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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2020 in all areas

  1. This blueprint doesn't have any measurements. Could we be looking at giga bench?
    7 points
  2. I'm not too concerned on how they're doing it, but in any case, I feel Racer has improved in ride quality over the last few years. I've had some of my best rides ever on it in the last 5 years or so, particularly on the Blue side.
    3 points
  3. It's important to remember, that any sale of the rights to operate the park must be approved by the Fair Board. I don't know how open they would be to SIX running the park again, even if it is a different SIX now vs then. Also, per the contract, any investments in physical assets remain the property of the fair board, not the operator. I don't know that SIX would like that--or any other company, either.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. I agree with you. The last few years, particularly after GCI re-tracked the turnaround, The Racer has been pretty comfortable. I have even noticed on some days the the queue has been spilling out into the midway. Speaking of the queue, though, I think Kings Island should maybe reconfigure it because they only ever use one side nowadays instead of having two separate queues for each side, and sometimes the queue is overflowed when it is only half filled.
    1 point
  6. They may well be demo'ing sections at a time, I was just saying it sounds like the whole length should see this work before the off season is up.
    1 point
  7. Or sell it to Gene Staples.
    1 point
  8. Oh, for the "I aint gettin no dang guvment vaxxine, its got one of dem dang trackers in it" demographic..... may I ask if the aforementioned are posting on, or even carrying, a smart phone? No more will be said. Ive addressed what Id like to see, I know Im already on lists, I have no concern about willingly getting a vaccine provided it will allow me to contribute to the eventual return of normalcy, I wish to "freely" (pure freedom is anarchy and unsustainable) enjoy the time Ive got left to enjoy this go around, and I can happily sit back and watch the rest of things unfold.
    1 point
  9. I originally tried to make this a trip report/photo post, but had some issues with the forum and getting the photos posted. However, I did share all of the photos on my website. Went to KI in July, first time in a long time. Some observations: Appreciated the good COVID protocols and enforcement. I was hesitant, but truly felt comfortable. Staff I encountered were excellent. Ate some food at the Coney BBQ—not bad, but nothing special. Rode Orion and while it's really good (wow, that wave turn), it is super short. A bit disappointing if you've enjoyed other rides around the country, fantastic if you haven't. Still a nice addition, though. Theming is absolutely wonderful. Super weird being able to clearly see The Beast station from across the field where Vortex was. New fountains look terrible (if you knew what was there before, but if you didn't: passable). I've been shooting 35mm again for the last few years. I wanted to document KI with a roll of Kodak Portra 800 because it reminded me of the aesthetics of historical photos seen here on KIC + the photos I grew up seeing in advertisements, etc. Here's a few shots: Quite a few more photographs up on my website if you're interested.
    1 point
  10. When deducing what could replace Vortex, maybe we should look into the eyes of the general public/non-enthusiasts. What type of attraction would give the park the best possible roi and be a hit with the general public?
    1 point
  11. Those photos are pretty cool! Here's some photos that I've taken.
    1 point
  12. I think that is nice...although most of the general public might think it’s a bit sad! (Not me.) Also, on a side note...the people who criticize the (lack of) size puzzle me...it’s what it represents, not how big it is...a bigger piece would not bring me more memories...just less shelf space!
    1 point
  13. The way I see it, I can always make more money. There are only so many pieces of my all-time favorite ride and once they're gone, there will never be any more. I realize that I am more fortunate than some to be in this position (and I PROMISE this isn't meant to be braggadocious) but I would have been willing to pay essentially any price they asked, even if it meant spending the entire pile of cash I have sitting in my bank account for a PS5. My track slice will become my most cherished worldly possession and will likely keep that title for many, many years or even decades to come.
    1 point
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