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Captain Nemo

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Everything posted by Captain Nemo

  1. Honestly those of you that are arguing about Mantas splash and Diamondbacks splashdown need to sit down, and chill. So who cares that Manta does not have a legit splashdown, it still looks stunning, as does Diamondbacks. Now those of you that think Diamondbacks splashdown is utterly pointless, the fact of the matter is, your right! It is pointless, but so is Mantas. Nether of these rides needed to have any interaction with water, but they do and because of that each ride is unique in its own way. Every time I am in line at Diamondback I always hear oo's and ah's as the train skims over the water. It is pleasant to look at and gets the people in line excited. Manta does the same, from what I have seen in videos it looks quite elegant so I can only imagine what it looks like in person. And for those that say you DO get wet on Diamondback, if by that you mean a very light haze of mist and maybe a grazing on the side of your shirt that drys off in five minutes, then yes, you do get wet. Other that that, the splashdown adds nothing to Diamondback, or Sheikra, Griffon, or Manta for that matter. But ask yourself, doesn't the look much more appealing with these effects? As for landscaping, of course Sea World is going to make the area look as great as it can, remember they are competing with mouse! Basically what I'm trying to say, trying to compare and argue Kings Island and ANY park in Florida is IMHO, outrageous and a waste of time.
  2. Wonderful PTR. Glad to see that Holiday World has another winner for 2009.
  3. People complain about not being able to ride, then complain about being asked to see if they can ride before waiting in the long line. I'm with you Terpy, my head hurts.
  4. I have lost count of how many rides on Diamondback I have had, I would guess around 30. Only one of those rides were a night ride. First off I must say I am a huge fan of night rides on The Beast. There is nothing better than the natural dark in the middle of the woods, screaming on a coaster where no one else can hear you. Diamondback, while a different night ride experience than The Beast, has quickly become one of my favorite rides at night. Going down the first hill I was barely able to make out where the track was heading, it almost seemed as if we were going straight into the Rivertown midway. I just could not see where I was going or heading. Going into the second drop was a much more intense thrill than the first. At that point I could not see a thing. It is a complete different expirience than during the day. So, I voted for Diamondback during the night.
  5. Congratulations to the winner. Everyone did a great job on their designs.
  6. encouraging line jumping? NEVER! Everyone by now should know my sense of humor. I don't remember saying that though. Great TR, sounds like you had a blast.
  7. Great avatar, looks like the ride goes on forever!

  8. Kings Island - This is rated number one because KI is where I had most of my greatest memories. Kings Island hold many of my firsts, like my first looping coaster, first park where I became tall enough to ride all the rides. It hold a place in my heart Busch Gardens Africa - After taking a trip to Florida this past Spring Break I finally realized why everyone loves Busch Gardens. It was IMO the cleanest park I had ever been to and for the first time I was completely utilized in the themed worlds. I at one point forgot I was in an amusement park. Dollywood - Many people find it strange that I would rather go to Dollywood than Cedar Point if I were given the choice. The reason I love this park is it gives that 'welcome home' feeling as you enter it. I feel everyone there is family, with the friendliest staff I have ever seen, and food that I sware taistes like it can from a 5 star resturant, this park continues to amaze me. It also has my favorite coaster of all time, Mystery Mine. Lotte World - Heres a park some of you may not be aware of. It was my home park when I lived in Korea and what began my interest in rides. It had such a different atmosphere than what I see here in the states and that is what makes me love it, it was so different. Now I rairly went to the main Lotte World in Souel, I went to the now defunct Lotte World Sky Plaza. Sky Plaza is where I rode my first major coaster, the Pipeline Coaster. While the coaster was the most uncomfortable painful ride in my life, it didnt stop me from wanting to ride other coasters. Cedar Point - What can I say, it's Cedar Point!
  9. Just in case anyone is wondering, Download is safe. Very interesting stuff.
  10. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17244 Being discussed here.
  11. Keep in mind the numbers Disney employs. -http://www.wdwmagic.com/facts!.htm
  12. I hate graffiti as much as anyone else here. I just do not think that the park can prevent all artists from vandalizing. I do remember last year a lot of the graffiti that were on the handrails at beast were painted over, I am sure the park will make it one of their priorities to make Kings Island the cleanest it has ever been. I saw a lot of park staff cleaning the park during opening day.
  13. Now terpy, he was only 4 minutes off from the other topic. I'm sure the webcam will come around sooner or later.
  14. I've been busy looking at up close photos from this weekend than the webcam.
  15. Glad to hear you had a great day, It is amazing how fast the line for DB still moved even at the length it was.
  16. This sounds fun, can't wait to see what those who participate create.
  17. I saw the shirt while I was in the park, I was busy at the moment but wanted to introduce myself and say hi. Great TR sounds like you had a great time. I agree, Beast is running great!
  18. Remove them as friends budday

  19. Tomb Raider is very close to me for many reasons. It was the ride that started my interest in the coaster/thrill ride industry. I remember getting off of the ride in 2002 and wondering how the ride worked. I wanted to learn more about it which in turn led me into the person I am today. It is a shame that this one of a kind ride has changed so drastically since its debut; however, I was a big fan of the new program when I rode it as The Crypt, while it is not the same as TRTR I believe it offers a unique thrill that TRTR and any other ride at KI does not offer.
  20. Making a fully working model is no easy task. When I was 11 years old I wanted to make my own model, but it turned out making models is NOT the same as putting Legos together. I would start with pre-designed models before going 100% custom. I suggest trying these out. http://www.rollercoastermodels.com/ http://www.coasterdynamix.com/
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