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The Interpreter

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Everything posted by The Interpreter

  1. And those in wheelchairs? Motorized scooters? Little Red Wagons? On crutches? Cue the disabled lobby!
  2. Blanchly? Who's Blanche? Do I know her? Terp -- who likes to ask questions.
  3. Hoo Boy. I bet the former high Democrat official, Senatorial Candidate and partner of Mr. Hart is more worried about getting one of those speeny things. I think his name is Lunsford.
  4. That wasn't Enterprise. That was Skydiver, kind of a very large Rock-O-Ferris-Wheel. Enterprise fell, quite literally, in 1993. Enterprise was parallel to the ground when parked and rose up at an angle while the wheel revolved and had silverish cars. Skydiver was blue with red, white and blue cars and perpendicular to the ground, while the cars could and did rotate as the whole wheel revolved.
  5. These "storage tanks" are typically towers. And Atlanta has traditional water towers, too. One is shaped like a peach!
  6. From my office in Atlanta, I could see more than two dozen of them on the downtown buildings below. Most were still in use. I got to tour one that no longer was. It was built in the 1920's and had been decommissioned in the 1960's.
  7. Why am I less than thrilled with a Power Tower type ride at Hersheypark? So many years later--I want to say Whoopty-Doo. I just did.
  8. And a lot are. There are huge ones atop nearly every older apartment and commercial building in Atlanta, many if not most still in use. This is also the case in DC, Philly and NYC. But, I suppose, compared to St. Louis, these are not urban areas.
  9. St. Louis is a lot flatter than many places. Geography is important.
  10. And I'm just being me. It's what I do. Sometimes.
  11. The drop.... Besides, the best roller coaster I've ever ridden (but ONLY in Row 1) needs no records for me to appreciate it. Terp--who may make it to Cedar Point before Mean Streak closes--and ride Maverick and Magnum to properly commemorate things.
  12. History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes. No water towers in urban areas? I learn the darnest things here. A. What's that thing on I-71 near Kings Island? B. The thing in the mall parking lot in Florence that says Florence Y'all? C. The things I see all up and down highly urban I-95?
  13. The Enterprise was not The Spider. The Enterprise accident at Camden Park was in 1993! It sat where the Flying Scooters are now. It was removed after the incident in 1993 resulted in appromately 50 injuries.
  14. I am so tired of the wooden coasters are supposed to be rough argument. It wasn't true 50 years ago and it's not true now. And no part of the configuration of the Crystal Beach Cyclone survived as Comet. The steel itself was reused, the configuration was not. I had the sad experience of riding that thing two years ago. Six Flags has not given it the loving care Charlie Wood did. I fear for its future as a wooden coaster. See also Wild One. And Boss. The future remains to be revealed. Now is a present. Experience it. While you can.
  15. Racer was not reprofiled for that reason. The walkway existed before the removal of the last bunny hop--and in fact one side was done a year before the other. Rather, a change in braking systems and standards led to the reprofiling.
  16. Park Creditors To Vote On Revised Reorganization Plan: http://www.goerie.com/news/20160802/creditors-to-vote-on-conneaut-lake-park-reorganization-plan
  17. Welcome to KIC. And check out the threads Final... And Decoding under Kings Island. Final: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/32252-final-predictions-kiproject2017/ Decoding: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/31913-decoding-episode-ii-rivertown-2017-and-the-falling-trees/
  18. Some things are best left in the past. Terp, who wishes Bob--oh, never mind.
  19. Closer to the Bugatti than the Lamborghini... And that's for PTC's, each train. I have no idea what GCII sells their trains for these days.
  20. Yes. There is something. $$$ Trains are far, far more expensive than most would think.
  21. The Washington Monument remains closed. It may reopen Friday.
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