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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2014 in all areas

  1. This will be a VERY sought after photo spot. Day and night, Dusk and dawn. Most of my photos from this spot will probably come at night! Taken from CoasterForce's Twitter page. P.S. The sign looks INCREDIBLE!
    20 points
  2. You have violated the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not mess with Adventure Express. NOW YOU SHALL PAY!!!!
    17 points
  3. Wow, I didn't expect it to come out this way......There hasn't even been an official announcement but I guess I'll break it to you guys..... The decision has been made to rename Delirium to The Great Pumpkin Frisbee for the 2014 season to compliment one of the park's most popular attractions known as, The Great Pumpkin Coaster, located in Planet Snoopy. New for 2014 : The Great Pumpkin Frisbee Location: Action Zone Duration: 2 minutes, 30 seconds Height Requirement: 52 inches Manufacturer: Huss Realism of this post: Not much
    16 points
  4. "@KIGMGREG: Finishing touches taking place http://t.co/dOmjU8y0aR" Link: https://twitter.com/kigmgreg/status/454232626480422912 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    15 points
  5. Well, I hope they stop at the legs...
    14 points
  6. ^ Soooooo....you don't want me to make a post every time that the park is open this season either?
    12 points
  7. This is going to be a long week.
    12 points
  8. I asked Mrs. Gator last night if she had given any thought to what she and GatorGirl will be wearing to Media Day. Mrs. Gator knew what she was planning to wear (Banshee shirt, just like me) but hadn't really thought about GatorGirl's. Mrs. Gator mentioned this nice shirt that under other circumstances would be perfect... bright blue with the word Ohio in big letters, with that Ohio encircled by CP's Corkscrew's corkscrew. It's not a specific park shirt (I bought it at Meijer for her), it just happens to have a Cedar Fair coaster on it promoting our state. But, I told her we better not chance it. Luckily they were already planning on going to Once Upon a Child this weekend, so if it turns out she doesn't have any plain shirts, they can find one there for cheap. Heck, in the past few years I've had to get plain shirts for when I went to Bert the Conqueror at Holiday World and for Gatekeeper's Media Day. They always have them at Target for less than $10. I never saw the need to complain, it was just great to be at the parks for a special event. All this talk about Delirium being painted made me think, I can't wait to ride that next week. With Banshee right next to it now, that will provide a great new view from the ride.
    10 points
  9. And as for driving an hour to get there, big whoop. There are people coming from 3/4 the states, the District of Columbia, US protectorates and from foreign countries. This is Kings Island's celebration, press event and party. Be a gracious guest...or stay home.
    10 points
  10. Say Intamin, and most people would probably mistake it for Entenmann's. "When did they go from coffee cake to coasters?"
    8 points
  11. While we're talking about paint jobs, I haven't seen it mentioned, but as I drive past KI in the evenings, it has struck me more than once how nicely the paint job on Invertigo last season blends in the with visuals on Banshee from 71. I don't know if it was planned out that way (I assume it was), but those 2 coasters, plus the rethemed Bat look really make that area "pop" so to speak, as you drive up/down 71 imploring you to come into the park. Very well done.
    8 points
  12. Less than a week and we will officially be in the park (those going to Media Day at least!) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  13. This has been discussed a lot in the Banshee construction thread but since it's off topic there, I figured I'd make a new thread about it. Delirium appears to be getting a paint job. The legs are now all blue, and the disc part appears to be getting painted orange. Here is what it looked like 1 week ago vs. now.... APRIL 3RD: APRIL 10TH: Both of the above images were captured from Kings Island's live Banshee webcam, found here Anyways.... I'd love to hear others' thoughts and opinions on this new development!
    7 points
  14. Of course she's mad..you see her hair? I'd be ticked too if I got out of the salon looking like that
    7 points
  15. All you whipper snappers with yer eye talkie devices and yer weather dot whatchamacallits. I go by the trusty ol' Farmer's Almanac and it says...um...let me see here....find the right page.....AH! Here we are, yes...plant yer onions! Wait, what? No, it says: Apr 12-18: Showers, then sunny, cool Now that's down to Earth forecastin'! None of this high tech rigmarole. I like my weather forecasts the same way I like my women....vague and untrustworthy.
    7 points
  16. The Sunday forecast for opening weekend is for Easter Eggs. Chick-Fil-A will not be open.
    6 points
  17. Eating blue moo cookie dough ice cream cone knowing it's not what you really want! Smurf cones rule!! Sent from my iPhone using Taptalk
    6 points
  18. Allowing us in period is more than the had to do. GP, who is deeply grateful for the opportunity to be among the first riders on this beautiful work of art. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  19. Remember, Media Day is the park's day to promote their ride. I mean, if your best friend were hosting a Star Wars costume party, they have a right to be upset and not let you join in if you show up dressed like Mr. Spock. The park has a vision of how they want their product to be presented and if you aren't going to help them present it in that way, they do not want or need your "help". They could have said that you absolutely MUST wear a Banshee shirt, but they didn't. As it stands, the park has granted us some degree of freedom in how we choose to dress, which is more than they HAD to do.
    6 points
  20. You know, if it turns out to be blue and orqnge, it will look like Banshee & Bat had a kid!
    5 points
  21. No haha nothing is happening in 2018. As of what I know. It's my name because I graduate in 2018 and Delirium is one of my favorite rides.
    5 points
  22. It probably has more to do with the fact that Delirium will likely end up in many of the Banshee photographs the park has taken for promotional purposes. It's not uncommon for surrounding rides/buildings to get "spruced up" around a new attraction since they are photographed and filmed extensively in their inaugural years. I doubt it was a last minute decision, but even if it was, it is more than likely photo driven.
    5 points
  23. I'll give you a personal handshake and a smile if you do that everyday. Yeah, I'm definitely not that dedicated. I'll try to hire someone though. Oh yeah, and Banshee's testing again! Holy craaaaaap!
    5 points
  24. I know the off-season is getting to me. Last night my boyfriend and I had our date night in Mason, just so I could drive by the empty, lonely park. Hold on guys I'm gonna cry. So close yet so far!
    5 points
  25. Unfortunately I won't be there Opening Day. Since I am going to Media Day and taking off work, I will be working Friday, and taking off work Saturday for my first wedding anniversary.. I love KI, but I love my wife more and will be devoting my energy to celebrating our marriage that weekend. Hope everyone has fun on Friday.
    5 points
  26. I'm not trying to be a party pooper or negative Nancy, but must we post every time Banshee or another ride is testing? The park opens in a week, so rides will be cycling. I think the multitudes of previous "(insert ride name here) is testing" posts has conveyed the point that the park is ramping up for the operating season.
    5 points
  27. According to park policy holding a spot in line is also considered line jumping I would wait 2 hours but I'm not going to be able to make it opening day since Im heading to Chicago for the Reds game.
    5 points
  28. Looks great!!!! It would be cool if KI had a "buy a tombstone" for charity auction. It would be cool to play a permanent part in the ride.
    5 points
  29. 5 points
  30. Anyone attending Media Day has the added perk of enjoying the short lines on everything else on the 18th. Ain't nobody keeping me from my Adventure Express on opening day. If anyone tries, then NOW THEY WILL PAY!
    5 points
  31. You know it's the offseason when your brother informs you that the KI food truck was at Cincinnati Financial handing out free blue ice cream, and texts you a picture of himself eating it. Needless to say, I'm jealous of him.
    5 points
  32. Records don't drive attendance of money spending demographics. The old Six Flags more than proved that.
    5 points
  33. Caution: Prolonged staring at web cam images during long periods of anticipation-filled off-season months might cause certain side-effects... Parody: Original web cam image at www.visitkingsisland.com
    5 points
  34. OPEN for the season! Huzzah! http://www.putzscreamywhip.com/main/index.php
    4 points
  35. That is one incredible photo!!!
    4 points
  36. If it was due to the vividness of the photo, wouldn't the rest of the yellow, previously matching, also look orange? And there's yellow that matches the arms currently, which is in the same environment and lighting conditions as the oranged ring.
    4 points
  37. The park is open today Not to the public But to employees
    4 points
  38. So in 2012 you did 30 Haunt, and in 2013, you did 31 Haunts. Does that mean that in 2014 you will do 32 Haunts?
    4 points
  39. I knew I'd have to post this at some point, so here it goes! On October 4th, KICentral had an unofficial meetup for Haunt. I went in a grand total of 3 Haunts, which was 3 times the amount of haunts I did the previous year! So I don't want to hear any complaining about a lack of Haunts I went through. That was my personal limit. That's a video that includes Haunt stuff, wall of monsters, and jcgoble3 and my mom screaming! http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/28527-kings-island-10413-kic-haunt-night-ptr/ And a trip report including rides, info, Haunt reviews, funny stuff, ect. In just 1 WEEK, or 7 days, there will be Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and there is 8 more days until Opening Day 2014!
    4 points
  40. I'll give you a personal handshake and a smile if you do that everyday.
    4 points
  41. she's testing!!! so is Drop Tower. Image captured from Kings Island's live Banshee webcam Edit: maybe I am imagining things, but Delirium seems to be getting more and more orange from what it looked like this morning, and not just the inside. I'm talking about the outside looks like it is getting rather orange as well.
    4 points
  42. This is a great idea. I can only imagine people who wished people were dead would pay for a tombstone with the name of that person on it. Can you imagine walking through the line and seeing your own name? I would find it funny, others may not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  43. Yes and notice how now all of Delirium's legs are solid blue. Yesterday only two of them were.
    4 points
  44. The legs are definitely changing, but the orange in the disk could just be the way light is reflecting. If you look at this photo: You can see a hint of orange, too (at least on my monitor) (Photo from David Morton, taken from Wikipedia at this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Delirium_KI.jpg and licensed under Creative Commons)
    4 points
  45. As I've mentioned in other posts, I waited about 3 hours to ride Diamondback on it's opening day and that was one of the WORST lines I've ever seen at any park I've visited. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Banshee's line won't be as bad as that next Friday (or at least just as bad). If I could get me a ride in 3 hours or so, I think I'd be ok. My wife and I both have the day off, so we can get there whenever we feel like it. Unless something unexpected comes up, I'll definitely be getting my first ride on opening day!
    4 points
  46. Give me an enjoyable up and down... Or a smooth B&M. I have rather enjoyed my time on Diamondback, Wild Eagle and Gatekeeper the last few years. I don't feel beat up...hoping the same with our eerie female. I can't imagine otherwise though. Not at all. Although I can't get over my Maverick. *when he's running I might add with a frowning face.
    4 points
  47. The average park customer wouldn't know a B&M from a Nash Metropolitan, nor an INTAMIN from a bovine. Nor do they care.
    4 points
  48. From earlier today. Banshee screaming through the second of seven inversions! Image can be found on Kings Island's Twitter page P.S. At the bottom left hand corner of the image, you can see the on-ride photo camera.
    4 points
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