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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. I think we're getting a flat ride package very soon. I also think a kids area expansion is on its way as well. I think our next coaster will be in 2021 (either a giga or Trex).
  2. It would have a much different layout than Fury. It wouldn't be a replica.
  3. I'm calming down. I still don't see a giga until at least 2020. I think a ride like Fury would fit very well because it's not just airtime like Diamondback and Mystic Timbers. It has some intense low to the ground turns. The gap that this giga would fill is having a coaster that's whole focus is maintaining the speed from drop to brakes. I don't see any large airtime hills. If we get a giga, it'll be like Fury with low to the ground banked turns that are intense. An intense tall coaster like Fury would fit very well in our coaster lineup. Also, the upside to adding a giga is that it would keep people happy for a while and they wouldn't have to add another coaster for at least 5 years and would work on their flat ride collection and their kids area.
  4. I'm open to anything. I want a giga because I think it's about time that something new should take the crown as the tallest and fastest coaster at the park. But if we get an RMC woodie, a Mack multilaunch, a dive, or anything, I wouldn't complain.
  5. Are you guys saying that the giga rumors are officially dead? Should we give up? I'm not giving up.
  6. I'm just speaking from my view from talking to the General Public. The idea of dropping 300+ feet at over 90 mph really catches their eye. Yes, I want a giga more than anything, but I also don't think they 100% need it. I'm definitely never giving up on a giga coming eventually. Smaller coasters will boost numbers yes, but a 300 footer would boost more numbers.
  7. That is true. I'm not Cedar Fair, but when I watched Rob Decker's interview from Fury's opening, I felt his reasoning could spark a giga for Kings Island. Again, our next coaster doesn't have to be a giga, but I find the whole "They won't get a giga because they are too close to Cedar Point" claim silly. In my opinion it makes sense to install one because it would bring in more revenue to the chain (like what Fury, I305, and Leviathan did) and would bring a ton of people to the area and would spike the Warren County tourist numbers.
  8. I'm sure you mean Intimidator. I-305 is at Kings Dominion. Yes wonderland will surpass KI soon since they have a way better flat ride collection plus a new B&M coming next year. They also have a hyper and giga. KI really needs to step up on their flat ride collection before they get a giga. I live in the Kings Mills area and they actually have plans to develop that area in the spam of the next several years. There is a new Marriott hotel being built in the former KI inn area. Imo a giga makes business sense since the park has been not gaining revenue as fast (like what @Grobble said). A 300 footer would help since that would really draw people in because the idea of dropping 300+ feet at over 90 mph catches the GP eye.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the parks do a lot of the planning with the team at Cedar Fair? Like lets say the high up officials at KI hears us say (we want something like Fury 325 at Carowinds!) and then they take those wishes and works with Rob Decker and Richard Zimmerman to try and make it happen. Yes, there are multiple other things involved too (like ROI and such), but I think the parks do a lot of the planning with the team at Cedar Fair. I think they were like that with Banshee since people were begging for an invert since the 1990's. I know people also wanted a hyper for a while as well.
  10. I don't think we'll get another coaster until 2021 so I think mostly this is for 19 and 20. I still think Kings Island has a great future ahead of them.
  11. Ressurecting an Old thread. In 2017, we got Mystic Timbers as our next big addition. Now we are expecting a giga after the 2020s.
  12. My choices for color scheme are 3 different color schemes. 1) light orange track with brown supports (sorta like in the giga I made above). 2) green track with brown supports (to fit the foresty theme). 3) Magenta track with greenish blue supports (similar to Mako.) I like my third choice since B&M makes color schemes look beautiful. Imo both Mako and Fury 325 are the two most beautiful coasters B&M has made (in my opinion).
  13. This is only a drawing. That turn around that looks like it's going over the launch pad isn't actually going over the pad. It's hard to explain, but it's a non inverting dive loop. Yes, they would have to shut the ride down briefly, but the fireworks only last about 15 minutes so you could actually watch the fireworks in line and once the fireworks are done, then they start sending the remaining people in line and unload the two trains that are on the break run during the fireworks.
  14. I made this giga in the Action Theatre area. I also made sure it doesn't mess up too much with the fireworks launching pad and just goes around it. It also uses the former Dinosaur's Alive space.
  15. What if they go generic and call it Steel Beast? If they announced it and the name was Steel Beast, I would start going "thats stupid" for a while, but would eventually catch onto it. What if the ads were "The Son is back as a Steel Beast meaner than ever."
  16. If there is a new rollercoaster going in that area (either a giga or another type of coaster), I think they will tear down action theatre or use it as the station (unlikely like what people in the past have said). If these markers are for a coaster, maybe these could be queue markers. The entrance plaza would be behind WindSeeker with the exit goes under Racer's turn around. I think imo that would be a nice area for a plaza to help draw crowds to that area.
  17. Those don't look like much to me. Similar things were spotted last year and we're for Winterfest. But, it could mean something since I did say we could start seeing construction mid season, but I'm still saying 2021. But if it did came next year, I would be so pumped and would try and pay the money to do the first rider's auction.
  18. Just like Twisted Timbers is a copy of Mystic Timbers? And Mystic Timbers is sorta a copy of Shivering Timbers?
  19. If I were to be a fanboy of something, it would be Cedar Point
  20. Maybe they're building it because of the giga coaster!
  21. A new concept of mine. This is the newest invention by professor know it all and lackey to release in Xbase! It's Power Force!
  22. That would be a perfect spot for Power Force or whatever they'll call it. Here is one thing, they can make some pathways around the maintenance buildings (there would be a fence to keep people out of there during operation) so that it can be an Xbase expansion. Just make the paths attractive to get people back there. That was when Paramount owned the park. Having a similar backstory to a brand new huge scream machine would be a nice touch. This wouldn't be what outer limits was though. This would be themed to a new invention that the wonderful inventors by the names of Profeesor Know it all and Lackey made to release in their base known as Xbase. Power Force would simulate climbing up into the sky and free falling while going through several turns and being lifted up out of your seat by the extreme power that forces you out of your seat while Flight of Fear simulates going into space inside a dark building and Firehawk simulates flying like super man.
  23. Haha! No. Power Force would have it's own theme. It'd be in the Xbase area and it would be themed to these 2 inventors named Professor Know it all and Lackey who set up their base known as Xbase to make and show off their latest inventions. Their first invention is Flight of Fear which is made to simulate flying through space inside a dark building. Then their next invention was Firehawk which was made to simulate flying on your belly like Superman. Then after Firehawk got released. They weren't heard from for a while. The only thing people knew was that they are creating their next big invention for Xbase. In 2021, their latest invention is released! It is made to simulate going up into the sky and free falling and going through several turns and coming up out of your seat like you are floating in outer space with all that power being forced onto you. It's released! It's Power Force! Now, this is just my idea. It's very possible that the theming would be different and it could be in a new section of the park. Or we could never get a giga. We just don't know.
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