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Everything posted by CorkscrewMcPuke

  1. I believe 75% or more will be gone within twenty years. Mine trains will mostly be safe, along with very particular and iconic cases. Steel coasters are just so expensive to rehabilitate once the structure begins to show fatigue. It makes me very sad, but these companies have to turn a profit and ensure the safety of their visitors. The death of the Arrow suspended models is perhaps the most tragic to me, seeing as they are so unique. That's a lot of load on those tracks though. (Image was taken from the Big Bad Wolf wikipedia page and was originally uploaded by Link5001.)
  2. It's funny. I would have likely crossed your path as a mere six-year-old kid. Thanks for being part of my childhood. lol
  3. I'll still work for free if they let me live in the SoB station and gimme some blue ice cream coupons.
  4. Forget the mods. This is very clearly the handy work of Interpol and the CIA.
  5. Can't wait to see The Beast rethemed to Taz. lol
  6. I think what really appeals to me about having an indoor station is that the queue would be air conditioned. That is such a marvelous thing in July and August.
  7. Not sure if the concept has been discussed prior to this, but what do you guys think about the eccentric idea of using TRTR's building as a station for whatever may come to inhabit the old Vortex plot? I know it seems bizarre, but it would really kill two birds with one stone while not interfering too much with The Beast. What do you all think?
  8. I'll do it for free if they let me and my partner live in the SoB station.
  9. Intentions are often very difficult to put together, particularly when a company with various financial directives is involved. Situations such as this are not always a personal vendetta, although they can be.
  10. Perhaps the return of Phantom Theater is to be something of greater magnitude?
  11. What happened to Flight Commander when it was removed?
  12. This is truly disheartening to hear. I sincerely hope his legacy will continue to pave the way to a brighter future for the park, although I cannot help but be cynical.
  13. I can tell you that the forces a roller coaster will put upon your body can drastically affect the way fluids flow inside of your body and that people with cardiac and brain conditions can and have died on roller coasters hundreds of times before. If you have a shunt, you really need to speak with your doctor about any sort of activities that could put your health at risk. When it comes to the brain you generally don't have long to have catastrophic anomalies repaired before they cause irreparable damage.
  14. I know people are quick to anticipate disappointment, but the park is really ramping up the Outpost 5 stuff a lot. I can not help but feel serious anticipation for something big.
  15. Would be interesting to see them franchise some of their IPs out to entrepreneurs, but I could never see that happening with Disney.
  16. I think perhaps we should all just wait and see how the 24-seater performs alongside the other rides. Maybe there are reasons that they are not expecting the need for a higher throughput. I'm willing to take a leap of faith on Cedar Fair's judgement here, particularly during a period of prolonged economic slump the globe seems to be in. I feel like things may make more sense this time next year.
  17. I agree with this. The park needs no further tree removal anywhere. I'd be right happy to have some tulip poplars planted in Adventure Port. I feel like they fit the essence of the section well.
  18. Might sound a bit hair-brained, but it may be fruitful for you to reach out to a Paramount or Nickelodeon fan forum. It's not unthinkable that the stampers used at Kings Island were also used at other locations that used Nick IPs.
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