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  1. https://twitter.com/cedarpoint/status/489827900745469953 Remember to use the hashtag #CPBigNoodle to discuss our beloved pasta at its current home.
    7 points
  2. https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/status/489416001860014081
    6 points
  3. Haven't done one of these in awhile....the weather looked great, and haven't been to Kings Island since May, so I went for it! These are just some general pics from around the park. Everything is looking great right now! Enjoy! Isn't this always the best feeling?
    6 points
  4. 6 points
  5. sounds like you got to deal with an ignorant man child just trying to show off his new toy. Either that or he was just blowing off steam. We went to the Bruno Mars concert a few weeks ago at US Bank Arena. Between the opening act and the main act, we saw a woman a few rows below us using an e-cigarette. Mrs. Gator thought it was a real cigarette, said "She can't smoke in here!" and started coughing. I laughed at her psychosomatic response and explained to her what an e-cig is and that it's just vapor, not actual smoke. Once I explained that, she mysteriously quit coughing...
    5 points
  6. Haha, XGator, I needed that like you don't know how. It took a lot for me to return to this forum. There are times I've had an unlit cigarette in my hand, and had people go into paroxyms of coughing and carrying on. I just realized I had a unusual pet peeve: People that want to ban a certain group from the park, especially when many of the of the group they want to ban go out of their way to accomadate the people that want to ban them. If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
    4 points
  7. It's named after one of your counterparts on this forum more specifically But if the boot fits
    4 points
  8. People. But only when they are in season! (Hi, Sam.) Hi Terpee! We lyk peepul if there in seesun or not and if there not than we jest put em in seesnin! Mama purfurs em in hunny barbq butt I lyk kayjin. -Sam Sorry for that. The whole Jekyll & Hyde-like thing that Sam and I have seems to be starting already. -Gator
    4 points
  9. 4 points
  10. Since Banshee line flies with the no loose articles policy, I wish KI would implement this on all of their rides. Heck with the volume of "carry-ons" it sometimes feels like I'm walking through the airport when I'm walking in a crowd. I believe that even a couple of times at some parks I've seen folks pulling small rolling luggage behind them....please....if they need all that, what the heck are they doing in an amusement park? It's understandable that some folks would need "extras" that are not sold in parks, but if it cannot be carried in a storable bag, then it's too much stuff!
    4 points
  11. Based on the blueprints that were leaked, I created a concept of what Fury 325/Centurion/Whatever may look like.
    4 points
  12. When I see an e-cig commercial I feel like I have stepped back in time to when I was a kid when cigarette commercials were all over the air waves. I have the feeling that e-cig commercials will also eventually be banned from television. For those of you too young here is an example of a commercial from my youth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch6HafID4DM
    4 points
  13. Today I got back from Cedar Point...and Kings Island. But Cedar Point is the more important part. After not visiting since the summer of 2012, which was on a July Saturday, I was very excited to visit again. CoasterGeek101 (doesn't really go on the site anymore...Alex by real name) and I went up to Cedar Point the other day, courtesy of his parents, who have a daughter with an apartment relatively close. Me with my Kings Island employee ID and him with his Platinum Pass, we get in for free! We had been planning on getting Fast Lane but wanted to check out the crowds first. It was pretty unbelievable for a Tuesday. After riding Gatekeeper once, the line had already filled up some of the queue and was listed as an hour wait. Millennium Force also had an hour and a half, which knocked some sense into us to get Fast Lane Plus! And here goes the best day ever at Cedar Point! We rode basically everything, besides some of the carnival like rides, kiddy rides, and a couple coasters. Ok, well, not "everything", but CP has a lot! One surprise of mine was Maverick. Though I had been on it in 2012, I didn't appreciate it that much. But since we rode it 5 times yesterday, I have made it my new #1. No joke. And Terpy, I had fun on it in every row. Not just the front. I absolutely love the theme of the ride, the quick twists and turns, and especially the tunnel launch. It's a near perfect ride IMO - besides the ending where you're sitting with the restraint hugging your thighs to death. Gatekeeper was "so-so". Still fun, but besides the first drop (which is awesome), and the keyhole, it's a relatively tame ride and reminds me a lot of Diamondback's relaxed ride. Going on that 6 times was enough - and we got the last train of the night - we were forced to get out of line for the front row and go somewhere else. I found this strange, because on Banshee, I have seen at least five front row seats with the rest empty to end the night. Millennium Force is good as always. Greying out on the overbanked turn is the best. Alike Diamondback, it is somewhat tame, but still a lot of fun. I don't even want to get into TTD. It was closed - all day - due to high winds! Ugh. A very huge surprise for me was Blue Streak. Holy moly, that ride has some airtime! I honestly felt like I was going to fly right up out of my seat. I was sad I only rode it once. Other rides that are decent...Raptor...hurts my head/neck...Mantis...hurts my legs and groin...Cedar Creek Mine Ride...what a waste of land...Gemini...fun to taunt the other train but not very exciting... Magnum-XL 200 is the least fun I've ever had on a roller coaster. That thing hurts so freaking much, especially the bunny hop hills in the tunnels. UGH! Corkscrew was forgettable and I don't even remember riding it. Wicked Twister was short but fun. Skyhawk is still my favorite flat ride though very short. Pipe Scream is fun. And I love the new Gemini Midway. Add on to this trip the multiple silly rides we went on..Calypso, Super Himalaya, and even the Antique Cars. Besides rides, I gotta say, the Midway Market is AWESOME! I recommend it to anyone visiting the park. For $15 - only a little more than one single meal in the park - you get an all you can eat buffet with pretty good food, and ability to use the Coke Freestyle machine. 10/10 would eat again. If I remember anything else I will post...we did a heck of a lot and I can't remember some things...I will post pictures. OH...and Fast Lane Plus is the best thing ever, I don't care about the haters... Ride Count Gatekeeper x6 Maverick x5 Millennium Force x3 Raptor, Mantis, Wicked Twister, Gemini, Magnum XL-200, Corkscrew, Blue Streak, Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Pipe Scream, Lake Erie Eagles, Skyhawk, Calypso, Super Himalaya, Antique Cars ...and went to Kings Island today for a little bit. Banshee x3...that's it.
    3 points
  14. Here's the latest from the Tower.
    3 points
  15. Well, unstop, thanks for saying that for me. It would have to take a lot of umph to justify the dime. Also, I've noted your praise of Slaughterhouse suits my observation as well.
    3 points
  16. It would have to be a superior haunt from top to bottom for me to buy a FOL pass.....great sets, great make up, great scares....sorry, in my opinion, (with the exception of Slaughterhouse which is very close to BGT and USO in quality) what I've seen so far at KI does not qualify for an upgrade. (Busch Gardens and Universal have spoiled me in that department) Yes we are talking bigger budgets, etc, at those parks, however, KI went for quantity rather than quality in their lineup. I'd have 5 really good haunts rather than 13 understaffed, lower quality haunts. My biggest complaint is that when Fearfest started it was a Halloween event with a few houses that happened to be in an amusement park. Now for Halloween Haunt, its an amusement park that happens to have too many haunted attractions. Do I like Halloween Haunt....yes....but not enough for a Skeleton Key/FOL...(unless of course the Haunts quality at KI goes through the roof).
    3 points
  17. Perusing my posts, you can see I'm just as confused. I would prefer the Tower Gardens redone and made into a sleepy time kids spot. It's cool, the waterfall would be comforting, and both you and I know there's a point in the day where a kid needs to stop and rest a bit, or they get overtired. Snoopy sleeps on his doghouse, why not feature that motif? The spot on Coney Island midway is too awkward. I understand they design for full capacity, and they have a percentage they go by, but there's no need for that great big circle. Most smokers would prefer a spot carved out of the way, and this is my survey of smokers in the park. If you look at smokers, we mostly stand, there's only a few sitting, and we are used to being close together. You meet a lot of interesting people, that way. We don't want spaces too far apart. We want to enjoy the park like everyone else- we eat in the smoking section to save time to get back to the park. That's why you see so many standers. Why can't the smoking area at the edge of Planet Snoopy have a path going back? Why does it have to be RIGHT on the sidewalk?
    3 points
  18. This was mentioned a few pages back, but I just recently expeienced it. While in line for Racer, a couple who looked to be the same age as me (17years old) were making out with tongue and all over each other (gross). They noticed the looks they were getting from parents around them, and continued. I'm not a fan of PDA, whether it's me, or someone else. There are kids around. I can't pin this all on teenages, because while in line for Diamonback, I saw a couple (late 20's, early 30's maybe) doing the same thing.
    3 points
  19. Probably wasn't the breast decision...
    3 points
  20. Diamondback's crew is helping take bags but that isn't really helping. I agree with upstop about getting rid of bins on all rides. I never bring anything that doesn't fit in a plastic bag in my cargo shorts pocket.
    3 points
  21. I hate when the North parking entrance is closed and it directs me to the South one. It is anything but clear where one is supposed to make a left turn into that entrance. Fortunately, most times when I get here (in the morning before the park opens) the North entrance is open. Unfortunately, most of the times it is closed are times later in the day when traffic on Kings Island Drive is heavier.
    3 points
  22. My wife and I used to walk to the OPH in Anderson when we lived on the corner of Forest and 8 Mile. Definitely one of my favorite breakfast places ever, though a bit expensive. It's worth the premium though.
    3 points
  23. Sometimes I'll squirt a little sunscreen into a sandwich bag and carry it in my pocket to use as needed. It takes virtually no room.
    3 points
  24. Many years ago I bought one of the Kings Island flash drives where you were allowed to put 4 pictures on the drive. Already on the flash drive was a PDF license file from the park, giving me the okay to print the pictures anywhere. I don't know if this email will give you a similar license file or not.
    3 points
  25. ...except those who must carry medical items at all times.
    3 points
  26. The handcarts are still there, but I think the Caterpillar is currently under long-duration maintenance.
    3 points
  27. Not sure if this has been posted here yet or not as I just got home... But construction has gone vertical.
    3 points
  28. 10. Eiffel Tower. I realize there's an identical model in Virginia, but you seriously can't beat the Eiffel Tower. There's nothing at any other park I've been to that's nearly as iconic as Kings Island's Eiffel Tower. It looks awesome on the skyline, can be seen for miles, and catches your eye no matter where you are in the park. Ever since I was little, seeing it just gets me excited to go to the park. Finding it on the horizon while driving to the park is a quintessential part of the drive. It's great! (And, on that note: the farthest I've ever been able to see the tower from is the north side of Lebanon. Anyone ever seen it from farther away? And no, before some snarky little punk speaks up: webcams do not count! ) 9. Baba Louie's Buggies. When I was really little (as in kindergarten-aged), roller coasters--and most everything else in the world, if we're being honest--scared the pants off of me. One of the very few things that didn't was Baba Louie's Buggies. I thought that was the coolest dang ride ever. To be honest, I'm a little surprised that a "grown-up" equivalent doesn't exist at somewhere like Kennywood, because I still think it's a neat idea, even if it probably wouldn't be wildly popular. The only place I've been that had them since KI removed them is Camden Park, and I'm a little too big to ride them now, I think. 8. Viking Fury. When I kinda-sorta started warming up to rides as I got older, I would ride Viking Fury... and then get really freaked out by it and regret that decision. I never really liked it. Now, I think it's great. Part of its placement at #8 is because of how much I like it, and part of it is because of the memories I have of riding it (and hating it) with family when I was younger. It's half fun, half nostalgia on this one. 7. Phantom Theater. I rode Phantom Theater a resounding one time in my life. At the time, I was something significantly less than ten years old, and it absolutely scared the bejabbers out of me. Never rode it again. Now that I'm older, I look back at this ride and kick myself for not riding it more when it was around. Licensed property-themed rides can be interesting, but original themes that you can't find anywhere else are a lot of I LOVE about amusement parks. It's why I love things like Monster Mansion at SFOG and Noah's Ark at Kennywood and Haunted Mansion at Knoebel's. Not to mention that this ride combined a lot of classic funhouse ideas (e.g. Laffing Sals seem like inspiration for the Maestro's laughter) with a unique idea (ghosts inhabiting an abandoned theater.) If Kings Island ever gets a new dark ride--and I really hope they strongly consider doing so--I really hope they'll consider at least acknowledging Phantom Theater in the theme of it. It's really a gem of an idea that's dying to be redone with modern effects. 6. Banshee. The marketing and excitement around this ride was unique and had everyone guessing what the ride was right up to the announcement. The announcement was incredibly well done (and to this day, I can't listen to "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark" by Fall Out Boy without thinking of August 8, 2013.) The theme actually played off The Beast "family" by having a Banshee actually be the creature that "kills" Son of Beast. And that's not even mentioning how awesome of a ride Banshee is--and it is awesome! It's the best B&M inverted coaster I've ridden, and it even has--gasp--theming! It's really a quality experience. 5. Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown. It's just a classic. That's really the whole explanation. I just really like this log flume. It makes me wonder how well I would have liked Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal if I had gotten the chance to ride it when I actually liked amusement park rides. 4. Antique Cars. These types of rides are more common than I thought, but the ones that Kings Island had had the best placement out of the ones I've ridden. That area also needs something relaxing that doesn't go in circles; spinning can and does alienate members of the family who aren't into intense rides. The Antique Cars filled that niche, and they added a lot more atmosphere to the park than The Italian Job Stunt Track/Backlot Stunt Coaster ever did. It would be awesome to see them take the area beside the International Showplace, around the floral clock and BLSC, and behind the Juke Box Diner and put in a nice, long antique car course with covered bridges and LOTS of foliage. The could even use the Juke Box Diner building as an air-conditioned queue, as far as I'm concerned. 3. Flying Eagles. This ride was just a wonderful classic, and it's something I rode a lot when I was younger. I think I hit them up on a bad day at Carowinds this year since I couldn't quite get them to snap, but I vividly remember what they're capable of. (If they ran them at Knoebels speeds, I think they'd be easier to snap, but that's beside the point.) They looked much nicer in their last location at Kings Island than a basketball games does in that spot. I'd even settle for Larson scooters back at KI, because those are still decent rides even if they don't snap easily. 2. Adventure Express. Without repeating myself for the thousandth time, I was probably most afraid of this ride out of all the ones I rode when I was little. I probably have the most memories of riding this ride than I do of any other. Now that I'm all growed up (hah), I enjoy it as being one of the most well-rounded rides I've ever ridden. It's not the most intense ride, but what it does, it does well and it does it well consistently throughout the ride. It's not my favorite ride in the world, but it's doubtlessly the best ride in the park right now. Banshee's very, very good, but Adventure Express still has the lead as far as I'm concerned. I just wish the theming would get more love. 1. Tomb Raider: The Ride. Don't look so surprised. This ride has given me unreasonably high expectations for anything I ride that has a preshow video, and just about every ride I dream up in my head tends to follow an "increasingly themed queue -> preshow room that separates next group of riders from rest of queue -> preshow that warns riders not to proceed -> ride that features a clash with a numinous entity" procedure. It's also why I like HUSS Top Spins so dang much and a lot of the reason why I ever made it to Kings Dominion for the first time. That ride was amazing, and I have yet to start missing it any less than I did the day it left. Somewhere out there on the interwebs, it is possible to find full queue walkthrough videos. I once compiled several queue walkthrough videos, a preshow video, and a POV back when MySpace was a thing, but I made the really, really stupid decision once to delete my account without downloading those videos. I've never found them since. If anyone ever happens to run into video of a TR:TR queue walkthrough, PLEASE let me know.
    3 points
  29. People. But only when they are in season! (Hi, Sam.)
    3 points
  30. My guess would be a maze filled with costumed characters, props, and special effects. Almost certainly featuring a Skeleton Key offering.
    3 points
  31. One of my favorite things about the big Orlando theme parks is the queues. A great queue can make a long wait feel much shorter. Sadly the need for well-themed queues and back stories for rides has gone by the wayside because of cell phones. I know if I was running an amusement/theme park, I wouldn't bother wasting money on a nice, well-themed queue or attempting to add back story to a ride since most of the patrons are going to have their faces glued to their cell phones anyway.
    2 points
  32. By far my favorite aspect of Haunt. On a Saturday you can get up to what, 6-7 hours of night riding time in the park? That is SO much fun IMO.
    2 points
  33. I can only imagine that it would, but we know what happens when you assume.... Thankfully I have a pretty awesome photo printer at home so I should be good either way, in the event that I would actually want to print out a photo...which is probably unlikely. If I can get my wife to the park this season, this is certainly something we would look into. I guess the only thing that might deter me is the number of on-ride photo kiosks that will be open. It seemed like the last time I went there were several that were not.
    2 points
  34. My top 10 is highly influenced by the people I rode the rides with. Which I think is the point of amusement parks is to help spark memories. Before getting into the list I have to agree that seeing the Eiffel Tower as you drive up 71 and pull into the lot, only to have t disappear in the parking lot, ride the team, and walk through the gates to have the Tower welcome you, is just a glorious glorious memory. 1) Beast: first real adult ride. I remember growing up on that ride and I knew the moment I was no longer was just a little kid was when my mom or dad didn't keep an arm draped over me to keep me from flying out. Not sure why but Beast has memories associated with my mom and her riding it with me. 2) White Water Canyon: standing in an hour long line with my aunt and grandma as try told me about the gum trees. You know where thy pick chewing gum to go in the packets! But this ride is the only ride I have a memory of riding with my aunt and grandma. 3) King Kobra: walking into the queue line beneath the station and it was lined with the tall wood fences added a mystery to the ride. 4) Racer: fun air time, enjoyable every time 5) Kenton Keelboats and Race for Your Life Charlie Brown. Growing up we would hit these back to back. I associate this ride with my dad. He would be in charge of making sure my sister an I didn't fly out of the boat. 6) Phantom Theater: air conditioning, an enjoyable story, and made me feel younger it was a great mix 7) Days of Thunder Action Theater: from the theme of the queue with race cars to the actual ride it was fun. Hone table mention goes to the James Bond replacement 8) Top Gun/Bat: the theming of the ride was so cool to the young me. This was also the only ride I have ever chickened out at. At the last minute I freaked out (after waiting in a full line when it first opened) and was left to sit in the child jail . I also remember camping and hearing the lift hill motor go off in the middle of a severe electrical storm. 9) Antique Cars: rode this when I was little and have the memories of my cousin letting me drive. I really do miss those cars 10) the Jetson Orbiters: if my memory recalls you could push on a bar and it would raise/lower the car (or at least that's what they told us).... Tied at this spot would be the Flintstone bumper cars Banshee/Diamondback/FOF/SOB/BLSC are all nice coasters or unique coasters in their own way, but it's something about memories that change the way you look at things. Now ask me this question when my son asks me to take him on big rides and these listings are sure to change Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  35. and I hoped you would have linked to this sexism and cigarettes... together
    2 points
  36. B&M has determined that the big boy seats are safe for all riders who meet the height requirements and can close the restraints adequately.
    2 points
  37. No. You'd only fall out of the ride once. Comforting Terpy, ever helpful.
    2 points
  38. At Hersheypark, at least at one time, one was required to sit on them.
    2 points
  39. Same with the Great American building in Cincinnati. It's only the tallest because of its decorative tiara.
    2 points
  40. Welcome to the world of how high things are. Ever since the first skyscrapers appeared, builders have resorted to all sorts of things to boast height. The Empire State Building once used its spire as a mooring line for blimps! antennae, lightning rods, etc. all are (or aren't) counted in official measurements. It all depends on what you're trying to boast of.
    2 points
  41. Given the target audience of teens for Haunt, said teens usually are attending HS football games on Friday nights in the fall, so crowds tend to be down. Not to be missed is a night ride on Beast--earlier sundowns mean a lot more time for night rides.
    2 points
  42. S&S Screamin' Swing please. With a longer cycle. The Giant Barn Swing has thee shortest cycle I swear!
    2 points
  43. Take that put it outside the park, if someone wants to enjoy then enjoy smoking elsewhere
    2 points
  44. When I go I usually go on Friday. Sometimes Saturday as well. Friday is usually the best day to go. I usually get about every maze in except maybe 1 or 2. But I barely ride, the rides during Haunt because the lines for rides during Haunt are twice of what they are during the regular season. If you want to get a few rides and mazes in try going on a cold Friday. The cold scares the crowds away.
    2 points
  45. Can I share a triumphant moment with you today? I went to Kings Island on Saturday, and was able to catch a couple of rides on Banshee (thanks to the amazingly fast lines). At the start of the season, I had literal panic attacks worrying about being able to even fit in the big boy row. It was snug at the start of the season, but the crew wedged me in. Every time I ride, I hate to be “that guy” who has to request the big boy row, but I do it so I know I can ride. I hate having to have my friends be stuck riding certain rows as well. Well, Saturday…I was not at the front of my group…we were walking through the station to the ride, and I realized we were heading to Row 2. I had a moment of fear… BUT I FIT!!! I must say, everything everyone has posted about every seat being a different experience is absolutely true. I have ridden every position in Row 4 and Row 2 is a completely new ballgame! Again, wonderful design and execution of the ride Kings Island!!!!
    2 points
  46. Like Fabio? http://www.ultimaterollercoaster.com/news/archives/april99/stories/040199_01.shtml Terp, who saw that...up close...
    2 points
  47. All over the internet, I hear people speculating that this could be their first steel coaster. The silliness of that claim makes me Howl with laughter. It's a real Firecracker of a claim, to say the least.
    2 points
  48. 58 minutes at Kentucky Kingdom. More than enough: * Next to no one at opening. Slow walked to Lightning Run. Front seat of second train dispatched. The first left with maybe 10 passengers. Great, fun ride. The restraints are horrid, and painful. * Rode their Flying Scooters. it was very windy. I almost snapped. Neither of the other two riders did. * Thunder Run! Thunder Run!! Thunder Run!!! Oh my. This thing hasn't run like this in YEARS. Get here. Now. While you can. five front seat rides. * Foid Service. Nearly Noon. 1158. Sunday. Nothing ready. At all. Really? * Accessability. I am not going to lay out a map for litigants. This park is a mess. Absolute mess. * Security: more than half the "security" I saw was playing with their cell phones. Meh is right. Thunder Run alone would keep me coming back from a short distance. But that's all. And I haven't even mentioned the forty or so smokers all over the park, in full view of the phone intent security. Or the list of rides not working not being available until AFTER you pay. No refunds. Good Luck, Mr. Hart and the taxpayers of Kentucky. You are going to need it. Thunder Run!
    2 points
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