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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. Update. Hold your hopes down since this might be just blocking the area, but it looks like by the way the fence is set up, it's temporary. I peeked through the fence on Pass preview and I didn't see much, but that could change in the coming months since (I might be wrong) Fury 325s construction didn't start until Fall 2014. We could very well see teasers pop up mid season and construction begin mid season. But, I do recommend we do not get our hopes up for a giga next year, but we won't know until they announce it. I just think that this fence isn't permanent since I think they will open up the area back there and the fence looks to be set up like something is going there.
  2. Most of the time, investments aren't really about what the park needs, but it's about what would bring more money to the park. A giga would bring lots of crowds to Kings Island since a 300+ foot tall coaster is a GP eye catcher. It would also bring lots of money to Kings Island, to Cedar Fair, and the area. I like the location that you put though, but imo it isn't the most likely option. Kings Island actually owns the property GWL sits on. Even the Web in West Chester is on the giga hype train as well
  3. I did see trees being cut down by The Beast when I rode it. But again, let's not get our hopes up. It's also a possibility that we may see construction mid season and start seeing teasers pop up mid season, but again let's not get our hopes up.
  4. Okay, please hold your hopes down because most likely it's just blocking off the area, but I did find this near the old Dino's area. Please don't get your hopes up for a giga next year. It is possible that we could see teasers pop up on here in the middle of the season, but please don't get your hopes up cause it may mean nothing.
  5. I thought both CM, Rivertown, and Oktoberfest for this.
  6. I wish maybe Kings Island and CF could get the rights to use the old Bearenstein Bears theme song (instrumental) and use it in the queue as themed music if it's in Coney Mall. I think maybe the station and gift shop should have a similar structure to what Coney BBQ has with how it's basically an old western structure with a carnival touch up (I don't really know how to describe it). It seems that CF is basically having the coaster's theming fit in with the section of the park it is in.
  7. I think people wanted the invert to happen first. The invert was the big rumor for a long time before Banshee was added. People did bring up a Leviathan type coaster back when Banshee was being constructed, but people wanted the invert first. Then, after Banshee opened and Fury was being talked about for Carowinds, the KI giga craze started coming. Unfortunately we didn't get the giga as the next coaster after Banshee, but that was because they just spent $24 million on Banshee and most likely wouldn't break that investment just 3 years later. Also, MT was more for families and that was the reason KI chose to install a GCI over a giga. I could be way off, but that is my theory.
  8. It's not bothering me one bit. I actually really like hearing everyone's opinions on the giga. And even if someone thinks a giga isn't coming, as much as I don't agree with them, I like hearing their reasoning. We all have our different opinions. Sometimes I think we get a little off topic sometimes (not all the time, but sometimes). Sometimes this turns into a CP thread, a Canada's Wonderland thread etc. I just love hearing people's opinions. Honestly, I think our giga may be a disappointment when it's announced. Don't bash on me, I hope it's not a disappointment. I just have a feeling that we'll be hyping up the giga so much when they are teasing it and when they announce it, it's just a standard layout and we'll all be disappointed. Trust me, I hope they have B&M go all out with it and give them the land and tell them to create the most amazing giga coaster with the most amazing elements you can think of. But, I'm just starting to feel that the KI giga would be overhyped.
  9. I have no idea why this is turning into a giga manufacturer thread? But, if we do get a giga, I am very confident it will be B&M. I honestly think we may be surprised where our giga or whatever our next big coaster will be placed in the park. I don't think too many people expected Mystic Timbers to be put right next to Diamondback, WWC, and Planet Snoopy. I know some people were expecting a GCI to be put in between Diamondback and The Beast. I honestly think it may be put where we don't really expect it. Like they may surprise us and stick it right next to the Front Gate, they may stick it in the old SOB station, they may even stick it by The Beast or back behind WindSeeker near the old Action Theatre. We just never know. All we can do is speculate. I do think a lot of people saw Banshee going to where SOB was since it was time for it to come down. But I'm sure a lot of us were surprised where they put Diamondback.
  10. Based off the Birdseye idea that @THE_BEASTmaster gave us, I created this little layout sketch, but I did make it to where it turns out of the station so that it can make a better plaza.
  11. I agree that this isn't the most likely option out there. I would definitely prefer the back of the park to draw crowds back there since a front gate coaster would be a little repetitive to CP, Carowinds, and CW. A dive imo would look better if they chose to take out Vortex and put it there since imo Vortex has a very similar footprint to a dive coaster. Giga coasters are supposed to be long because they go very very fast. I do agree that it's not the most likely spot, but if they did put it there, I wouldn't complain. The map would probably have to change and they have changed their maps before. This is just a random sketch I did. It wouldn't look anything like that in real life if it were to come true.
  12. This is a picture what I made if they chose to remove Congo Falls and Invertigo and build a new and improved Timberwolf theatre behind Banshee. Imo it's a good area, but not the most likely.
  13. Ok, I saw on Facebook today where someone showed us pictures of Stingers destruction and he recommended us to ride Invertigo this year because he is starting to think that Invertigo is next. Even though I'm doubting Invertigo will be leaving, I wouldn't be surprised if both Invertigo and Congo Falls are on the chopping block. I even think that if KI really wants to put in a new "guest greeting" coaster at the front of the park that they should maybe build a new and improved Timberwolf theatre behind Banshee. That's just my thoughts. I made the following picture on what I think a giga could look like there. Fwi the name I chose is Centurion just because it fits with where it's located and the Kings Mills Area.
  14. What if they chose to build a new and improved theatre in the back of the park. They have a lot of land back there. I think if they were to do that, that would open up enough room for a coaster at the front. I most likely am the only one, but even though I really like Invertigo, I wouldn't be surprised if Invertigo has only a few more years left since Cedar Fair seems to be taking out their boomerangs. Congo Falls I could see gone as well since those boat falls rides are starting to leave parks now. If they really want to put a good coaster at the front of the park, they probably would have to build a brand new and improved theatre behind Banshee.
  15. The person who speculated the thing I said before was after Banshee opened.
  16. As much as I would hate to see Viking Fury to be removed, if they replaced it with a coaster like Maverick, I wouldn't complain. That's just my opinion though and I respect your opinion on both Oktoberfest and the invadR thing. I do agree that not every spot needs a coaster, but if they do put a coaster like Maverick there, it would really spruce up the area Imo. Someone requested it in another thread a while ago before we even got Mystic Timbers. I respect your opinion.
  17. That is 100% true. On the way up, they always say that it's against Ohio State law to drop any objects over the edge of the tower.
  18. Resurrecting an old thread. I saw a kid get in trouble when I was younger for spitting over the side of the Eiffel Tower where workers were telling him to get into the elevator. I don't know what happened next, but most likely he was ejected from the park.
  19. So what does everyone think will happen in 2019? As time goes on, I'm the giga is less and less likely looking to be 2019. I don't see much action on the ki webcams except for maintenance people getting stuff ready for opening. I did see a wooden fence behind potato works right by the WWC pathway. At first, I thought, maybe that's why giga was written there, but then I told myself"that fence has always been there." I don't know. Some employees I know are going to Kings Island tonight for employee training and one of them is going to see if there is anything happening at the old DA area. So we'll find out eventually, but I recommend you guys not to get your hopes up for a giga next year or there may be a huge disappointment coming your way. So what are you guys 2019 predictions?
  20. I think with building something similar to invadR would get more young kids on the coaster than what Mystic Timbers gets. invadR has a 46" height requirement. I think if they got something like that, that would be a perfect balance for a young kid who is not yet 48" and needs a step up from Woodstock Express and Flying Ace Aerial Chase. Also, Kings Island likes being known for their wood coasters, so it wouldn't surprise me if they keep getting more wooden coasters. With that lake, I must confess that I wasn't thinking the whole thing through, but if they took out Viking Fury or relocated it, they have land there for a station and queue. Even though the lake is iconic, a coaster there would actually make it more iconic. I made this photo of what it could look like and I tried to make sure it doesn't get too much in the way of the fountain.
  21. Next 5 coaster predictions in order of when they will come Imo. 1) b&m giga to update Coney Mall and/or Xbase 2) Intamin or Mack blitz over the lake in Oktoberfest to spruce up that area. 3) RMC (either ground up woodie/hybrid or Trex) in the place of BSC and that area. 4) B&M Dive Machine either in Action Zone replacing Timberwolf or Kings Island will actually take out Vortex and put it there. Too early to tell. 5) GCI family woodie similar to invadR located near Mystic Timbers since there is open land on your way to the waterpark that Mystic Timbers isn't using. There is open grass land you see while on the train.
  22. Or how about the part that goes underwater into the coral reef?
  23. I think KI will get the giga as the next major coaster. I think we'll also get a triotech dark ride in the old crypt building themed to a cave. Maybe it could be called Cave of Discovery. Then after the giga, our next major coaster I think should be an Intamin Blitz over the Lake in Oktoberfest to really spruce up that area. That's something Cedar Fair seems to be doing when they add a new coaster in. They spruce up the surrounding area. Giga will probably either spruce up Coney Mall and/or Xbase and the Blitz should spruce up Oktoberfest. The dark ride probably will mostly be considered a dark ride not a roller coaster. I think for the dark ride, they'll do something more along the lines of Voyage to the Iron Reef, but if they get a Wonder Mountains Guardian, I wouldn't complain.
  24. Diamondback most likely will be topped in the near future. Diamondback is starting to get boring as the tallest and fastest Coaster at Kings Island. As much as I love DB, It's about time for something new to take the crown as the tallest and fastest and meanest Coaster at Kings Island.
  25. Found this on Screamscape. Although, I'm not really trusting it that much since screamscape has gotten things wrong in the past. Even though it doesn't 100% mean anything, Don Helbig and the park most likely wants to give the fans what they want. Kings Island's new spokesperson Chad said that bringing back Winterfest was based off of people wanting them to bring it back. Don Helbig is actually more high up in the park than he was before. I think I should take back what I said before, but I still think a Kings Island giga is coming.
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