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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2014 in all areas

  1. We are $16,000 away from reaching $100,000 raised for the "Scream for A Kid Again" event to be among the first night riders on our new record-breaking Banshee roller coaster Thursday, April 17. A big thank you to those on this site that have registered and have met the minimum of $100 raised to participate in this event. For those who are not able to participate, you can still help by donating to someone that is participating simply by clicking on their name in the list of fundraisers located at the bottom of the Scream for A Kid Again information page. Every dollar received for this event helps to enrich the lives of children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. Fundraising for this event ends this Sunday at midnight. Can we count on you as a member of the KIC community to help?
    30 points
  2. Well so far my daughter and I have been to Knott's Berry Farm, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Buffalo Bills, Las Vegas Stratosphere on our trek to Kings Island for media day. Coaster count so far 22. Next stop, Six Flags Texas. Only 1 week to go until Banshee......Can't wait!!! See you all there.... Keep your feet OFF the ground and keep reaching for the stars....
    13 points
  3. Now it's really orange! Just kidding... messing around with PowerPoint. Parody: Original web cam image from www.visitkingsisland.com
    11 points
  4. And then she asked "Does this rollercoaster make my butt look fat?", and based on her expression, and demeanor we can figure out the answer was "yes",...
    11 points
  5. It appears the area between Delirium has been converted into a patio like area (judging by Greg's last tweets). https://twitter.com/kigmgreg/status/454599696753774592 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  6. Posted this in the Random Photo thread as well, but figured it might belong here as well. Delirium and Banshee just hanging out together. Obviously taken from the webcam that lives here.
    7 points
  7. With all the new upgrades, paintings, and our record-breaking Banshee, I feel like I'm going to a different park. This is going to be a great year. Come to think of it, I realized I'm slightly more excited about the theming of Banshee than the ride itself. I'm excited for both; it just seems like we have VERY limited rides with great theming, so with Banshee coming in with amazing theming, I find myself being more excited. This is going to be a great year, though.
    7 points
  8. It's in the Terms of Service. The complaints about it are getting old. Just saying. See particularly the first and next to last paragraph: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/4128-terms-of-service/#entry60232 Actually more than that. Compliance is required. By users, by this website. By law. So, as has been said before, by the gracious Administrator here as to the "capitalization comments," "and they will continue." This is particularly so as to park and ride and attraction names and those of park sponsors and of those known to be especially protective of their marks (Photoshop, for one...).
    7 points
  9. I feel very old all the sudden... Terp: '73, '75, '77 and '80.
    6 points
  10. The people. The fantastic cheese coneys. The people. The setting. The people. Incredible frozen custard. The people. The prices. The people. Midwest courtesy, warmth and friendliness. The people. Putz's makes me happy. Very happy. Good food. Good times. Good people. Worth a drive from Washington, DC. I may go next week. Spring is here. Putz's is open. What better reason to come to Cincinnati? (Kings Island. Where else? PUTZ's!)
    6 points
  11. He's just informing us in case anyone would like to see it. Besides, with opening day in a week, what else are we suppose to talk about?
    5 points
  12. We're now only $12,000 shy of raising $100,000 for A Kid Again through the Scream for A Kid Again event!
    5 points
  13. Maybe I am seeing things, but it looks like they have added grass on the hill going back into the valley... It looks nice Image captured from Kings Island's live Banshee webcam, found here
    5 points
  14. No more game building hiding the entrance to the Festhaus! Hopefully no more smoking right by an entrance to a building either.. I wonder how hot those seat will get in the sunlight...
    5 points
  15. You have violated the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not mess with Adventure Express. NOW YOU SHALL PAY!!!! Because "on the 8th day, God made Adventure Express, and saw how good it was."
    5 points
  16. I'd have to see both but I see your point with the checkered colors. But exactly they could surprise us, there's been enough of that already, I mean being honest all they had to do was build a coaster like they said they were going to do late in the season in 2013. However, did they do so much more than that, oh of course, and there's probably a few big things we still have yet to know about. One week man!
    5 points
  17. I do enjoy this paintjob more except one part, the top of the pendulum to me is odd. It fit the old Action Zone, but not the new one. Checkered boxes and bright colors do not fit next to Gothic and Mysterious lol. Whatever they're doing I'm sure I'll be impressed, this year they've exceeded my expectations greatly, I couldn't have asked for a better 2014 out of them..Well.. They could make that impulse woodie with timberliners ending with a 450 foot tophat finale
    5 points
  18. Interview with a show that airs nationally. The reporter for the feature was off to the right side of the camera asking questions. Our Town Magazine just did a great feature on The Beast's 35th anniversary.
    5 points
  19. Wow, I didn't expect it to come out this way......There hasn't even been an official announcement but I guess I'll break it to you guys..... The decision has been made to rename Delirium to The Great Pumpkin Frisbee for the 2014 season to compliment one of the park's most popular attractions known as, The Great Pumpkin Coaster, located in Planet Snoopy. New for 2014 : The Great Pumpkin Frisbee Location: Action Zone Duration: 2 minutes, 30 seconds Height Requirement: 52 inches Manufacturer: Huss Realism of this post: Not much
    5 points
  20. Uh is this even a question? Adventure Express for sure.
    4 points
  21. Tough decision, I love The Beast, but I voted Diamondback. Edit: And Vortex, The Bat, The Racer, Adventure Express.........
    4 points
  22. What rule is that? Transmitted from Wild Space via my datapad's DROID brain Exactly that one. If people weren't allowed to speak negatively about any parks, Son of Beast could still be here (I liked SOB but I see why others don't and why it was removed). And a certain "Save the Wizzer" campaign would have never happened and we would still have a problematic Arrow multi-looper and a very mediocre B&M flyer at SFGAm.
    4 points
  23. http://i.imgur.com/APL3eUJ.jpg Delirium is definantly orange. But not completely orange what's going on here.
    4 points
  24. How this could be "violating the Americans with Disabilities Act," I couldn't even fathom a guess. It's not as though I know the law by heart, but c'mon now. Businesses are required not just to make reasonable accommodation, but to "provide an individualized assessment?" In education, certainly. But for a business - whether mom 'n' pop shop or international top ten company, because it can't be one or the other - to be required to make individual assessment of its customers who have freely chosen to spend their money there? So a parent can march into any local store and demand that their child's SPECIFIC disabilities be assessed, met, and catered to by that business or risk a lawsuit? My guess is that, unfortunately, Disney will settle with these families rather than risk bringing this to still more national attention or to change their policy, which is now working just fine for most guests. And let's face it - offered a few million from Disney, these families will go silent very happily and endure the supposed atrocities of this policy.
    4 points
  25. I'm late to the game, but I have just created a page and have kickstarted things with a donation of my own. At WDW, I helped out with Give Kids the World, which was an amazing event. If in some small way I can help bring the same kind of happiness to these kids, I'd love to do my own small part. Anyone who wishes to help, please see the link below. Thanks! https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/GabePaul/screamforakidagain
    4 points
  26. I wish they had a wait limit at all parks...for I don't like to wait in line. Or even a weight limit. That would clear the lines nicely here in the Midwest. ::rimshot::
    4 points
  27. Disney is being sued for the changes to its disability access system. http://www.ocregister.com/articles/disney-608785-guests-policy.html To summarize this thread: Last year, both American resorts switched their accessibility programs following much-publicized abuse of the previous system. In the old Guest Assisstance Card (GAC) policy, almost any guest could obtain a GAC by visiting Guest Relations and mentioning something as simple as discomfort standing for long periods of time. The cards were issued for months at a time and good for parties of up to six guests. Anyone with a GAC could enter directly through an accessible entrance and board the ride, usually immediately, with no wait. The system was infamous for abuse, especially when it was uncovered that wealthy families were hiring "disabled" tour guides (some legitimate and some otherwise) for hundreds of dollars an hour to pose as their family and whisk them to the front of the line for immediate boarding unlimited times on every attraction in the park. The new Disability Access Service (DAS) is more restrictive in terms of who can have one, how long it's valid, and who can accompany the individual with a disability through the special queue. What's more, the DAS service works like Cedar Fair's disability pass: the individual or a member of his or her party must visit any of a half-dozen kiosks throughout each park to obtain a return time for the attraction. In other words, it's more of a virtual queue. If the line for Indiana Jones Adventure is 60 minutes, the cast member at the kiosk will write in a return time of 60 minutes from now (usually less a percentage due to the minimal time it takes to get to a kiosk). Groups can use the Fastpass system, too. Now, 16 families with children with autism are suing Disney, saying that the new system violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. It's mostly the families of individuals with autism who speak out against the new system, saying they'll never be able to take their children to Disneyland again. (As a special education teacher, I have my own opinion. Junior and his family can go enjoy some attractions that don't have waits while mom slips away to a nearby kiosk for a return time. We're doing no favors to individuals with autism if we say "They need immediate and constant gratification or else we can't do things. My child cannot be taught to defer pleasure. If he sees Space Mountain, he must go on it immediately. If he can't, then we'll just have to never go to Disneyland [/ leave the house] ever again." That's a tremendous disservice to the child. Is it easy? No. Will breakdowns occur? Certainly. But life is going to require deferred gratification. Disney isn't asking the child to walk up to the attraction, the back away from it. Simply to obtain a return time from a small kiosk.)
    4 points
  28. Of course she's mad..you see her hair? I'd be ticked too if I got out of the salon looking like that
    4 points
  29. Skips? Wright State must be...an interesting place. Terp, who discovered at university, and in life, that just showing up is often 98 percent of the battle, or more. Absence, on the other hand... Skips? Terp is still....incredulous.
    4 points
  30. This will be a VERY sought after photo spot. Day and night, Dusk and dawn. Most of my photos from this spot will probably come at night! Taken from CoasterForce's Twitter page. P.S. The sign looks INCREDIBLE!
    4 points
  31. You have violated the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not mess with Adventure Express. NOW YOU SHALL PAY!!!!
    4 points
  32. OPEN for the season! Huzzah! http://www.putzscreamywhip.com/main/index.php
    3 points
  33. They click the button to the left of the title Banshee & then click the Vote! button, simple lol
    3 points
  34. I'm a highschool student. Anything I miss can be made up.
    3 points
  35. I didn't hear back about writing a check, so I just now made my own donation online. Good to see that so many from here are helping with this!
    3 points
  36. Looks like the Ice Cream shop has a slight facelift as well. This is right behind Festhaus, probably almost right outside the doors in the back. Not a bad patio for a beer and several pounds of Orange Chicken
    3 points
  37. The new patio(s) look great. Very nice addition and this part of the park is going to fee very revitalized because of Banshee and the surround work that has been done.
    3 points
  38. That is pretty creepy! You're close! Forced perspective is using miniatures and real-life objects in the same shot to create the illusion of exaggerated scale in motion pictures. What you're describing is Linear perspective, which is applying the science how the eye perceives depth in a 2D image which, when done as masterfully as they've done with Eve, allows for the eye-contact-from-any-angle illusion. EDIT: Photo of Geddy Lee withdrawn pending permission for use..
    3 points
  39. My parents have made that exact comment when I talk about Intamin coasters.
    3 points
  40. Lots of people do; see the meetups forum: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/forum/50-KICentral-meet-ups/ (Opening Day thread: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/28538-kic-opening-day-meet-up-2014-ideas/)
    3 points
  41. I could not imagine being in line for 2 hours and being Banshee rider #5001 and not getting a t-shirt. That might be a little tough.
    3 points
  42. I couldn't imagine skipping classes and then trying to learn what you missed on your own. Maybe that is just how I'm wired though? I'll enjoy Banshee a few weeks after it opens.
    3 points
  43. I just hope we aren't getting a MaXair paint job. I much liked ours the way it was except for the fading.
    3 points
  44. I will have you know I don't post every time Banshee or DT is testing. I spend a lot of my time at work so that's rather impossible It's awesome to see her testing and figure out where she is and such, but if it bugs you that much I won't do it anymore. Spoilsport Edit: the top of Delirium now seems orange-ish as well.... this appears to have changed within the last hour as the image I took last hour didn't appear to look like it does now. I'm not going to bother posting a pic this time though. Y'all know the link, y'all can look for yourselves. *tries to limit the amount of time she spends off topic* Maybe we should make a thread about Delirium? *will search and do that* Sorry, I wasn't directing it at you. Just in general. Seems like every time an update showed up on my app, it was always that "a ride was running". Maybe it came off as a little harsh; and I apologize for that.
    3 points
  45. Does anyone else feel like there's some weird forced perspective (or whatever the appropriate term is... do I look like an artist to you?!) thing going on with Eve? No matter what direction pictures are aimed at it, it always seems like the eyes are looking towards the camera and the claw is opened towards it.
    3 points
  46. Not to mention being all wet on closing day... "Are you okay?" "No." (nearly a screeched No) "Good!" Terp: Savor The Good Times or The front row is closer to the water. Silly beagle!
    3 points
  47. You know, if it turns out to be blue and orqnge, it will look like Banshee & Bat had a kid!
    3 points
  48. All you whipper snappers with yer eye talkie devices and yer weather dot whatchamacallits. I go by the trusty ol' Farmer's Almanac and it says...um...let me see here....find the right page.....AH! Here we are, yes...plant yer onions! Wait, what? No, it says: Apr 12-18: Showers, then sunny, cool Now that's down to Earth forecastin'! None of this high tech rigmarole. I like my weather forecasts the same way I like my women....vague and untrustworthy.
    3 points
  49. No haha nothing is happening in 2018. As of what I know. It's my name because I graduate in 2018 and Delirium is one of my favorite rides.
    3 points
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