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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. How about an "It's a small world" type ride. Oh Yeah! We don't need another one of those rides that bring back bad memories of getting stuck and hearing the song a million times and never wanting to hear the song again!
  2. Yes, it does have the same color scheme. I just changed the name to longhorn.
  3. **Sorry for the double post** This is my concept of a giga in Oktoberfest. The coaster goes overtop of Adventure Express. I give you Longhorn. The station and queue would be amazing! For example, has anyone ever been to a steakhouse where they have those chandeliers of antlers? Those would be awesome in the station and on the walls of the station and in the queue, they could have those long horn animals sticking out of the wall. Here is longhorn.
  4. So, i was at KI tonight and ate at Hanks burrito shack at the tables on the Oktoberfest Midway. I looked over to the area where the latter game is and I thought about how if they took out the latter game or relocated it and demolished that little building behind it, that would be a great place for a giga station and queue area in Oktoberfest. I've attached a screenshot from Google maps of that area and imo, it looks like a good area to spruce up Oktoberfest since Cedar Fair likes to spruce up areas of the park with new coasters and Oktoberfest imo is a good one to spruce up. For theming, they could give it nods to Bavarian Beetle. They could have the lift hill go over Adventure Express and drop near Banshee's pretzel loop. That area even looks like an entrance plaza.
  5. Haha No, that's supposed to be the queue line area.
  6. Resurrecting an old thread. Tonight, I was at KI and after we walked by the band stand near the Eiffel Tower, I thought about the idea of a band stand in Action Zone. I don't really know what type of music that band plays on that band stand, but it's not hard rock. I was thinking about having a stage in Action Zone for hard rock music. Think the Full Throttle stage at Six Flags Magic Mountain right by Full Throttle where they have a rock band play. I'm a drummer so that is a dream of mine to play something like that. Think like The Action Zone stage where it could play hard rock or even pop music. Yes, this is a little unusual for a thread like this, but the reason I put this in an AZ thread is because the stage would be in AZ and I don't really know anywhere else this could go, but to me, this is an idea, and I want to hear your thoughts. They could even bring in local teenage rock bands to perform gigs on certain days during the summer.
  7. Here's today's "Steel Beast" concept using the general area @Maverick44 came up with. This time, the coaster's station and queue is right next to juke box in front of BSC. (FLP stands for fireworks launching pad since they'd have to push it back a little bit)
  8. Photo found on this site https://centurionstoneofiowa.com/product/stack-smoothgray-2-2/ Full credit to them. This stone is called Centurion stone. That would be perfect stone for in the station and queue as well as the entry plaza. Centurion is the commander of an army and the station and queue area could be the Centurion's palace. The slogan of the ride could be similar to outlaw run's slogan, but instead of "The good guys always win" we could do "Everyone wins in this war." Or they could do what they did with MT with the "ride into the unknown" thing and do "Control your own army."
  9. Today's giga concept Centurion. Replaces Congo Falls and Timberwolf! The left side of AZ is given an amazing entry plaza with a castle themed station and a kingdom themed queue. In the queue there is water wheels like what you can find in a Kingdom as well as torches on the lift hill as the lift hill lights. Torches are also on the station walls and are lights in the queue.
  10. That's Ryan from Canada Coaster Fan. RMC Trex giga would be interesting, but I'm not sure if RMC would be willing to jump right to a giga not too long after building their first hyper (Steel Vengeance). My theory right now is that Fred Grubb was in Ohio because of SV problems so he took a break and went to KI and talked with Greg Scheid about a possible future RMC project for KI. I don't think the RMC is for the next coaster though. KI did something similar with GCI. I don't 100% know the source, but someone said that Greg Scheid told them that they started talking with GCI not too long after Prowler beat out Diamondback for best new ride for 2009. Right now I'm predicting the giga to come in 2021 and then we get a topper track woodie in the back of coney mall in 2024 using the old Action Theatre as a station. Imo the topper track fits the best at KI since KI likes have a big wooden coaster collection and they'll probably want to add more woodies to their collection. I think if they were to do a topper track that they should shoot for the tallest and fastest wooden coaster records so they can have those records once again and they could try and make the woodie big enough to rival Voyage, El Toro, and Lightning Rod.
  11. My idea is a dark ride themed to a cave tour. It could be called "The Cave of Discovery"
  12. Here's a good teaser, Over The Racer and through the woods, to the finish line you go. Also, we are officially at 100 pages on this thread
  13. Probably for a future flat ride on the flight commander pad. Mike Koontz said at Coasterstock during the q&a that they currently don't have plans for anything major for the Dinosaur's Alive area.
  14. Here you go! Today's concept replaces Congo Falls and Timberwolf and goes over Bat and goes back behind Banshee. I give you SplinterCat
  15. If they remove Invertigo, they are removing Congo Falls as well. Both of them don't get good ridership. Invertigo only gets a line because the capacity is horrendous like all boomerangs.
  16. G I G A all spread out through the shed.
  17. Imo, I'm starting to think Kings Island's giga should be secluded in the woods. I think the station should be similar to Wildfire at Silver Dollar City where it's wooden theme, but is a b&m coaster. I think that would fit a secluded in the woods giga feel. I think if they went generic and called it Steel Beast, they should do that.
  18. Today's giga concept is Power Force. This time it comes with a new entrance/exit to Adventure Express. The break run would go over top of Adventure Express.
  19. Back on topic. For this concept instead of doing a tunnel under I-71, it crosses over KI drive and does a long tunnel with elements (similar to Hades 360) under the parking lot. The name is Ground Hog.
  20. Neat concept. Imo it should be taller and faster than Fury 325.
  21. I just heard on the giga speculation thread that Mike Koontz said something about that a giga should come to Kings Island. Is that true?
  22. Last year Don Helbig joked around saying that they're getting a giga in 2080 to make the enthusiasts mad.
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