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The attention to detail is amazing. It is now very obvious that Dick Kinzel is gone. It's really happening.... After six years, the park is truly getting back to its roots.16 points
Failure to comply will result in death by Nickels and spending a week bunking with Rob Alvey on a TPR Japan trip.15 points
I love the Entrance to Banshee! When I first looked at it, I thought it was something from Universal studios Islands of Adventure because of the theming they put into it.11 points
9 points
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8 points
Glad to see the front gate is getting some TLC! Since Cedar Fair took control of the park, we went from having just a walk-up Guest Relations window to a walk-in setup. That improved traffic in that area already. Nice to see Cedar Fair improving the gates, and in regards to theming for Banshee, it's about time Kings Island got something as themed as this. It's been long overdue! I cannot wait to get back out there, it's been a long winter! Less than 2 weeks everybody!8 points
Totally off topic but I feel the need to say this. Keep Brad (IndyGuy4KI) in your thoughts and prayers. He is in the ER after having another seizure... 2nd one in 6 weeks. Those who don't know him personally should bc he is really nice and cool... The Earth is the proper name of a planet, and thus should always be capitalized.8 points
Eve is the name of the Banshee on the logo not the coaster. I don't think people are getting this.7 points
7 points
That is too beautiful. Less than 2 weeks to go! (Dons Permission, copyright 2014. Any use of Dons Permission or its associated trademarks without Don's permission is subject to prosecution. Please capitalize Dons Permission unless your talking about Don's permission.) stinky, who just HAD to go there.7 points
Anybody recall my live stream of the Banshee announcement? I didn't get permission for that and Don didn't have a problem with it. I have a better program now to live stream in 720p HD.. Which should make the picture look even better. Don reads these forums... So Don... If you have a problem with this just let me know...7 points
I don't know all of the details behind this, but this seems to be one of the biggest (non-ride) attractions at Kings Dominion this year. Apparently this was a popular attraction at the park years ago (not sure when) and the park decided to bring it back for their 40th anniversary this year. (Terpy or anyone else familiar with KD, please fill in the details ). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs0edT_fo8M6 points
We are having a fundraiser to be the first night riders, Scream for A Kid Again. As of today more than $75,000 has been raised for the Greater Cincinnati chapter of A Kid Again.6 points
When you set your ringtone to Adventure Express's 2nd lift hill audio and your text alert to the Banshee scream. Yes, the audio for the former does exist online.6 points
6 points
6 points
I am super excited. One of my friends is going to join me on opening day she hasn't been to Kings Island in years and is just as excited for Banshee as the rest of us are5 points
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5 points
I haven't made the jump in a couple of years. The last time I tried, I remember getting very delayed and not making it to the park until hours after I had hoped to. And while Banshee would likely make me smile, I've got a Five year old niece whose smile is more important than mine, ( No worries, as her smiling always makes me smile ) and she will want to be inside of Planet Snoopy and atop the big green thing in the center of the park. So, on the 1st Saturday, that is likely where I will be.5 points
It truly is not the same walking during the tour and during the Haunt. The tour has lights on and no distractions by people scaring you. During the Haunt, people make efforts to scare you, which is not the most enjoyable thing in the world. I still believe Madame Fatales should be removed immediately and some kind of top spin, and kind, should be placed back into The Crypt's old building. But few people agree with me on that. As for why my scaredy-cat mom did it, I don't know, feel free to ask her. Anyways, as I said about an hour ago, here is some videos from that event. Just 11 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 12 more days until Opening Day 2014!5 points
That's good. Most food surprises aren't good ones. Terp, who still hasn't quite recovered from his school's Turkey Fat Soup Surprise.5 points
4 points
When you pass KI on I-71 and look for rides in motion. So far I have seen the Banshee and Diamondback moving!4 points
4 points
Eve is at it again! Testing before opening day! (My name for Banshee would've been Elvira if I had known about the naming thing sooner)4 points
The entrance sort of reminds me of Canada's Wonderland's Ghoster Coaster's entrance.4 points
On September 8th, another KIC event occurred, the Birthday Bash. There was tours, dollar days, Todd Frazier, rides, and more! But my favorite part had to be walking in the old Crypt building. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/28405-kings-island-central-birthday-bash-2013-ptr/ Tomorrow I'll post some videos from that day. We are moving out of the teens! Just 12 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 13 more days until Opening Day 2014!4 points
^ I would highly recommend getting Don's permission before trying to stream anything online from Media Day. With all the requests that have been made so far related to Banshee, that seems like it could easily be something they don't want happening if you aren't actually part of the news media.4 points
I'm not working the rides. I'm in the Food & Beverage department.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
A user on the Carowinds Connection has just posted that as of today, Intimidator is Seatbelt free! http://carowindsconnection.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3925&start=930#wrap However, I will not discourage Rollernut from visiting one of Cedar Fair's finest properties for us!4 points
Well, back in 1976 I begged my father to take me to Magic Mountain for the opening of the Revolution roller coaster that was making huge worldwide news as being the first modern day vertical loop coaster....and of course the park was the busiest I have ever seen ......even to this day and I go to lots of parks....anyways.....my father despised crowds like that and waiting in line......so we got there and he knew how much I wanted to go on this its all I talked about the whole year....so, we walked up to as far to the front of the line as we could get...and he just shouted out......"Ive got $200 bucks here for any 2 people willing to give up their spot for my son and I". In 1976, $200 was quite a bit more then it is today.....and a LOT of hands went up for the offer and we of course took the closest to the front......It was awesome......probably the most memorable thing my Dad did for me....out of everything....To bad he isn't still around to go on Banshee with me...but he will be with me spirtitually I guess. So, its up to you....if you want to shell out a FEW hundred dollars....im sure it will work...no guarantees though.... Good luck. "4 points
Null vote because spontaneity is more fun than plans.3 points
3 points
The replacement of track on Arrow steel coasters has been done in the same way for many years. It is how it was first assembled.3 points
The Drop Tower belts are the length they are to ensure both the first and second detents latch on the restraint. One is not sufficient. Redundancy.3 points
^^ If you have the audio file that I have, the track is split so that the music is on the right side and the voice is on the left. You can split the audio in certain computer programs. Thanks to that, I've got a text ringtone of just the voice of "now you will pay". That also means that I have to switch my phone to vibrate every time I go to the bathroom. I have a recurring fear of having some voice say "NOW YOU WILL PAY" when there are other people in the bathroom and it's quiet.3 points
- "Lets hear it for the Mushrooms!" ....TheBEASTunchained, who is hoping that the frog's ending spiel is still a part of the routine.....3 points
3 points
I had heard it was fun so I had to find out for myself! And it was! Seems like we get rushed through those mazes so quickly that we can't notice the details like we could during the lights on walk-through. Maybe I miss a lot because my eyes are closed half the time as I go through.3 points
Kinda like how the lights under Raptor's cobra roll turn off when the train hits the element?3 points
I agree on the logo. I prefer the vintage look and appreciate the uniqueness of it, but a logo is a companies identity and this is a new company. I am glad, however, to see that the vintage logo is still used on some apparel in their gift shops. That's what I get for not fact checking It was also night of Pride Night that year. (I only know cause I worked that evening, apart from the weather it was fun. I love Pride Night). Yes, it was pridenight. I remember working/training for "fear fest" and as I was walking to my car to leave for the night, the sky was getting very dark, and I could hear the weather statement going off inside of the park. I looked at the sign and it said something about welcoming guests for gay/lesbian pride night. It was the very last thing I ever saw it say, as it was a twisted mess by the next morning.3 points
I would take the Red path. It gives you the opportunity to see Diamondbacks splashdown on your way back (great for those who are taking people to the park for the first time plus it's one of the coolest sights in the park!) plus allows for a quick trip over to The Beast.3 points
It truly is not the same walking during the tour and during the Haunt. The tour has lights on and no distractions by people scaring you. During the Haunt, people make efforts to scare you, which is not the most enjoyable thing in the world. I still believe Madame Fatales should be removed immediately and some kind of top spin, and kind, should be placed back into The Crypt's old building. But few people agree with me on that. I will find a way to get you in there this fall. Paging DiamondAceExpress, paging DiamondAceExpress...3 points
I still wish I could have gone to that Birthday Bash. KIC's birthday celebration + my own birthday celebration = 1 huge amazing birthday celebration! Aw well. All the pictures and videos are great.3 points
3 points
THE CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWW (Aliens from Toy Story voice) Image can be found on Greg Scheid's Twitter Page3 points
The A Kid Again participants will be the first night riders. This is very special, for a very special cause and before opening day. Yeah, but many of them are, to put it bluntly, heartless dummies. And full of it.So park employees are "heartless dummies, and full of it" ?, Good luck ever getting to ride it without those very employees. Park employees ride after them. It's the law. And makes sense. Humans are never first.3 points
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