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Everything posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. ^Yes. Tb. Answering. The same guy believed that the US could solve the 'trash problem' by shooting all of the world's garbage into space... on the Space Shuttle. Now you understand where my sense of humor comes from, partly.
  2. I've heard one person say they thought Cedar Point was in Iowa. Either they're confusing the four-letter states of Iowa and Ohio, which almost sound similar, I guess, or they think "Cedar Rapids" is the name of an amusement park. Or they sneezed too hard and their brain came out and a Canada goose swooped down and caught the brain and flew off into the sunset with it, leaving a blissfully void-of-understanding person to believe happily that Cedar Point is in Iowa. We all know the truth. There is only one world's greatest amusement park. Kings Island, Iowa. D'Oh!
  3. 1. Welcome to KIC! 2. I have never experienced it. 3. I don't think it's related to Banshee in any way.
  4. I have a last-minute business commitment, and cannot make it. Applaud well, mes amis! Au revoir, Cirque Imagine! ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
  5. Terpy, that is an amazing article! Thanks for posting it! I'm 46, and I can still thoroughly enjoy the The Beast, Banshee, Bat, Diamondback and BLSC with all the thrill of when I was a teen so many few minutes ago. I cannot stop the cruel march of time, but as it becomes more and more precious, I try to live in the now as much as possible. AE, Vortex and Racer always cause day-ending problems for me, so I've retired from those legendary bada$$es, and I literally mourned that (I actually cried when I realized that it was time to let those longtime 'friends' go.) Sigh. What can you do? C'est la Vie.
  6. I'm here to make you laugh. ♥

  7. I'm sure park security would take notice of anyone carrying around a 6-foot clock hand!
  8. Is that Paris time? Man, they really took that Eiffel Tower theme and ran with it!
  9. I look forward to 2016 with great expectation! Having grown up in a certain kind of ... belief system, I've expected the whole world to come to an end every single year since I was 9, so all of these 'bonus' years have been a roller coaster of blessings, cursings, good times and bad, and I'm amazed at what I've witnessed! I was taught something about a "Loud Trump" signalling the end. Based on that, it seems it's upon us , what with floods, fires, kids running amok through venerable landscaping displays... so in 2016, I'm just going to party like it's 1999!
  10. Now, let me get this straight: this is all based on that movie with the giant laser-ball and the tall robot-guy with the deep voice and glow stick, right? Excited? I'm flippin' bonkers! This will definitely be worth, like ... moving to LBV! Seriously, what a great year this is turning out to be for SW fans! Said another way: "That's no moon; it's a space station!"
  11. Thanks for making my last few days wonderful. Soon, I will rest.

  12. It's just an opinion. I feel kinda protective of the amusement park industry, and just get rubbed the wrong way by what looks like deliberate ambiguity. I understand and appreciate the commercial and competitive need for click-baiting headlines; I get that. It's that I also can see how the ambiguities can tend to shape the attitudes of those who only read above the fold. To reinforce public awareness of the danger, it seems in the public's best interest to lead with the key detail of 'Guest enters restricted area...' imho
  13. Ok. I edited my rant. In the heat of the moment, I just called out names as I saw them. That might not have been very wise of me. I love this site too much to cause any discord among any 'outside observers.'
  14. So many factors are involved. Illusions of how much time is available to move in-and-out of a small area, how much distance there is between the ground and a potential object, how sound travels (especially on a steel roller coaster, in a park with other loud attractions, music, crowds, etc.), and perhaps very powerful consternation about sensitive information that a person doesn't want falling into the wrong hands being on that phone, could all potentially come together to form such a catastrophe. Such situations beget adrenaline and hyper-focus, which distorts peripheral attention. It's how wide receivers make mind-blowing catches in triple coverage. They're aware of the impending impacts coming from any number of directions, and with any degree of severity, but the objective of catching and holding on to the ball outweighs the tendency to brace for and/or avoid the outside threat. The distortion affects timing. The timing of the catch is spot-on, but then readjusting to the timing of the secondary objective of returning to safety has been dangerously -and tragically- underestimated. Without practice (which no one does in this particular case (i.e., illegally retrieving an object between coaster cycles)), it is impossible to execute all of the maneuvers in such a confined, restricted space. 1. Fence jumped. You hear rattling and roaring, but you "just gotta get that stupid phone." You have 30 seconds to live. 2. Phone recovered. Relief, but limited by fear. Gotta get back out of this area before you're caught. You have 15 seconds to live. 3. There's the fence, but no, that's too high. Gotta find the best route back out of here. You have 5 seconds to live. 4. You hear a sudden, loud mechanical rush behind you. You begin to turn around-
  15. My thoughts and prayers for the victim's family, and for the first responders, park employees, Raptor riders involved. This is tragic. RANT: While many news outlets are being responsible with this tragic story, dangerous incompetence passing itself off as journalism is predictably sensationalizing the story, which serves no purpose but to exacerbate public ignorance (and not help in showing the danger of entering restricted areas)! A National Cable News Network and a Detroit Newspaper are reporting that the "coaster struck and killed a patron," with the Cable Network's online story burying the fact that the victim was in a restricted area two paragraphs below the sensationalistic opening. One paper reports that a teacher, who had "just gotten a dream job," has been killed by a Cedar Point roller coaster. Another cable news outlet just joined in the criminally ignorant (my opinion) frame-up of the story, sounding like the guy was just trying to find his lost cell phone. Oh, ok, in the last 10 seconds of the story, the restricted area piece is finally mentioned. AAAAH! I could throw my shoe at the *#@%!! television! This is how public opinion is molded, folks. This is why we must think critically, observe all the facts, and communicate and teach what is really true. /RANT OFF
  16. My guess is a dropped cell phone? People keep so much valuable info on those stupid things, that they'll take irrational chances to get them back.An even deadlier combination if they weren't mature enough to make rational decisions in the first place. It's the railroad crossing dare, in the form of a fence and a roller coaster.
  17. This is the day LeBron James' foundation took 6,000 kids to the park. Doubly tragic how such a wonderful story will be eclipsed by a tragedy. EDIT - So far, as more on-line news outlets begin reporting on this, the headlines seem to responsibly convey that this was the result of a guest violating safety rules, and does not come off ambiguously. Still, sad.
  18. Darn it! This is very sad news, and it makes me mad that people just don't pay attention to safety rules. Man!
  19. I sincerely take back every negative thing I've ever said on here or anywhere else about the shows at this park. These people (all of them- "Let It Rock," the Country show, "Off the Charts," etc. -- all of them) have more talent in one hair follicle than I have in my entire body, and they do it all, day-in-and-day-out, consistently, with heart and pride that I simply cannot do anything other than admire fully. I had been in a cynical, hard-hearted mood for awhile, and going to Kings Island always helps. Something about this particular show really, really warms the heart, and just being among happy audience members, being amazed by these clowns (ha ha), has really been a healing thing. The bycrobat, aerial silk and trapeze performers' work thrills beyond the capacity of the very word, and that ring bit-- I was getting used to the sheer joy of watching the performers, and watching each audience's reactions. Then, about 15 minutes before about my fourth or fifth viewing of this show, one of the Clown-Acrobats came out onto the stage, and performed a "mini-Cirque" with a tiny performer, (I would guess maybe his daughter) complete with clown makeup, and she did the "Tada!" gesture, to uproarious applause from the still-filling house. Suddenly, Cirque Imagine was much more than just a series of awesome, choreographed maneuvers; it revealed itself as a family. I realized that the love for their craft seems much deeper than just routine performances. The love going from the audience to the stage was transformative to behold, and the experience was far richer and more amazing from then on. This softened heart now beams with a new appreciation for these and all the entertainers. You see, movies and TV shows can be watched over and over again for decades, but shows of this type, experienced live, amid so much positive energy, are precious "nows" that we'll never get back. Enjoy these, and stand and cheer and clap loudly!
  20. Just back from the 5:00 show, with two friends who've never seen it. The performers nailed it - every routine (as they have done consistently every single time I've seen it!) My friends said it was awesome; a very neat show! This was a good audience, too, with "wow!" and "cool" coming from all over the auditorium. A grandmotherly woman in front of us, who was speaking Italian to the children that were with her, was cheering "Bravo!" More geek tears (darn it! ). I second the Italian lady: "Bravo!"
  21. Could Wendy's strategic move, as well as the relatively recent additions of restaurants next to the Harley Davidson shop have affected business that far across the Interstate?
  22. News Just Fronted The Page: Noodle Just Fired Thousands Politely. Now Jonesin' for the Python. (...nearest coaster that starts with a "P") EDIT: New Jerseyans Fancy The Pier
  23. There's a wrecked AT-AT on Jakku, but I haven't heard of a Jacka @@. STAR WARS humor.
  24. Nifty joint for the price! Never jump from the platform! Need jackets for this place. Now jumpin' for the portal! Clip clop clip clop clip clop [door slams]
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