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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. Probably Don just trolling with us. I hope it doesn't mean RMC.
  2. Here is my spin on @Maverick44 concept of overwatcher. Instead of a second lift hill, I put a launch (dark orange) where it would reach it's top speed of 115 mph. The main question is what would happen in the long tunnels? Imo it would be the greatest part of the ride where it would be very similar to what Hades 360 does in it's tunnels, but better at going 108 mph. They could do is have LED lights in the tunnels.
  3. I actually think your concepts are really neat. I think doing these concepts are fun.
  4. Actually, if you go deep into when they were designing Beast, a second lift hill was needed to make it through the double helix. I actually don't think a turn is needed. I would rather it go straight into a drop like what the other gigas do. I know these are fun and I'll be putting my own spin on your concept soon using the same area where it has tunnels under I 71.
  5. It'd be a very crazy nightmare. I go by KI drive and I-71 every week and that area gets lots of traffic and if they had to close that road to construct coaster tunnels, the Kings Mills/Mason area traffic would be nuts. There are also lots of business buldings in the area. I also don't think Rivers Crossing Community Church would allow this since that's where people drive to get to church on Sundays. I don't think it should have a pre drop imo. B&M doesn't really put pre drops on their hypers anymore. I think a drop after cresting the top would make more sense imo since right after you reach the top you are pulled down an exhilarating drop. I also think that a giga should have enough speed that it doesn't need a second lift hill imo.
  6. My current 6 year plan has sorta changed. 2019 - Planet Snoopy Expansion along with more Coke freestyle stations. 2020 - Flat Ride Package/2021 hype 2021 - B&M giga replacing Dinosaur's alive connecting CM to Xbase and Xbase to Oktoberfest 2022 - Off year - New food stand, and new restrooms on the left side of FOF on the path that connects Xbase to Oktoberfest also the removal of Invertigo and Congo Falls at the end of the season 2023 - Soak City Expansion/2024 hype 2024 - B&M launched Floorless (think a floorless version of Hulk at Universal, but a different layout, but similar concept) replacing Invertigo and Congo Falls to spruce up the left corner of AZ.
  7. As much as that looks cool, I'm not sure if they'd put the station that far into the woods. Usually Cedar Fair likes putting their entrance/station areas on the midway.
  8. A Giga I made replacing Dinosaur's Alive and connecting Coney Mall to Xbase and Xbase to Oktoberfest. Left side of FOF used for a restroom, restaurant, and future thrilling flat ride.
  9. Imo that looks like a Mack hyper or an Intamin blitz/mega lite
  10. Putting a giga in a place that most likely won't happen. Height: 395 feet Speed: 108 mph Track length: 7,854 feet Name: Savage 395. I came up with the name in 8th grade and would discuss it with my classmates and they all loved it, but going back I think it is the stupidest name I ever came up with. The only way I could see it happening in real life is if they build new employee buildings in the area behind Banshee, but most likely won't happen since the park already has tons of land to build new coasters on.
  11. My version of Bengal using the footprint @Maverick44 came up with. For this one, they would relocate Viking Fury to Planet Snoopy, they would then remove Congo Falls and Invertigo and this would become the new entry coaster, but not changing the entrance building.
  12. I don't think they'd put it there though, but nice name. Cedar Point should build a coaster called The Brown to reference the nearby football team that can't win a game.
  13. sorry folks seats are too hot. The moose out front should've told you.
  14. Here is another giga I made named Centurion. It replaces Invertigo and Congo Falls.
  15. When I was a little kid, I used to call Xtreme Skyflyer "SeeSeek" and "Pepto Bismol."
  16. We already have 2 coasters with red track (3 if you count Banshee), but imo Banshee is purple. I think green would be better imo since KI doesn't have any coasters with green track.
  17. I made this color scheme sorta as a reference to the Little Miami Panthers. I'm sure if this happens, it would earn a nickname as Sprite: the ride
  18. This giga I made replaces Congo Falls and goes behind Banshee and also goes right next to bats station providing an awesome view when you enter and exit bat. The name is Panther
  19. Back on giga topic. I looked up synonyms for Asteroid since I think asteroid would be too generic, I saw Marble is a synonym for asteroid. What if they ended up going with Marble 350 and used a space soundtrack in the queue and the theme is about how a 350 foot marble caused the dinosaurs in that area to go extinct.
  20. Put part of the break run inside the building and go #whatsinthebuilding
  21. Sorry, I just wanted to delete what I was typing since I was wrong. I checked I305 and the spine is double. CF hasn't really worked with primer in a while though.
  22. In my opinion, it looks like I305 track. Probably not for KI though since CF doesn't work with Intamin anymore. (Not starting any B&M vs Intamin things.)
  23. What if our giga goes in the old Dino's area and is named Asteroid and the theme is that an Asteroid collided with the dinosaur's that once stood in the area causing them to go extinct. Then they have a soundtrack in the station and queue line similar to this and would be a great fit to the theme.
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