    3 points
  38. Wow..y'all are on the sanitary kick here as of late..If I even TOLD you of some of the stuff that is unsanitary or unclean, it'd blow your minds. Also the bacteria you spread on your body. More than likely it is common flora from individual to individual, and even your own. You will never be germ free, you will never be perfectly sterile. It's practically impossible. Also keep in mind, this bacteria must have a route of entry, which means a break in the chain of infection. If it isn't broke, no sickness/ailment/etc. But honestly I'd be more inclined to think someone would have a bacterial related issue with a food illness or soft drink machine (yes a soft drink machine, they have been noted to carry e-coli in a few studies, drink up kids), than a public restroom. Also if you're flipping out over a restroom. Think of the queue rails, restraints, seats, turnstiles, park maps, chairs, doors, and everything else you touch. A good bit of that probably isn't any cleaner than that restroom. For example I know we only cleaned queue rails at night or early in the Morning probably every other day or so for my ride. Trains get cleaned everyday no doubt, but a nice hot sweaty day, oh the juices get a flowing. Moral of the story, theres alot of bacteria and germs out there everywhere, most of you aren't even at the germ capital of the world everyday for employment. It could be alot worse, and most of what you will deal with in the park is common flora, maybe a virus or infectious bacteria here and there, but as long as you don't have breaks in your skin, pick your nose, stick your hand in your mouth, or poke your eyeball repeatedly, I think it would be safe to say you'll be ok.
    3 points
  39. No you don't. Concrete and steel do. TRFTW, running for the door.
    3 points
  40. You think I was trying to be realistic? HAHAHAHA why would you think that? There's so much wrong with my mock-up its not even funny. Besides its all just for fun. None of this stuff is going to happen. Also, I've played waaaay too much RCT3 to not want to try and squeeze in roller coasters everywhere.
    3 points
  41. If the new one is like Falcon's Fury, I support it.
    3 points
  42. That orange looks SO much better. I hope it's relatively fade-proof.
    3 points
  43. Michigan's Adventure? They need a new coaster. It doesn't even have to be that big. Or even a drop ride, or some other thrilling ride. Heck, a WindSeeker would fit nicely into that park IMO.
    3 points
  44. We have a moderation team that's responsible for making sure that the forums run smoothly. You're not on it. Thanks! Ryan
    3 points
  45. How dare you remove Kings Island's best coaster.
    3 points
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