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Hawaiian Coasters 325

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Everything posted by Hawaiian Coasters 325

  1. Even though this has nothing to do with 2020, I decided to have a little fun and make a 4-500 foot RMC Trex for Cedar Point! The name is Polaris
  2. I don't believe a coaster is getting removed now. We are adding one next year and I doubt they would remove one when building a new coaster. I think the earliest we'll see another coaster leave is the end of next season and that's unlikely imo.
  3. I believe those are going to be for where the supports connect to the track pieces on the lift hill.
  4. I believe he is talking about like theming and stuff in the queue that would be hard to see from the cams. But yeah, I would not be shocked if the park decides to add a little bit to this area to go along with the theme in the future.
  5. White crane is right by the base of lift footer. Also, since we call the large red crane Clifford, how about we call the yellow crane "T-Bone" and the white one "Cleo"
  6. Here's my best shot at the lift view from Area 72! Source for photo: https://www.google.com/search?q=kings+island+Firehawk&oq=Kings+Island+firej&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l3.4540j0j4&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imagekey=!1e2!2sYkTvR5mKCVWzuTrleook0g&lkt=LocalPoiPhotos&trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:nav,rc_ludocids:14293220367587440704,rc_q:Firehawk,ru_q:Firehawk&viewerState=im
  7. I think the entrance by batwing would be good for a launch coaster. I think having the entrance by The Beast where that arcade is would be good for an RMC if you ask me. But I wouldn't complain if the entrance was at the batwing instead.
  8. Oh yeah that. But I'd prefer it to be in Rivertown down by The Beast entrance. Like they could guy out that small arcade and use that as an entrance.
  9. If they were to remove Vortex, my idea is the replacement wouldn't be part of Coney Mall, but instead would be part of Rivertown. And the theming would be connected to the Chamberlain lore and the Cedar Creek Mining Company. An idea I came up with is have the entrance down at the dead end by The Beast. What they could do is gut out that small arcade there and use that as the entrance to the coaster.
  10. Oh yeah just saw that. I wonder why they left that lone tree there for so long.
  11. But don't RMC The Beast! Build a ground up RMC and connect it to the Cedar Creek Mining Company and Chamberlain lore! Maybe connect it to Oupost 5 too!
  12. I would love to see Cedar Point tied into the theming of a future Kings Island. Maybe a ground up RMC themed around mining that is connected to the Chamberlain theming from the Steel Vengeance/Maverick connection
  13. Speaking of Intamin multi launch coasters, check out this one! It opened this year!
  14. I don't expect more track to go up for a while. It seems like they are focused on the deliveries and the transfer/storage/station area. Once they are ready, I think we'll start seeing track and supports going up quickly. I think it'll be another month until they start on the lift hill.
  15. I mentioned this is the construction thread forgetting this thread exists. But I would love to see Kings Island install a planetarium to simulate going on an expedition through space! In fact maybe they could turn Action Theater into a planetarium!
  16. I was thinking, I know this probably won't happen, but what if they put in a planetarium next year to go along with Orion! Maybe to show Orion's belt! Heck! Maybe they could convert Action Theater into a planetarium!
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