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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2025 in all areas

  1. I agree with additional trees and landscaping, especially around the kids area and Rivertown. Would like to see Camp Snoopy take over all of it and get a lot more woodsy feel and trees throughout for additional shade and nice transition into Rivertown.
    4 points
  2. I firmly believe the men’s restrooms on International Street could benefit from not only one, but two loop-dee-loops. And a bar.
    2 points
  3. If Kings Island put you (yes you, dear reader) in charge of one non-ride/non-coaster last minute addition to the park for the 2025 season, what would it be? Assume all of the permitting/ordering/installation is taken care of and goes smoothly. I would put some money and effort into upping the amount of trees, shade, and dedicated cooling stations around the park. That way guests who would like a cup of cold water can get one without needing to go to a bee-covered soda dispenser or spend $4 per bottle. It would also help the park in their hypothetical quest to remove water dispensers from soda machines. Maybe put one in that Rivertown refresh stand by the arcade that is always closed.
    1 point
  4. If you could add a vertical loop to one ride at KI what would it be and why? for me: Adventure Express, because it would be DOPE
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. What ride would add a vertical loop to my brotha @Orion-XL200
    1 point
  7. If I could put in any last minute addition it would probably be to convert the second story La Rosas’s into a podcasting studio for Tower Topics. Imagine a state of the art facility, similar to the Joe Rogan Experience, nestled in the heart of the park, so Don and Ryan can truly focus and hone in on their craft. Additionally, in The Vortex plot two separate mansions for Don and Ryan respectively, along with a heli-pad and helicopter for when they need to film content for Worlds of Pod or a guest is flying in. This way they can chill at the park 24/7, give these guys their own refresh stations respectively that no one can get to, and unlimited Pub Burgers. Also a prestige lounge (for tower topics prestige members only) that’s the height of the burj khalifa for them to chill and hang out and film reels for content.
    1 point
  8. The same issues that have plagued the International Restaurant since its opening would still exist: Location.
    1 point
  9. I notice several differences. Seems they should have stuck with this design, although with the subpar making of this coaster, it likely wouldn't have mattered anyway.
    1 point
  10. For the most part, SOBs entire life predates RMC refurbs. Had it been retired post-2019, could it have been one h3ll-uv-an RMC remake or would the weight of new steel on an already sub-quality frame have worked?
    1 point
  11. Add a themed sit down restaurant. Something that has different props inside. The theme could be space, haunted ghosts, or something to do with the woods and The Beast. You could call it, Cosmos, Ghostly Grill, or The Tavern.
    1 point
  12. Cost, and the fact that Son of Beast would have been the World’s Tallest, Fastest, and Longest wooden coaster.
    1 point
  13. For Entertainment, I personally would love to see Timberwolf utilized more. If they get good acts in, KI can definitely profit and it would be an easy advertisement campaign to drum up more business.
    1 point
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