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Everything posted by Thrill_Biscuit

  1. Here you go. The Beast. Updated... pretty sleek, huh?
  2. I wonder sometimes if there are hidden security assets that we don't know of? You know, ones wearing Ghillie suits, with huge scopes? I remember recent Super Bowls having certain such assets in place.
  3. I have a feeling "announcement day" is going to be quite a festive one. I don't know when it is, but if it's in August, I'll have to get all my updates here, 'cause I'll be in Arizona (again).
  4. "Ladies and Gentlemennnn, please remember to remain seated, and there's no eating, drinking, or like, totally smoking and such as, because this train, and such as, like, um, I totally believe, is like trains in the Iraq and South Africa and such as, and, uh, people on Diamondback should have maps." Reference:
  5. That train announcer should stick to her gig of screaming every time a Banshee train nears the first drop o.O
  6. ^^...and bows-and-arrows, pipe wrenches, slings, darts, butter knives, wet stones, slingshots, Roman candles, switchblades, lawnmower parts, axes, tasers, matches, gasoline, golf clubs, garrotes, guillotines, tree limbs, cheese graters, vases, lamps, poisonous snakes, mad dogs, bamboo chutes, hatchets, Tomahawks, cyanide, anhydrous ammonia, marbles, brass knuckles, switches, whips, copies of "Milli Vanilli" music, and cannonballs...
  7. Ours were in the area around Livonia, Michigan, so when we couldn't enjoy the beach at Kent Lake, we could go into a Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor, or visit downtown Ann Arbor, which was quite a fun place for us.
  8. I remember many a trip to summer destinations as a kid, only to have them dashed by sudden washouts of rain and storms.
  9. The politically-charged solution that I have in mind would reach critical mass, and might vaporize my presence here. Rather than fire that volley of Minutemen, I'd rather just say that, instead of cowering in my panic room, I'm going to defy these annihilation-worthy morons who seek to terrorize us, and live my American life! I'll go through security until the day certain people stop listening to the B-52s, and start commanding them, hopefully to an end of restoring peace and freedom. I know that certain people might find that to be a little hawkish, but go into a mother bear's den and start slapping her cubs around. Please forgive me if that offends you. If it does, PM me a time and place, and we'll have a little old fashioned, Irish bare-knuckle and a beer, like good old boys! /rant
  10. If It's green track, I'll be excited! Green is my favorite color! Ooo! Maybe it will be my dream of camaflauge paint.... I could see that.... or could I?
  11. Tb will be flyin' the Jolly Drencher, so there's an entirely different way to get water... me a ha ha ha! -but seriously that's a good tip ^
  12. Last weekend, The Bat spieler kept saying "You don't have to take your hat or sunglasses off, 'cause they're not going anywhere." I was like, "What kind of nonsense is that on a coaster that goes 51 MPH!?!" When I returned (at the end of that particular ride cycle) I could hear him saying "You can carry your loose items with you because The Bat does not go upside-down." I'd like to see the manual on what instructions to give riders of The Bat...
  13. It's just varying levels of maturity. Cooler minds tend to prevail on here. Keep calm, and keep discussing the topic. You're in much better company than you might think.
  14. The only thing I miss from the Paramount era are 1. Spongebob Squarepants 3D, and 2. The movie themes played on International Street.
  15. I don't feel like I'm being herded through an extension of corporate Hollywood anymore. I actually can relax in my hometown, Midwest amusement park at a pace that feels just like it did long before Paramount showed up. I can enjoy wonderful rides and shows that aren't constant commercials for TV shows and movies.
  16. What sad times these are, when an unattended backpack can instill fear, and interrupt so much in and of our lives. Glad everyone is safe.
  17. "Well, Banshee was her usual, busy self, so no luck there; but I did manage to catch DB on break..."
  18. If I was unaware of the 1989 classic film "Field of Dreams," I would have not understood that tweet." EDIT - Keepin' it real, dawgz.
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